
Friday, January 8, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #2

First off...happy 86th birthday Elvis.  

(Gimme da vapors.  via

Secondly, happy Friday! I hope you all have had a productive or relaxing first week of the new year or a happy mix of both.  Sadly, I wasn't on the ball with dinners this week so we're going to have to jump right into...

The Quick-and-Dirty Workout for Recovering Your Body on New Year’s Day  (I don't need it to be dirty but I'll take quick.)

The Best Core Workout for People With Back Pain  (Core strength is everything.)

15 Bloating Remedies That'll Finally Get Rid of That Puffy Stomach Feeling  (You mean your belly isn't supposed to sound like a melon being thumped?)

The All-Natural Way to Get Rid of Rings on a Wood Table  (Always a good trick to have in your back pocket.)

These Are All of the Slang Terms You're Too Old to Use After 40  (I read this so you don't have to. Because you know what else you're "too old for" after 40?  Reading dipshit lists like this that tell you how you should and shouldn't speak based on ageism.  So totes bite me while I put you on blast, author person.)

We are kickin' back this weekend and taking some deep breaths to re-adjust to non-holiday life.  I'm looking forward to a cup of hot chocolate, flipping on the fireplace and doing whatever the heck we want.  

How was your week?  Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. Right now, I plan to sleep in tomorrow. Past 2 mornings have consisted of waking up way too early!

  2. I send a picture to a friend a couple of weeks ago and she responded with "totes adorbs!" I literally had to look up what the heck that meant -- and she's 5 years older than me! LOL
    Doing usual stuff for the weekend but I'm ahead in some areas so it won't be a frantic few days of trying to cram it all in. I may attempt the car wash today with the pooches because we're not supposed to have snow or rain for the next weeks so maybe I can get seven days of no salt on my clothes. ha!
    Have a delightful weekend of relaxing and enjoying some down time with no time pressure.

  3. OMG YOLO Fam! Nope, not for me. There are several on this list that make my ears bleed and hurt even when they are uttered by teenagers. (those three being top of the list). But I do regularly use others on the list. I'm going to try a few of the recipes on that link in the next couple of weeks as the weather is supposed to turn cold again this weekend.


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