
Monday, October 7, 2019

Paddling Weekend Recap

I can't believe it but we finally got out for a paddle Saturday!  What's more, I can't believe it was our first paddle of the the end of the season.  Maybe we'll be able to get in another one or two on a weeknight or something since it looks like...I don't want to jinx it.  We'll just say the weather looks favorable for the foreseeable future.

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We had to play it by ear because last week's workout schedule was very leg centric by accident and by Friday, I was dealing with almost the exact same situation I was on the infamous Valentine's Day lockdown of 2018.  Not wanting to stroke out this time, I rolled the hell out of them, slathered myself in Epsom salt gel, released as many muscles and bunged up fascia as I could find and hoped for the best.  When I went to bed, I popped a leftover Ibuprofen 800 left from said incident for some relief for the next day.  Luckily, I felt at least okay enough to paddle and just had to remember to keep my legs completely loose as I tend to tighten them on the downstroke.  I packed a picnic and we put our new collapsible cooler through its inaugural test.  As usual, I headed straight for the lilypads.

Sadly, because it's so late in the season the lotus flowers had already bloomed and were dead.

But it was still cool to see what was left.

I could still smell the fragrance of them and I don't know if something is left in the pods or if it was a trick of the mind but it was heavenly.  I love to watch the water bead up on the lily pads and just hang out for a bit.  It was sunny but with streaks of wispy white breaking up the blue skies.  I wish I could say Fall colors had hit but the leaves were that almost chartreuse color they get about a week before the real color show starts.  It's like you can see the transition about to happen.

The Mr was in his element as well.

We got to a shallow, private part and tested our new rescue plan.  If he goes down or is unable to paddle due to his new health reality, we got some D rings glued onto my yak and heavy duty straps to join his board with my yak.  We tested out what kind of drag I might have and thankfully, it wasn't much at all.

The water level was lower so I was literally dragging ass in a few spots until we got into deeper water and headed to our usual picnic spot.

I packed turkey and swiss croissants, chips, crackers and an orange.

The cooler worked great and it was nice to chill and watch the water.

We paddled almost 3 miles and of course, the wind was against us on the way back as it always is.  Thankfully, even though the Mr had to put in a little more effort, he felt okay paddling and I know that worried him as we were going through all of the tests and never being given a straight answer for so long.

Afterward, we drove past the place my mom will be moving to and since the Mr turned the wrong way, I turned on the GPS to one of my favorite nearby stores.  Sadly, she didn't have anything I couldn't live without.  She does have two pieces I like there that have been there a while but I can't bring myself to pay $40 and $45 for them.  I know, cheap.  Then we headed home and unloaded the car to let the stuff dry in the garage.  We had dinner and watched the game then off to bed.

Sunday, we were both feelin' it and the Mr requested a rest day and I had to listen to my body on that one.  I made brunch and Foodsaved some stuff waiting in the freezer.  We got together some stuff strewn about to be donated and the Mr dropped those off and the recycling while I got his turkey ready for the week.  We decided before the night got away from us that we should finish up our grocery shopping.  I let some parsnips go bad last time so I grabbed two more and when we got home I threw those, turnips, an onion and a big sweet potato in the food processor.  I wanted to try my hand at a roasted root veggie rice for lunches and it smelled heavenly.

I made grilled cheese (Cotswold and Brie) and soup for dinner.  (Tomato for me, chicken noodle for him.)   Then we decided to watch the scintillating Brother sewing machine instructional DVD.  Um, this was clearly made in 1983 even though it's copyright 2011.  Someone threw it online if you need a sleep aid and want to see what I'm talking about.   So I now know no more about how to use it than I did before those 18 minutes.  I'll just box it back up since I'm in the 30 day return period.

How was your weekend?

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  1. It was the perfect day to get out on the water and better late than never. Perfect picnic spot too. It was a great day and just what I needed!

  2. So glad you guys got out and had a wonderful time! Sounds like a perfect weather day, which always makes things better. My weekend was good. Errands, shopping, meandering with the hubs at Home Goods and Hobby Lobby for a specific table I'm looking for, and typical house stuff. I wasn't terribly motivated on that front due to some work stresses, so I did what I had to do, and gave myself the mental time off. Today the hubs works half a day so he can get his stitches removed and I'll be at a couple of appointments and doing a quick run to the grocery store while he's doing that. Perfect weather day is in store so I'm hoping to get the pups out to the park too.

  3. We did an overnight getaway. We drove through the mountains to see the leaves changing (supposed to be at their peak this last weekend) which was beautiful, but we don't get the deep oranges and reds here. One day I'd like to go to Maine in the fall. Then we stayed overnight in a town about an hour away and hit their awesome farmers market Saturday morning. We got a couple varieties of goat cheese there, and got to meet one of the goats. I know that's such a city girl thing to get excited about.

    I'm glad you guys made it out for a paddle. I hope the weather holds and you get at least one more trip out on the lake.


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