
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Don't hit me and inspiration in waiting

Don't shoot the messenger but...

That means its been 6 months since we were romping in Vermont.  That made me switch over to the Trapp camera where the last time I checked it with any regularity, there was still snow.

Well, that ain't right.  Who are these cyclists taking place of snowshoers and skiers!?  What are these blue skies?  *spits on ground* 

I forgot to have my proofreader look this over so sorry if there are a bunch of typos.

Onto other news. 

It's been 10 years since we've been exercising on the regular.  We officially started in 2008, but no exercise was involved then except maybe once or twice a week as we started with working on portion control and eating slower.  In 2009, the calendar showed we started the year with it and have stuck with it since.  My mind immediately wants to apologize for not being at goal weight by now.  If you'd told me then that 10 years later I would still be this big, I may not have started.  Despite that, I have to tell myself that exercising consistently and eating right 6 days a week (sans vacations) is still something to be proud of.  In those 10 years, we've exercised in our basement.  It's unfinished and honestly, isn't a very inspiring place to be. 

Until I Kondo'd a good bit of it earlier in the year, it was like encroaching boxes, plastic filler from Amazon boxes and piles of things with no home were winning the battle.    We had our little 3x4' foam tiles, and that was it.  It was all we needed, but it doesn't feel like a space we look forward to going to six days a week.  As usual, in the middle of other projects I was in the middle of over the past few weeks, I'm like, "we should try to make over the workout space."  Before you know it, we're getting samples of wood look foam flooring, plank flooring and figuring out if we can install it over rubber mats and still have it work, etc.  The other night it was "maybe we should have the ceiling painted."  I like the way it looks, but I don't really want to go through the crap required to have that done if I'm honest.  Then I went down a Pinterest rabbit hole and yeah, I had to stop.  We did receive a sample that we both really liked, and the Mr was like "order it," but we need a place to put it when it comes in, and while I might've gotten started at the beginning of the year down there, I didn't finish it.

I hopped down there for 30 minutes the other day while the Mr was wasting time with our internet company and again yesterday.  I've got a box to donate full, another box trashed and that kind of takes care of the area by the Mr's workout space.  I need to attack my side next.  We also are going to get rid of a lot of stuff.  We have a Water Rower, which is an amazing piece of equipment...when you use it.  Depending on what we hear back, the Mr may not be able to use it anymore, and I don't ever use it and get bored on it when I do.  It takes up a good amount of room even though it folds up and it's health club grade, but I think it might be going bye bye.  I have no clue how we'll get rid of it but another problem for another day.  The same with our Total Trainers.  We do love them, but they may not be able to be part of our strength program anymore, but honestly, we use them 2-3x a year on a good year.  We also have a weight bench, but we don't use it for that purpose.  We use it as a horizontal dumbbell holder, and honestly, I'd rather just have the real thing and get the weight bench out of there.  It comes out far into my workout space so when we have to go against the wall for modified exercises, I can't do half of them (like Spiderman knee raises with a push up) because the bench is in the way.  We have to be realistic about what we choose to keep in the space and ask ourselves the questions about what we do and don't use.  My goal will be to get down there a little each day and go through one more thing to get us closer to being able to paint the long wall so the whole thing will be white wall wise.  Then we'll order the flooring, and the real fun begins.

Is your workout space inspiring?

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  1. It is a tall order but one I believe will all be worth it in the long run. It is time we did this for ourselves. We accomplished a lot in that unassuming basement, so just imagine what we can accomplish when it looks the way it deserves, we deserve, it to look.

  2. Sounds like a great plan! Little by little you will getter done!

  3. I belong to 2 gyms that I use regularly. When I workout at home its with my kettlebell and so my space requirement is minimal. I generally use the back porch or guest room, depending on the weather. I take my kettlbell with me when I travel and use it where ever is most convenient.

  4. Now that I've boxed up all the clutter in the rooms for when the window guys came, my space is much better. LOL Still have to now go through all those boxes, but, you know, that's beside the point. Ha! I use the spare room (dogs' room) and the office when I do videos. I'll occasionally use the bedroom when I need the bed for my "mat" because my knees are really bad and my exercise mat won't do for that. I bought a new stability ball that is in the living room and is my new "chair" when I'm watching tv so I can do some core exercises and hand weights while sitting on it, so I'm always moving when I'm on the thing. We do have a heavyweight boxing bag in the basement that is enormous with the stand, but we too have little room down there for it to be functional with leg kicks and such.


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