
Monday, June 10, 2019

Week One and You Painted What? Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone!

Friday morning was one of amazement because we had a service person 1) show up on time to the minute 2) do the job right 3) was polite and cleaned up and 4) told us how to save money on another job we are calling him back to do.  I'm confused.  I'm befuddled.  I need smelling salts. You can bet he will be our plumber from this point on should we need one!!

Friday was also the official end of week one of the LIIFTformation calendar.  We got our butts beyond handed to us, and while it was hard and challenging, it was the good kind.  The kind that warranted me over 700-900 calorie burns on half the workouts!  The Mr knows I usually curse during workouts, but there were some new ones created for sure.  I spent three of those days with my strap on ice packs on my knees because step workouts alone are challenging, but Shaun T's are some level that makes you question his sanity.  (I guess he did invent the Insanity workouts so yeah, confirmed.)  You add those before or after a full lift session with Joel four days a week, and your butt is TIRED!  We actually did half of them early to work around schedules for things but were soooo thankful they were done for the day because there is an impending dread when you have to wait when your workouts are that challenging.  We have to modify the step things quite a bit (even some of the skinny folk have problems keeping up on there) but it by no means makes it easier.  We're soaked every single time.  Last night started week two, and as with each progressing week, they are going to get harder.

This week will be the actual test because I lost my "period two" and was a little irritated that I didn't get at least one extra pound than I consistently lose each month when Aunt Flo is in town.  So I'll be happy if this week warrants the same loss.

That night we went to Home Depot to get the concrete paint for the AC pad so we would have it to get done early and be on our way.  Saturday was the one day I was looking forward to going to this shop about 25 minutes away to look at some frillies I thought I saw for the house.  They're only open three days a week, and if you don't get there early, you might as well forget it.  The Mr taped off the area...

...and I painted on the schtuff.  I knew immediately it was wrong.  The little dot on the top of the lid looked like the right color, but it did not look remotely close on the pad.  I said it needed to dry way darker and hoped it would.  It didn't...even after another coat. 

Next came a series of unfortunate miscommunications that left the Mr and I ripping at each other, me in tears that we're always having to friggin' fight for something to be right and going back to HD to get a way darker color because obviously getting the one that matches exactly in the brochure is going to look nothing like it.  So I went back to painting when we got home, and it looked better, still not what I wanted but I no longer cared, I just wanted it done.

We decided to eat lunch before we headed out.

Vegan burger, sweet potato fries, and corn on the cob.  Yum!

We went to the store I wanted to go to, and of course, they were sold out of the things I was interested in, and the things I thought I wanted that they did have were misrepresented in size, so it was a bummer to drive that far to come up empty-handed.  I really wish the lady who does the paintings I like would open an Etsy shop or something so we didn't have to drive that far for a crap shoot plus I wouldn't have to hear the owner's high pitched vocal fry that makes me want to drive a stake through my eye on a good day.  We stopped at another store on the way home and would you believe what I saw already?

While I love Fall as much as the next gal, I'm not quite ready for it yet, but pumpkins do make me smile.  We came home and painted some stones that sit on the AC pad to keep critters out.  The Mr didn't think it would look good, I thought it would so we painted two sides to keep our options open.  We left the paint liner outside to get a couple things done, and the Mr saw it blew over from the drop cloth to some patio stones...of course.  I told him not to wipe it, blot it up while I got hot water and soap.  I used a tile brush to wet it, and it soaked into the sand.  The Mr said it looked better with the diluted paint water.  All of this pollen from early spring settled into the sand and it looked like crap.  The thought of spending another night like this didn't sound like fun, but you know, painting sand sounds like a good way to spend a cool Saturday night, doesn't it?   We painted between each brick for just over an hour until we lost light.  We liked what we saw in the night and waited to see what it would look like in the daytime. 

A local pizza place started carrying cauliflower pizzas, and I'm pretty sure all they did was buy CauliPower crusts wholesale and put their crap on top since they only come in 10" pies.   I have to say though, we were both impressed.  I asked if they gave us the right pizza because it tasted like full on yeast crust.  We had them do it well done, so I think it helped that much more.  We'd definitely get it again, but I did make a nice hearty salad to go with it because it was basically 2" over a personal sized pizza.  Baby kale and baby spinach, dandelion greens, nutritional yeast, cauliflower, broccoli, and red cabbage.  Then we binge-watched season two of Cobra Kai until 1:30am.  Zabka is the man.

Before we knew it, it was Sunday, we felt broken just from 70 minutes contorted the night before, and we had a scintillating day of paver sand painting ahead of us.  We streamlined the process with food squirt bottles for the diluted paint and paper towels or else we'd still be painting.  It was still a pain in the...well, everywhere because I think we were out there for 5 hours total.  Then, you know, we still had the LIIFTformation workout to do which was Chest and Tri's and 20 minutes of hell on a step.  We both wanted to skip soooo bad, but we didn't, and while I'm proud of us, it sucked.  We had to get some produce for the week, and with each minute, I could feel my body stiffening more and more. 

We got home, and the Mr cut my watermelon and cantaloupe while I finished this up.  I popped ibuprofen to hopefully help with this insanity.  I know you're all jealous that you didn't get to paint sand this weekend too.

So how did you spend your weekend?

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  1. I am so glad wee figured out a faster method or we'd still be out there. We should patent that process. It sucked doing it but there is no denying that it looks amazing. Now if we can just seal it that way we should be good!

  2. Friday I was off to a Cubbie game with a few friends, was a perfect day without a cloud in the sky. Saturday we went to a memorial bbq. Yesterday was work my ass off day in the yard. I went to a friend's house for breakfast and then proceeded to dig up half of her hostas. I didn't realize that there would be embedded lava rock around all the houses. It was pure hell. I planted them around a tree in my yard and then use the extra dirt to fill in the five spot where I had stumps ground out. I cut the grass, then worked in grass seed and watered. Then I moved on to the pool where I shocked it for about the 20th time this year. It's still cloudy which is a bummer. Then I went on my roof and rearranged the downspout configuration and cleaned out the gutters. My starter tomato plants were looking bad so I went to the hardware store and bought some and planted those. I took Mom and puppy to Mickey D's for an ice cream cone. I grilled all beef hot dogs for dinner. I ended my night with an Epsom salt Bubbly Bath and then passed out on the couch for the night. Have a great week!

  3. Saturday I had a great meeting in the morning, then we attempted to take the dogs to the park only to find out the path is closed for a month for repaving, which is surprising because I thought the path was in excellent shape as it was. So the hubs took them around the neighborhood while I worked on some house stuff and exercised. We got the lawn cut the night before so it was wonderful to enjoy the weekend without that hanging over our heads. Sunday we grocery shopped and I finished laundry and worked on some medical stuff, and then ran a couple of errands. The hubs took half a day today so he'll be home around 9:30 and will call the blacktop people to schedule a time to have our driveway spruced up with sealcoating and having some cracks filled in. Then he said he'd call a couple of places we want to come out to give us estimates on getting new windows and sliding door. I have 3 appointments today so I'm thrilled he'll be home to handle those phone calls. It's a gorgeous day out, so I'm hoping to enjoy some time outside with the pups when I get home.

  4. I guess I would rather paint sand as opposed to pounding sand. We took a walk on the river front, and saw some huge speed boats and did you know you can get a mazeratti for the low low price of only $144,000? Yep, quite the educational walk for us.


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