
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

So, I'm Curious...

How many of you actively work out and/or eat healthy most of the time.  I'd like to hear from as many people as possible including you lurkers.  I don't bite.  😏

How many days a week do you work out, and what are your favorite types of workouts?

How many days a week do you eat healthy (if at all and it's okay if you're not there yet) or do you follow a more 80/20 approach daily?

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  1. I workout 6 days a week, no excuses. I also eat healthy 6 days a week, allowing myself that 1 cheat day. Lately, though, cheat days are getting more sensible which I think is a big change and will help a lot in the long run.

  2. I am on ww and eat healthy about 80 percent of the time. Never been alone to work out much, just walking the doggie and extensive yard work. Have a great day!

  3. I work out 5-6 days per week, doing a variety of things: walking, cardio at he gym (usually elliptical) and weight training. I try to make a couple of sessions HIIT. I eat "healthy" most of the time, although I don't think of it that way - it's just the way I eat! I may have a meal out once a week and if I do, it may be higher in calories, or maybe not. If I do eat out I expect it to be higher in fat & salt no matter what! LOL And sometimes I will have a less healthy evening snack (like an ice cream sandwich) - or not, depending on what I want. Sometimes it's a protein shake.

  4. Currently I work out 6 days a week doing 80 day obsession. I go through peaks and valleys working out. So before I started that a month ago, I hadn’t consistently worked out since October. Before October I consistently worked out for about 5 months. My eating is up and down so I eat probably 60/40 healthy/“unhealthy” though I might be being a little hard on myself. It’s a journey for sure!

  5. I have always been pretty good about working out consistently (with a few periods of slacking off). I run 2-3 days a week and do either a gym workout or a barre or pilates class another two ish days per week, and I also try to walk my dog 4-5 times a week as well.

    On the eating front, I consider myself pretty healthy - currently trying to lose a little weight (like 10-15 pounds), so I'm a little more focused on it than usual, but even my regular eating habits would probably seem "healthy" to many people. But then again, I do love chips and queso (and wine, which is probably my biggest weight loss issue right now).

  6. I don't work out like I did when I was younger. Now, especially with the ESRD, I walk for my work out. I also life light weights. My eating has improved since I've cut red meat out of my diet. I have one or two veggie-only days and watch how much protein I eat overall. But I do have a little cheat day once a week. Nothing too crazy but I do LOVE my guacamole!

  7. My eating is about 80/20 with meal planning/prepping for 15 meals a week and 4 "cheat" meals - usually for weekend days(when I generally sleep late so only eat 2x) but can be swapped for a weekday prepped meal if something comes up. As far as exercise, I have a rule where i have to do at least 30 minutes of something 5x/week. Most of the time it's just walking but sometimes I swim/elliptical/yoga/bike. Eventually I will up the intensity but for now the goal is just to keep moving.

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  9. It would help if I put my reply on the right blog instead of on the jalapeno sauce one! Durp! I exercise most days of the week, with a mix of WATP videos, hydrotrak pool, and walking at the park. When we take the dogs to the river I don't log that time because it's a lot of stop and go, but it's for a long length of time, so I know I'm still getting movement in. I do weights on video twice a week, and most low-key weights on my stability ball two days a week. As for food, that's more topsy turvy because my meal times are not set. But I have a new plan that I'm working on to combat that issue so I can eat what I need to consistently regardless of what my day looks like. There's some things I need to eliminate completely because of health reasons and because of compulsion that are just triggers that send me off and running at weeks at a time, so I've been coming to terms with that reality and having to say no period. It's amazing how mentally scary that is -- that by itself has given me great insight into just how much food has dominated my life.

  10. My days tend to vary depending on my work load. I've been doing a lot of travel for work, so it has me out of my routines. I've been trying to make sure that I spend at least a half hour on the treadmill in my basement before work 4 times a week and make it to a yoga class at least once per week. Anything over and above that is considered a bonus.

    As for eating, it all depends on what life brings me. When I am on the road for work, it is a lot of restaurant based foods. But when I am at home, I'll make myself a healthy breakfast, pack a healthy lunch to take with me to work, and then supper can be a mixed bag, as my partner is typically the one who cooks. Overall I would say I eat somewhere between a 60/40 and a 70/30 split.

  11. I'm really up and down with both food and exercise. Some weeks I do great, other weeks... not so much. It's easier to eat right when I'm exercising too, so I try to do both, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. My preference is to take a class (I like zumba the best, but I've been taking a ReFit class that's not bad) because that way I'm accountable to show up and I have the energy of the room to help me. I have exercise videos at home, but I really don't enjoy any of them. I do like to walk when the weather cooperates and I love to swim.

  12. Thanks so much for all of the comments y'all! I love seeing what everyone else likes to do!


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