
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Flipping the Script

The other day I was checking in on some longtime friends from an old diet group I was in eons ago.  I asked how everyone was doing and updated them on our newest workout program and using Cronometer to track our nutrition now.  I was waiting to hear what they were up or otherwise.  The first responder said, "I’m glad you're trying something that's challenging. You two need that. I’m happy with simply walking and weights."

You two need that? and the phrase "simply walking and weights" I don't know why but something about the way I read those hit me wrong even if nothing was meant by it.

I didn't dwell on it, but I asked the Mr later on if he saw the check-in post and he said yes. He said that he wondered what she meant by that since he didn't know her but it seemed like it could be snarky or like she thought we were doing it wrong since all she has to do is walk and weights.  I responded to her about some other things and told her we tried walking for six months last year and got all hot and sweaty for zero pounds or inches lost, so, unfortunately, that approach didn't work for us.  (Lest she thinks we didn't try something along those lines, we did, it just got us nowhere except tired because we got up earlier to do it.)  Her response was, "I know you like challenges."

And I thought, "you know what?  I do like challenges!"

Regardless of what her intent was and I hope it wasn't negative even if it kind of came off that way to us, I wish I was someone who could walk and get results.  I might be able to maintain with that method, but I can't lose weight or inches doing it.  She took a different weight loss path than we did and walking and weights work for her, and good for her.  We all think that the way we're doing things is the right way to do it, but the fact is we're each doing things the right way for us.  Each person's health journey is different and what works for you, won't work for someone else whether it's with your food or your movement.  Our genetic and gut make up are completely different from each other.  Heck, sometimes what works for you for a long time suddenly won't work anymore!  Then you have to look at other opportunities to change things up, throw your body off, and work to get things moving in the right direction again.  You have to ask yourself if you're just putting in the bare minimum to get by then wondering why you're not seeing results.

Am I whooped and feel kinda broken some days with this new program?  Yes but I know I'm also still adapting to it, and it gives two less amped days of the week (Tuesday and Friday), so your body can recover a bit before a full rest day on the seventh day which is a better approach than we've taken in the past.  I don't know if this will be our big plateau buster or not but we won't know until we try.  I don't know if people are looking at what we're doing and going, "why are you doing something so hard when you don't need to?" and the answer is because I can.  I watched my mother struggle for over a full minute to come up two steps into our house last week with the aid of a cane and the Mr.  That ain't gonna be me if I can help it.

When the day comes that I'm looking to maintain on purpose and can do walking and weights, I'm all for it.  I know I have a lifetime of mental struggles to get past to be successful with the rest of the weight I have to lose.  I know that my knee jerk reaction is always negative and trying to read between the lines.  I'm trying to flip the script and accept the compliment in what she said that may or may not be there.

In the end, even though I hate the saying, it's true...

I will continue to walk the path that we set for ourselves picking up bits of knowledge along the way and tweaking as needed.

How do you flip the script when faced with a comment you don't know how to take?

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  1. I try to consider the intent not the words. Did this person really try to hurt me or do they just suck at words. My son and I go at it frequently because he tries to look for a hidden meaning in what I say. I'm not one to mince my words so I struggle with this with him. We just had this conversation on Friday. He feels offended quickly and often. He now has labeled me as passive aggressive. I got a book on it at the library and honestly dont understand the concept. I dont give backhanded compliments or do mean teasing. I've read online about it but dont quite get it. I can't find a good example from him or others do I'm kinda lost on this topic.

    1. I feel ya and I do think this tends to happen a lot with parents and children whether intentional or not. I know the Mr and I struggle(d) with this with our own parents and some of them weren't word mincers either. I don't want to give advice but I will just tell you coming from a kid who feels the same that if my mom said "I need specific examples of when you think I'm being passive aggressive and how they make you feel when I say that", I could rattle off ten off the top of my head. I think so often what we say doesn't seem bad to us but if there's any question in the other person's mind, they assume it's negative. I know I'm guilty of it with the Mr and we are doing hard work to rectify that but that can be more difficult with parents and kids because the dynamic is different. Kudos to you for getting a book on it and trying to understand the concept to improve communication. That says a lot about you and how much you love your son. He also has to be willing to speak up and not just internalize. (Coming from a lifetime internalizer! LOL)

  2. A book I'm reading right now mentions that as humans we spend half our time trying to fit in and the other half trying to stand out from the crowd. As long as I've known you, you have been one to stand out from the crowd and I celebrate that fact. No matter what her intent might have been in those words, you can take it to mean what you need it to mean for motivation. I like to think she meant it as you being up to challenges that maybe she herself is not ready for. I know you to be up to any challenge and I think readers here know that as well.

    1. Thanks hon. As a fat kid/teen/adult, I can tell you blending in has always been the goal but somehow I always stand out without that being my intent. I'm just firm in my beliefs which never seem to line up with most people. LOL I am taking the "you need challenges" or whatever as a compliment because I guess I'd rather being known for that or being "rugged" as our other friend calls us than not. :D

  3. I used to question everything anyone said to me and would seek out the offense, but by the grace of God, I've let a lot of that go because it did nothing but tire me out and then I was the one doing the judging. Someone always has an opinion about food, exercise (intensity or strictness of either one), housekeeping, socializing, etc. They are interesting conversations to have because I get to hear other people's experiences and perspectives. I used to feel the intense need to feel like I had to prove myself about every dang subject, and I'm thankful for learning that that's an awful way to live for me and really hurt my health. For a long time I went the complete opposite route, with the big chip on my shoulder, and that too was for naught. I can read between the lines when there is intent in a comment, but I'm better at remembering "take what you like and leave the rest." I have some people in my life who are controllers and tell me to do this or that and I'll listen, because I can always learn something from it, but rarely do I jump at it unless it's in line with my own beliefs on what's best for me. And if people do have negative intentions, I just keep that long spoon between us. LOL

    1. Someone definitely always has an opinion about everything, especially when it comes to getting healthier but yeah about pretty much everything else too. I wanted to ask her if she could clarify what she meant but it wasn't a big enough deal to stir things up and then have her think she couldn't say anything without me picking it apart. I was the same way (and still am to a degree as far as proving myself) but in the last few years, I've put your long spoon method into effect. And yes, take what you like and leave the rest. If you ever think I'm a controller, you know you can say "I know you have good intentions" LOL

  4. I have been in customer service for a number of years. That alone has given me an alligator hide. It has to be very personal and specific attack for me to hold on to anything anyone says to me, for me to internalize it. I usually shrug off most things and only realize bad intent when someone else points it out to me. And even then I usually think so what. I no longer have the time or energy to spend on little people with hateful little minds.

    1. Good on ya, girl! Customer service will do that to ya! I can't imagine the changes you've seen in attitudes through the years. LOL

  5. I don't know if you are a podcast person. I'm not but my husband got me to listen to this one (don't be put off by the title): There is also a transcript available. I Listened and thought "Hallelujah! Finally an expert is admitting that humans are more different from each other than we generally think and that different diet & exercise programs work differently for different people!"

    1. Ooh, he's got a lot of info on there. I'll make sure to check it out when I get a sec. Thanks for passing this along, I appreciate it!


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