
Monday, June 17, 2019

Do they make nap pods? Weekend Recap

Googling my own question

Answer:  Yes, and I would like to crawl into one.

Friday the Mr got off early since he worked over the night before and we did a good bit of grocery shopping for ourselves.  One thing the Mr. didn't get was his cereal at Target because...seriously?

(Did you spot it?) 

Then it was off to the next grocery store where we witnessed the next generation of douchebags in training.


Saturday we grabbed lunch, went to a nursery to get some peonies and poked around a home store before getting the necessities we'd need for the next day's cookout with my mom.  The weather said it was going to be a washout, but I figured the worst was I'd get wet.  I wanted to throw something together that I've been wanting to do for 23 years.  Our kitchen is the size of a shoebox and can barely fit two butts at once.  Our counter space is minimal at best.  I've always wanted something to go over the two sinks to use as extra surface area and decided midday the day before I needed it with more house to clean was the perfect time to do it and threw together an impromptu DIY project.  I could hear the Mr internalizing..."why, God?"

So I had Home Depot rip a board to my measurements, grabbed electrical tape and black contact paper.  I put the electrical tape on the corners and edges of the board so the paper would have something to stick to and covered it.  When I was done, I put felt pads on all of the corners.

Then it was all ready to roll for our gathering the next day.

Sunday morning, we did an early workout which handed us our butts as usual.  Actually, Friday night the past 2 weeks caught up to me, and I'm still trying to get my legs to cooperate since I'm screwed from the hips down.  Oy.  So 20 minutes of the Transform 20 Burn on the aerobic step and then 25 minutes with Joel on Chest and Tri's.  Round three was where my arms burnt out completely.  I used a softball and yoga block to get some leverage for deep release going.  Then mom came over for the cookout which amazingly the weather cooperated for, and we had a cloudy then later a sunny day.  Oh, and my little DIY project worked perfectly.

She stayed for 6 hours, and we still had a grocery store run to finish.  I made dinner, homemade Chinese stir fry and now it's after 9pm and the weekend is over...again.

How was your weekend?  Need a nap pod?

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  1. I still can't stop shaking my head at seeing that shopping cart with the little baby cart next to it. It infuriates me to see carts lazily left in a space as it is, but to teach the next generation this behavior is irresponsible. This weekend went by way too fast but your cooking was wonderful so that was a treat for me!

    1. Yeah, it's bad enough when one lazy jerk doesn't put their cart in the corral but when that little one was beside it, I had to wonder what the dialogue was there. "Just leave it there, sweetie. The rules of common courtesy don't apply to us, it's someone else's job." Thank you, I'm glad we got our first official cookout under our belts (literally) for the season!

  2. Wow, that is a cool idea, I need to make one for my tiny kitchen! My son and his girlfriend were home over the weekend and we did a hellacious amount a weeding in the backyard. Spent a lot of time watching the neighbor get is 15 dead pine trees cut down. So exciting, no more gutters stuffed with pine needles.
    Now it's like 56 and cloudy this morning which makes it easier to go to work after a nice weekend. Have a great week!

    1. It was super easy, cost under $30 and is going to give me much more space for when people do come over. Plus it wiped down easy peasy! Yay for weeding being done and the calories burned too because that is WORK! Oh man, pine needles are the worst but hopefully that won't be an issue anymore. You too!

  3. Cute pad! The felt pads are brilliant. I have a board to fit over my sink for the same reason -- virtually no counter space at all, and this works wonders. I just used it then the window guy came to take measurements right above the sink. Weekend was very busy. Friday night we cut the lawn work. The poor hubs had to work 10 hours on Sat while I went to a meeting and to visit a friend for lunch and to see Aladdin. Came home and puttered a bit. Sunday we grocery shopped, then I worked on putting stuff away in my laundry room and throwing a bunch of old crap out from the shelves. Did the laundry, make his lunch for today, made dinner, and kept working on the bins I had gathered full of more crap. Went to bed around 11pm and got up at 2am, laid back down and got up at 4:30am to shower, do the garbage/recycling, and had to run up to the grocery store for a few necessities that only that store carries. I have one more store to go to this morning for a couple of birthdays and then I'm home until this afternoon. I just got my lab bill to which I need to pay $562 (after just paying $197)...sigh. The one test alone was $1900 (and it was negative)! ARGH!

    1. I can't believe it took me so long to do that. I always wanted to keep the cut out they do from the countertop but both times they told me no despite me saying I paid for that square footage. You had quite a weekend, I bet you could use an extra day too with nothing to do after all of that. BOO to medical bills. We just got one where the consult for a doctor to plop his butt on for 10 minutes was billed as $330. We are in the wrong profession.


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