
Monday, June 24, 2019

Hazy Weekend Recap

It's Monday...again.  I'm here to recap scintillating tales from our weekend.

Thursday night we moved everything to the right side of the patio so I would have it clear to seal it in the earlier part of the day.  I didn't get started until 11am because they were mowing before that and I didn't want it kicked into the setting sealant.  It was white, which worried me, but all of the reviews said it dried clear.   You ever get that feeling where you're like...

It rolls on clear(ish), but if there were dips and valleys in the stone, it would pool white.  I would grab my roller and kind of suck it out of there with it.  I let a LOT of it snake through the cracks in between to hopefully get that damn sand to finally solidify.  I had the Mr take a look 4 hours later, and we both were not happy to see a haze over all of the stones, but it's not like I couldn't seal the other side, so we moved all of the crap over, and I sealed the other half.

It does do its job, and hopefully, the haze dissipates with more rain.  I was drained, and the last thing I wanted to do was a workout even if it was a lighter one from Shaun T.  We both almost passed out on the couch when the phone rang and sent us to the ceiling.  It was a nurse telling us the next test that needed to be done since they did the wrong one in the first place and are trying to patient blame for us going to a different facility to save $500.  It's a clusterf**k from hell, and if you'd told us in March we still wouldn't have answers until July,  I'd have jumped off a bridge.  This is no way to live, and we are NOT going forward with this assclown being in charge of any method of care.  So hopefully we get what we need and go on the hunt for a new doc in 6 months to schedule an annual appointment if needed.

Our router has been failing on us, and the Mr wanted to get a combo cable modem/router, so he got this one after much research.  Of course, he was on the phone with the cable company for 45 minutes before they told him there was an internet outage.  Then he tried some stuff and found out it was a dud.  I wasn't wasting any more time because I had a date to meet some doggies at a shelter an hour away.  Two eldery rat terriers caught my eye, and I could've sworn that they were Toy Fox Terriers based on the pics I saw and if that was the case, I was in trouble.  I thought even though their life expectancy was only another year or two at best, that we could give them a good send off.  We got there an hour after they opened and went into a playroom.  The one was SO sweet but very, very nervous about if her sister was okay.  Her sister wanted nothing to do with us, wouldn't respond to her name, was very barky and jumped around like she was half Jack Russell.  They had to be adopted together, and that was a deal breaker given their energy.  We think the one sweet one that we liked would probably die of a broken heart without her sister to look after, and she just shook like a leaf when the other one was preoccupied which was 19 of the 20 minutes we were with them.  They made it clear they weren't going to be euthanized or anything and they would find a home where they could go together, it's just not going to be ours.  I know dogs act differently in a shelter, but we've had lots of experience with shelter dogs, and this was the opposite energy we were looking for given their age.  They're like 13 going on 13 months with anxiety and alpha issues.  But still, it was nice to get puppy kisses from one of them. 

Then we stopped by an orchard store and poked around a bit then returned the router at Wally's and picked up a new one that worked on our way home.  I knew he wouldn't be able to relax, which means I wouldn't either from his bad juju, so I told him to go home.  We grabbed dinner, and he got everything done he needed to.  We rented Happy Death Day 2U and OMG, it was so funny, and if you'd told me I'd bawl my eyes out at how heartstring pulling a movie in that genre would be, I'd have called you a liar.  I'm talking sobbing on the couch in the dark.  I know it's supposed to be a horror movie, but if you're a fan of Groundhog Day style plots, this one and the first one are great rents.  Some of the most original in the genre we've seen without being gory. 

Sunday was laundry day, and he snuck it down while I was brushing my teeth.  I looked at our workout calendar for the next two months and decided to make a tweak or two.  I've only been losing a pound despite being at a deficit that on paper should have me losing 2 lbs easily.  I think part of it is I'm holding on to so much inflammation from leg day (Thursdays) that it's carrying into Saturday's weigh in.  So I've switched up the next two months of my own LIIFTformation calendars I made to do the four hardest workouts the first four days then taper.  So Thursdays will now be Stronger, and Abs (no weights) and Fridays will be the usual T20 Balanced and rolling.  I'm hoping that switch will give my body some time to calm down because I'm just way too sore every Saturday.  I needed to use my shiatsu thingy on my legs so I could even walk to go down and weigh in.  Fingers crossed this will make July a little less traumatic on my body.  The Mr is burnin' through the pounds though so congrats to him!

I suggested we get our workout done sooner than later and my Lord.  It was Chest, and Tri's from LIIFT 4, and I had some kind of tweak in my shoulder joint that was shooting pain.  The Mr massaged it for me in between sets, and it helped quite a bit.  After that, it was Transform 20 Powerful, and I think I called them both "dickbags from hell" throughout the whole thing even whilst rolling and stretching.  I'm waiting for the day I'm as excited as Soleil that the workout is over because I would actually be able to raise my arms up.

(via Pinterest)

When it was done, I got straight to making lunch which was Beyond Burgers with kale and caramelized onions I had going while we worked out and potato wedges.  Then I got in the shower to try to bring my broken body back to life at 2pm.  We grabbed some produce from the grocery then went for a drive in the country, which sadly doesn't look like it's going to be country much longer in some sections.  God, I hate "progress."  "Oh, you have an alpaca farm that's been there for 15 years?  Sorry, we think a strip mall where literally no other stores exist is a good idea."   We came home, and I made dinner while we watched Mr. Mom and wished for the simpler world we were watching.  That was about it for the weekend.

How was your weekend?  Get into anything fun?

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  1. It was a bit of a frustrating weekend but at least everything we set out to do is done. Everyone have a great week!

  2. Wow that sucks about the test, grrrrr!
    I recently got the combo router/ modem and I can't believe how much faster my Speed is. On Friday I had a half day and worked in the yard in the afternoon. Saturday morning was blood donation time, then on to a surprise 80th birthday dinner for my mama. I actually pulled off the surprise this time with no one spoiling it like they did her 70th. Yesterday we had an impromptu cookout when my cousin and his wife stop by on their way back from a cubbie game. It was so nice to see them and have a laid-back cookout. Took the dog out for a walk and then it was bath time and early to bed. What a nice weekend. Have a great week

  3. I'm glad you found a modem/router that works well! We have issues with our router from time to time, and this is the second one after the first one petered out on us. The patio looks really nice! I know you are sooooooo happy to have that behind you now! No more hauling super heavy duty umbrellas and stands ever again!
    Weekend was good with errands and setting up a new printer. We thought we were good to go, but then the computer couldn't find the printer so it was a 2 hour process of restarting the router, and reconfiguring some stuff and we are now in action! We had an issue with the old computer where it'd be offline for no reason so when it happened this time (after printing out a quality report just fine!) I knew there was a work around. So we both got an education and I was thrilled to print out my July bill list. LOL And a little while ago I printed out a medical report and it's a thing of beauty! So thank you for the great tip! Was ready 10 minutes after ordering it. I got behind on laundry so today I'll be washing sheets and cleaning the stove top. Never again will I buy a black stove --ever! The dust that collects from little grease splatters that aren't visible with the naked eye is insane. So my grates and knobs will go in the dishwasher while I scrub the rest down. I had two appts this morning and ran to three different stores so my outside errands are done on this hot and humid and potentially rainy day. Hopefully a little nap is in my afternoon future! LOL


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