
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Just call me...

Gimpy McGimperson.


I had the Mr bring up the bins for me when he got up for work so they'd be all in my face and motivate me to take down the rest of the decorations.  I putzed away the morning and just before he was coming down for lunch I decided to get some of the stuff closest to me boxed up.  My oblique/lat was really sore then just as I reached up to grab something off the mantel, I felt it tighten.  I boxed it up but with each passing second, searing pain was setting in until I was bent over and not really able to move.  I have reached the age where I apparently throw out my back sitting.  The Mr attempted to dig in a bit to the spot I suspected was the culprit, bless his heart.  It did nothing because despite having big bear paws, he has like zero ability to dig in where massage in the back or shoulders are concerned.  This is a universal problem as two of my past masseuses were like "yeah, dudes have ZERO digit strength."  (Aww man, remember massages?  I'm going to schedule two 60 minute sessions back to back when it's finally safe since I can never seem to get the 90 minute one when I ask for it.  Or maybe I'll book one with one lady doing one kind then go across the hall to the other lady.  heh heh...Imma work the system!  These are the things I daydream about now.)

Once the Mr pumped me full of ibuprofen (no effect) and went back upstairs for his zillion calls, I used The Stick to at least get my back so I could stand upright which was a plus.  I was able to put away two bins worth of Christmas stuff before the back started tightening up again.  I threw out my ambitious plans to cook together  and pulled the last serving of Ina's lobster pot pie out to thaw because I couldn't fathom doing more than I had to that night.   All I'd done up to that point for exercise during the week was a resistance band workout and a 3 mile WATP.  If I was going to be that screwed up from those two things, this was going to be a long road back to where we were before the holidays.  I just do not have time for that crap.

I knew doing WATP was out because it's not just walking in place but side steps, leg curls ("kickbacks"), knee lifts and kicks.  My legs were just not having it.  I figured we could start walking around the hood for a while and if I needed to go back, we could.  I did pretty good the first two laps and the third lap there was a nice shooting pain in the bottom of my right foot.  (In the TMT joint which was also sore on my left foot by now.)  I was just irritated all around because I was dealing with pain in both feet, my inner thighs were sore, and of course the lovely phantom of the back pain that could seize up on me at any moment.  My stamina was pure crap too.  I don't know if when it's cold outside everything just feels harder but I usually improve breath wise with each lap but I wasn't.  I was wearing the heavy coat so it's like an extra 7 lbs to carry with the wind whipping at us at dark as I limped home.

I had to ice my foot and started scraping the right arch and I felt a shooting pain and looked and sure enough, I'd busted a damn blood vessel on the bottom of my foot!  I bust them in my fingers all the time lifting weights though I try to mitigate with gloves and padded grips because the heavier I go, the more likely it is to happen.  I think the foot thing might've happened the previous night when I was doing child's pose.  I was pointing my toes back and trying to stretch the muscles on my shins, then I curled my toes under to stretch the arch and I think it might've happened then.  I let the Mr. know I had one and if I died, that's where it came from.  I iced it, scraped my legs with the Graston tool and massaged what I could.  We did Chest and Tri's last night and I had to go back to 10 lbs on some moves if I didn't want to be totally useless today.  ARG!  I don't know how taking it easy by not going nuts on HIIT and crap like that is working out to be just as crippling to both of us.  YEESH!

2021 keeps on delivering, yo.

How's your week going?

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  1. It is sad how easily it is to get back to feeling like everything hurts again after being away from it. Not that being away from it is good at all but at least you don't feel like a truck ran over you most of the time.

  2. The week went by incredibly fast. I had my annual physical and it cracked me up with the doc doing the actual physical exam part. He was more like a catcher doing baseball signs for all the pressure he put on my body when checking my neck, stomach, etc. Never checked eyes, nose, ears, but they sure were marked off as in good shape! Then I had a meeting at work before attempting to find the county health dept for Saturday. Me being me, I naturally turned right instead of left which took me all kinds of fun places. Went back to my original spot, plugged in the address, and sure enough I was only 1.2 miles away! ROFL Now I know where it is. Ha!


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