
Friday, October 11, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Good Friday morning to you all!  I've had to take it easy on the exercise front this week.  My legs have been expressing their displeasure at the previous week's leg centric workouts without proper inner thigh release, then paddling, then walking the hood on asphalt.  It feels like all I'm doing lately is pushing on painful fascia in my quads and inner thighs to break things up.  

(This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.  If you buy through them, I'll get a few cents commission for blog expenses.)

We have been squeezing in some Halloween movies where we can.  We've gotten through Scream, Waxwork, Fright Night and Nightmare on Elm Street.  We're probably going to get to Halloweentown this weekend.  Fun Facts:  Did you know Marnie (Kimberly J. Brown) has an Etsy shop?  Also, did you know that she and Kal from Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge are dating in real life!?  Check out her IG for proof!

I've got a little to do and a lot of time to do it.

I need to make a to do list pronto because so much is coming due this week and I'm wiggin' yo. 

But first, let's get into... 

What Is Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?   (This was the catalyst for our weight loss initially.)

5 Therapists Shared Their Simple Tips For Managing Anxiety If You Don't Have a Therapist   (Number 4 is a good one for sure)

Here's What Causes Charley Horses and How To Get Rid Of Them  (Those are the worst!)

7 Best Ways Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Your House, According to Bug Experts  (Speaking of the worst...)

31 Ways to Fake a Clean House   (We need all the help we can get!)

6 Reasons You Need to Get Better at Saying No  (For the Mr)

The Signpost: Searching for the Perfect Epitaph  (We do feel it's important especially since it is for those left behind in most cases.  It was very upsetting to the entire family that the only thing on grandma's stone was "loving wife."  She filled that out when she had already been diagnosed.  I put a flag on her grave that has her picture and also says "loving mom and grandma" and everyone has said how much better it makes them feel to see that.  I'm pretty sure mine will say "wife, traveler, daughter, and friend.  Lover of animals and music."  On the back, we want to take a page from someone else's we saw that said "come back and see us, we'll be here!"  ROFL)

Airplane Water Quality Is Even Worse Than Previously Believed  (Well, this is disgusting)

4 Ways Childhood Emotional Neglect Makes You Vulnerable to Workplace Bullies  (Really interesting stuff)

The Best Weekend Getaways To Go On This October  (Bye!)

Only 1980s Kids Will Remember These Restaurants   (Which was your fave?)

It's someone's birthday weekend!  We're doing a road trip to one of our favorite restaurants since we're not impressed with anything our neck of the woods has to offer.  They have a wicked fried chicken for him and I'll get their Thanksgiving dinner because I always crave that this time of year like a jackal.  Hopefully, the birthday boy likes his presents!

What are y'all up to this weekend?  

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  1. It's kind of weird being home for my birthday as it seems like we're usually on some kind of trip. But I like it and I am also glad we still get to get out of town if even just for a nice meal out, and I always look forward to walking around that town too. Especially in the fall. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I think I only recognized 2 of those restaurants, but I don't think either was where I lived, so I must have seen them on a vacation at some point.

    Happy Birthday to the Mr!! Enjoy your nice weekend out for a yummy meal, along with gorgeous weather!

    The hubs has to work tomorrow, so I'll grocery shop in the morning and work on laundry. Sunday we will be buying a new tv for the living room that went kaput on us on Monday. I had given the hubs a gift card for the tv purchase when he was ready to buy and he thought he'd wait until closer to Christmas. Well, this little bugger had other ideas, so we're getting it now. And we'll be doing some furniture shopping afterwards as well. I'm looking forward to looking around, so hopefully we'll get a couple of key items we need. Definitely won't be cutting the lawn since it's going to be blustery cold all weekend!

    Have a super duper weekend!

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