
Monday, June 3, 2019

Welcome June Weekend Recap

June is always a sad month in our parts because it means we can no longer look at the calendar and see when we were blissfully somewhere else.   It's also sad because we're doing Joel Freeman and Shaun T's hybrid workout calendar from April and it's basically doing two workouts a day for the next month.  Funny, there was a time I was looking forward to it and now that it's here, the dread has set in for Friday me. 

Friday night, we had some bad Mahi from Trader Joe's and we both felt sick after.  You know when you thaw something and it smells weird but you cook it and eat it anyway because you figure 20 minutes in the oven will kill it off?  Just me?  For 90 minutes, I was pretty close to yakking.  Thankfully, I felt better when it was time for my Epsom salt bath.  I'm going to try to get into the habit of every Friday night to take a 20 minute Epsom salt bath since it helped me so much last week and this week too.  I spend all week breaking my body down and I splurged and got this 5 lb bag of lavender Epsom salt to have the supply on hand.  I know I'll be jacking up the temp and extending the time this Friday fo' sho.  Then the next day it was time to face reality...

"I'm waiting for you."

Saturday was a bit of a mental clusterf**k day for me.  Even though I lost weight and should've been happy, we received a package of cookies from our former cable company that morning and I resolved not to eat any.  Five minutes later I was peeking in the box.  Two minutes later I was eating a cutout cookie because they were ridiculously soft.  It was good.  We tried two other cookies and I ate a bite from each and stopped.  I told him we were taking them to the hospice place that took care of Grandma twice for respite care.  Despite stopping and getting them out of the house, it pulled me into a vicious mental tape the entire day because that wasn't what I wanted that day and I let something control me because it was there.  I wrote down the things I said in my head and even writing it down made me cry but having it repeat in my head was brutal.  To top it off, the place I chose for dinner ended up leaving me feeling sick because I swear it tasted like spoiled meat.  I told the Mr it tasted like the time we forgot to wash our paddling shoes and found them a week later by smell alone, sole and all.  I think I've determined, much to my dismay, that if we want a burger for dinner, I'm going to have to make it.  The amount of extra crap that restaurants put into their meals is ridiculous.  My friend and I discussed the day before how restaurants the past few years have been a big let down.  It's especially frustrating for us when we only go out 4-6x per month and they are bad then we've blown it until the following week tastewise.   Beh. We watched the movie Wine Country on Netflix before bed.  It was okay, a few good laughs but should've been better given the cast.  Tina Fey and Jason Silverman's characters were annoying enough to take you out of it when they showed up but still worth a watch if you're bored.

Sunday I woke up pretty sore from the Dirty 30 workout from Friday.  We conquered Mount Laundry and around 11am, I asked the Mr if he wanted lunch or brunch and he voted brunch so I made that and we watched some First Time Flipper episodes while we digested.  Then we had to go out back and get the beastbrella moved.  Thankfully that was less painful than I'd built it up in my head but still a pain in the butt.  We prepped the concrete pad that we're having dealt with today.  It seems between having the patio redone and the A/C replaced last summer, our concrete pad decided to sink in the back, leaving pools of standing water whenever we water the plants.  It's always somethin' ain't it?

We finally stopped stalling and went down around 4pm and did Day 1 of the hybrid.  I just love coming up with new curse words and horrible names to call them.  What we did not love is how instantly sore we were within 30 minutes with increasing soreness with each passing half hour.  We still had 2 more grocery stores to hit and a quick trip to Home Depot for drop cloths.  We got home and I made dinner while the Mr cut my veggies and melons for the week.  We had vegan brats, salad and these babies...

(Grilled peach with vanilla mascarpone)

We could feel our bodies sucking every calorie of energy from dinner.  I think we're in for it this month for sure and I see a lot of Epsom salt rub in between baths.

How was your weekend?

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  1. Weird weekend for sure. Hard to believe it's June but we'll be too sore to notice from the looks of things. Those workouts are no joke!

  2. What a beautiful weekend it was. Grad party on Saturday and planted my veggies Sunday. Had a couple friends over for an impromptu bbq and then a nice nappy.
    Have a great week!

  3. Mine was okay. Saturday was a mtg and grocery shopping, and a load of laundry. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't do much else that I can remember. Sunday was a gorgeous day (literally, the perfect summer day in my opinion and not one degree more. lol), and we cut the lawn and I did some tree trimming with my arms above my head for quite a while to snip off all those suckers from the limbs. Finished the laundry then made supper, to which we ate early since the hubs needed to be in bed early for work. I had numerous things to do to prepare for my doc appt. this morning so I worked on that as well as the garbage and recycling odds and ends. I was up at 4am today since I had three appts this morning, so I'll be needing a nap in a little while. Wish I would have gotten more accomplished, but feeling icky didn't bode well for any extras getting done.


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