
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Just do your d*mn job!

Only Tuesday, eh?  😒

Yesterday was a tangled web of incompetence from people we needed to do the job they were paid to do.  Up until late afternoon, the imaging place we're driving 2 hours to today didn't have the paperwork they needed and it was one place pointing the finger at the other place.  Finally, it seemed we had everyone on the same page including phone calls and follow-ups being done that should've been done in the first place.  It does not instill much confidence, I can tell you that.

You know what else doesn't instill confidence?  When the concrete dude that was supposed to come out to do a simple job doesn't even show up.  The Mr was told he'd come after his morning job.  This would infer to most people that it was an afternoon job.  The Mr called around 1pm to get an update and was told "4pmish" and it's currently 6:20pm with not as much as a phone call to say "sorry, this is taking longer than anticipated, are you good with this potentially going into the evening?" or "I think we're going to need to reschedule this.  For your trouble, I will waive the 3% credit card charge."  Oh sorry, that's how we'd do it if we ran a business.

Seriously people...JUST DO YOUR DAMN JOB!!!!

Update:  At 7:30 pm while eating dinner, the foreman calls to tell us the workers were still at the other job.  He could send them over but they might run out of materials and they wouldn't get here until 9:30 pm.  Yes, please send over ill-prepared, overworked workers with piss and vinegar running through their veins to do work next to the foundation of our home.

You know who did do their job?  WE DID.  When they said "4pm-ish", I asked the Mr if he was down with an early workout because I knew they weren't coming and I wasn't putting off our workout for someone else.  We did day 2 of our #liiftformation hybrid: LIIFT4: WK 1 Back & Biceps/Transform 20: WK 1 Powerful.  It was almost a full hour of torture followed by rolling and stretching.  He burned 775 and I burned 900.  I'll take it.   Dinner was scallops with tropical salsa over parmesan risotto and asparagus.

I even got fancy and grabbed some basil from my hanging containers and did a chiffonade because I'm Food Network like that.  Then we got sucked into some Pool Kings marathon which is much easier to do now with Vue.  Curses!

What BS excuses have you gotten from workers?

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  1. I could never get away with disappointing people constantly in my job and not just because I'd be afraid of getting fired but because I have a work ethic. I wish others would have enough pride in what they do that they would try harder. Seems like a lot of people just don't care anymore and it's sad that robots could do better in many cases.

  2. With a few exceptions I've had pretty good luck with contractors. The thing that never ceases to bug me though is when I take my car to a mechanic. They (several mechanics over the years, it seems to be a commonality between them) always say "I'll call when your car is done" and then never call. I drop it off in the morning, they say they're not sure when time they will finish, but they will get to it this morning and then call. I wait until 2 to follow up, and they say "oh, yeah, it's been done for hours". Dude. Tell me you're too busy to call and I'm fine with that. Tell me you just don't make that "all done" call and I'm fine with that too. Tell me I need to be the one to call you because you just get busy and forget. Again, fine. But don't tell me you will call and then don't.

  3. I can't recall too many instances of crap excuses, although I vaguely recall one time Sears didn't come out to service our oven when they were supposed to. I'm with Another Layer about car places not calling when the car is ready (or worse, if it's NOT going to be ready). Numerous times we've had to rent cars because we didn't find out early enough that the car wasn't going to be finished. That place has since shut down, but I've had that with multiple mechanics where the car is just sitting there ready to go and no call. Such a waste of time.

  4. If they are coming to your house to pour concrete late in the day there is a good chance you won't be getting quality concrete. We had to have a 10x10 pad replaced at a home because the concrete was flaking away. The concrete company we hired said the concrete was flaking because it was a poor pour, probably done at the end of the day. He said some companies will frequently add a small job at the end of the day after a big job and if they don't have enough concrete in the truck they will just add water to what they have to get the concrete they need.
    Crap excuses - I can't think of any right now. My experience has been that contractors just never return phone calls, like they don't need anymore work. Ever.


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