
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Virtual Visit: Tate's Bakeshop- Southampton NY

You've undoubtedly seen the iconic little green bag in grocery store cookie aisles with Tate's Bake Shop stamped on it.  Tate's is a real bake shop, and if you find yourself vacationing in Long Island, NY, you can visit in person!

It kinda gives you the warm fuzzies seeing that logo up close.

I was surprised to see such lovely flowers available in the shop from potted hydrangeas to bouquets of roses.  I mean, who wouldn't want flowers and goodies!?

Obviously, you can get their world famous cookies and in more expansive flavors than you can probably get at your local grocery store.  But they also have a plethora of other treats like pound cake.  (Regular, chocolate, and lemon pictured.)

They have a huge selection of cakes too!  If you are staying in the area, you can call 48 hours ahead and build your own cake.  I can only imagine how delicious they are!  (They'd better be for the price!  😏)

In addition to cakes, they also have some pretty beautiful cupcakes.  (Be aware it's whipped frosting though.  I didn't know that and was not a happy camper after getting the one on the left.)  They also have beautiful petit fours with some of them being adorable little hats!  Can you imagine bringing those to an afternoon tea?

Is ice cream your thing?  They've got ice cream sandwiches available to munch on while you stroll around town or sit on the patio.

They also have a nice selection of coffee and tea available.

Behind the counter are all kinds of pastries like muffins, cinnamon rolls, biscotti, brownies, and bars.

You know I couldn't resist one of those petit fours.

I think this one was vanilla frosting with white cake.

It seems like it'd be easy to recreate at home with a shortbread cookie for the rim of the hat and maybe a  1 1/2" cookie cutter to make the hat portion.  (affiliate link) 

It was really funny because the employees were nice enough but honestly, the clientele was super friendly.  We talked to several people while there and had a lot of laughs and smiles.  So if you have any preconceived notions about how people in the Hamptons might be, we can vouch at least in the offseason people are in good moods and quite friendly.

Tate's Bake Shop
43 North Sea Rd.
Southampton NY 11968

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  1. Those ice cream sandwiches with their cookies are perfection. I am glad we got the chance to stop, and it was a very nice surprise to find out how friendly everyone is in the area.

  2. Who could not be happy in a place like that? I'm not surprised that people were friendly there. I could definitely see myself having a cookie and cup of coffee there. The flowers are beautiful, and I love that you get to enjoy them even if you're not buying. What better last minute gift that a few cookies and some flowers?

  3. Many people have told me about Tate's cookies and how delicious they are, and they are now in our area too at the grocery stores I've noticed. This place looks just darling, like something out of a sweet, quaint little book, with a huge array of goodies for anybody's favorites. Thanks for sharing! This just makes me smile looking at it.

  4. Whoa. My hubby’s going to freak out. He loves Tates.


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