
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Food Review: Trader Joe's Jalapeno Sauce

Whilst dodging employees popping a squat on the floor shopping at Trader Joe's one night, I spied this sauce that was calling my name.

I'm a fan of all things spicy but jalapeno is a milder spice which means the Mr can enjoy as well without breathing fire.  I wasn't quite sure what I was going to use it for but I knew I could find something.

Here's a peek at the nutritional info:

Here are the ingredients:

But how did it taste?

I love it!  The Mr really liked it too especially given how I used it for the first time.

I made cauliflower rice with some of it mixed in and also finished grilled shrimp with it.  It's creamy, only moderate on the spice scale (if that) but you can definitely taste the jalapeno essence.  It would be a perfect marinade too for chicken or fish.  I'm not sure how well it would work with pork but steak fajitas would definitely benefit with a toss of this at the end.  Pour a little into some guac for a mild, spicy flavor while keeping the color.  The possibilities are endless and I know we'll be stocking up on a few more bottles before they yank it.  I'm going to say this is probably summer only so get it when you see it!

How would you use this sauce?

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  1. I think it could be good on a hot dog or brat too. Definitely worth picking up but as you said, get it while you can!

  2. Yumz,I would use this on anything needing a small kick. Thanks for sharing this find!

  3. I would add this to the chicken tacos I make in the crock pot and it would give it a fantastic kick. Looks delicious!

  4. I exercise most days of the week, with a mix of WATP videos, hydrotrak pool, and walking at the park. When we take the dogs to the river I don't log that time because it's a lot of stop and go, but it's for a long length of time, so I know I'm still getting movement in. I do weights on video twice a week, and most low-key weights on my stability ball two days a week. As for food, that's more topsy turvy because my meal times are not set. But I have a new plan that I'm working on to combat that issue so I can eat what I need to consistently regardless of what my day looks like. There's some things I need to eliminate completely because of health reasons and because of compulsion that are just triggers that send me off and running at weeks at a time, so I've been coming to terms with that reality and having to say no period. It's amazing how mentally scary that is -- that by itself has given me great insight into just how much food has dominated my life.

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