
Monday, January 18, 2021

Perspective, Creepers and Mystery in Vegas

Happy Monday everyone.  I hope you had a good weekend and high five to the ones who get an extra day off.  I encourage you to watch The Witness from the Balcony of Room 306 if you're able to find it.  We have the DVD which is apparently out of print now but it is quite possibly the most impactful thing you will ever watch in your life.  We saw it at the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis and I wept in front of a room full of people like a baby.  I can only imagine seeing it again after the civil unrest last year is going to be even more impactful as we watch it.

Over the weekend, we went to an antique shop.  Some of the local shops are doing private shopping appointments so why not?  

I got a vintage crock to hold my classic masher and vintage rolling pin I got in Vermont.  Shout out to Wigren~Barlow Art & Antiques.

We finished The Affair Saturday night.  It was okay but left some big things unresolved and the series is over so no chance of it being answered or wrapped up.  We're both just glad we'll never have to see Whitney again.  One big thing it did was really open our eyes to perspective.  This is something we've always known and been aware of.  There's this therapy exercise where you look at an alarm clock.  You describe the side you're looking at, your partner describes the side they're looking at.  You're looking at the same object but one side has a clock face, hands, etc.  The other side has a back, battery cover or cord, maybe a sticker with model numbers on it, etc.  Neither are wrong but you see one side, they see another.  With The Affair, so many details were different depending on who was relaying the story from clothes worn to attitude and even bigger items.  It really would be so interesting to get people's perspectives about one event to see how everyone viewed it.  


Sunday was a nice lazy day.  We had brunch then later we napped on the couch while listening to Marc Maron's IG porch session and then our Vermont station.   It was getting late and I wanted to walk so we got 2 miles in with the park with some creepers checking us out.

When we got back, I made Beyond Burgers and potato wedges.  I got out an activity that I originally got for quarantine but had too much to do to get to it.  I got a box from Finders Seekers from Cratejoy which is kind of like a virtual escape room/mystery activity.  Once the Mr opened it, we saw it was in Las Vegas (they're in different cities.)

I was hoping for a different city since that was the least favorite of the ones listed but you have no choice of the city unless they have a bunch left from a previous month.  I almost bought Toronto but I didn't know which one we had so I didn't want to risk duplicating.  It was a good way to have something different to do for about 60-90 minutes.  I'm not going to lie, we gave up on a few and had to get the answer because I'm not a riddle person and after a while I start to feel like it's a waste of time and aggravating...shocking, I'm sure.   I just ordered another one so we'll whip that out when we are bored.  It's $30 but you can find a 50% off coupon on Retail Me Not and if you click 'this is a gift' it won't renew so you can try it to see if you like it.

That's about it on our end.  

How was your weekend?

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  1. I haven't seen that show, but I love that format. When one of the shows I watch does one of those episodes where it starts over from different characters' point of view it's always one of my favorites.

    Nothing doing here this weekend. The usual, housework, grading, and netflix/dvr clean out.

  2. I did enjoy that Finders Seekers challenge. It was nice to see what a great team we make and seeing the congrats at the end was a good feeling. Good way to engage our brains for a change, that's for sure!

  3. It was a very relaxing weekend. Phone meeting early Saturday morning, then grocery shopping. I dropped coupons and magazines in my friend's mailbox, and that was the last time I left the house. Worked on the kitchen table landing spot and got through quite a bit. Today I'll be breaking down boxes and putting together a darling crate table that I'm going to use for my office stuff so it's not all strewn across the table. Will still be in the the kitchen, but far more organized. I watched football and figure skating, but didn't get to my DVD stuff yet.


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