
Thursday, January 31, 2019

The other bingeing

We've activated our Netflix card for the next two months which means there's a longer blood supply shared with the couch these days.   Here are the shows we've consumed instead of doing stuff that actually needs to be done.  😂

You- (Penn Badgley, Elizabeth Lail, Daniel Cosgrove- 10 episodes)- You would think a show about a stalker would be creepy and is.  However, they have managed to make the character of Joe Goldberg funny and likable.  His narration is clever, and his relationship with his neighbor kid is endearing.  The Mr and I agree the object of his obsession is very hard to like because she's so extra about everything and everyone in her life.  Several times we both found ourselves saying "why is he so attracted to this spaz?  She's ridiculous!?"  Obviously, I'm not saying anyone deserves to be stalked ever, but she made it hard to be empathetic at times.  By about 3/4 of the way through, it became a little exhausting, but I think that was more because we binged it in two days.  Based on the way it ended, I really don't see how they can have an interesting season two but season one is definitely worth watching.

The Ted Bundy Files- 4 episodes- This is the one recently released show that Netflix said: "don't watch it alone."  Don't buy into that.  You will literally see worse on the evening news, but it's the devil in the details that are upsetting.  The Mr and I were tots when this all happened so we have no recollection of any of it.  The crimes were heinous for sure but sadly with crime shows, as a society, we've become desensitized to it which makes me really sad.  Matter of fact, he is basically the reason there is even a BAU like on Criminal Minds which blew our minds!  What shocked us almost as much as the crimes committed was just how he could charm anyone including the seemingly tough as nails judge who finally convicted him.  I can't count how many times our jaws dropped watching people fall under his spell with the flash of a smile or the wink of an eye.  We wanted to watch it before the new Zac Efron movie with the horrible name Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile comes out so we could see how true it stayed to the court footage.

The Open House- (Dylan Minnette, Piercey Dalton- movie)-  The trailer was suspenseful, and it had that cutie from 13 Reasons Why in it, so I put it on the list.   Don't do it.  Just don't.  When I tell you there is literally zero payoff in the end and you will want to flip over a table when it's done, I'm not exaggerating.

The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man- (documentary)- We are big Bill Murray fans so this was a no brainer.  People who were part of the unicorn in the wild stories of Bill doing their dishes, crashing a dodge ball game, engagement photos are interviewed. Pictures and videos are shared, and it reminds us that life is here to be lived.  It almost makes you want to join in a dodge ball game uninvited or happily "memory bomb" someones engagement photos, but then you remember you're not Bill Murray and only he can get away with that stuff.  You'd get throat punched.  So live it in the way that makes you happiest and don't just settle for the everyday.

Grace and Frankie- (Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen- season 5- 13 episodes)-  Sigh, what was once my favorite show seasons one and two now just feels directionless.  I think the problem with most shows these days is they cater to the binge watchers, pour out what could've been two seasons into one, or sometimes half the season and then it gets boring.  Frankie used to be an endearing hippie, and now she's just over the top flakey in a way that's off-putting to both of us.  Actually, most of the characters are off-putting any more.  I really hope the next season is their last if they're not going to step up the writing game.  😞

To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Lana Condor, Noah Centineo, John Corbett- movie)  This teen comedy is so adorable.  High school junior Lara Jean has written letters for herself to the five boys she's had crushes on in her life, including her sister's boyfriend.  (He was her friend before he was her sister's boyfriend.)  When the letters are sent to the objects of her affection, a plan is hatched that changes everything.  Super cute and a nice lighthearted movie despite dealing with a few pitfalls of social media and general bitchiness of high school.

What shows have you been binging lately?

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  1. We have seen some good shows. I was not interested in the Ted Bundy tapes when I first saw it released but now I am glad we watched it cause it was very interesting - especially what you said about the BAU getting started out of some of that.

  2. I just finished The Crown. Big BBC style show FAN. So really like it.

    I agree about Grace and Frankie, so does my mother.

    One of my favorite current shows is Mom. Love the writing. Great characters. Very well cast. And Kristen Johnson on that show made me remember 3rd Rock. So I have been watching 3rd Rock on Amazon Prime. (So did not realize French Stewart was also on both shows.) Big fan of Jane Curtain too. It is a good show to have on for company while working on projects.

    I have also been watching stand up specials on HBO and Netflix. One and done. Different.

  3. I liked Grace and Frankie almost against my will. I love Lily Tomlin, but not Jane Fonda. I haven't watched the new season yet, but I probably will eventually. I've liked Frankie, but I can see where the writers could go to the flakey side and that's going to bug me.

    The last thing I binge watched... ummm. I've been reading more than watching tv lately. So lots of books, not many shows/movies. I'm actually waiting to watch To All the Boys until I read the book.

  4. I'm a rogue when it comes to this and haven't watched anything. I have my set shows that I like to watch and when I do flip around I'm drawn to bizarre things on Discovery or History Channel. The hubs did find the Olympic channel and that's been so fun to watch all these qualifying races for bobsled and luge, things we don't get to see normally. But as far as shows that are really popular and I hear a lot about, I just don't watch them. Probably because I watch two hours of tv after dinner and then fifteen minutes of the 9pm news to get the weather and then I'm in bed. ROFL

  5. Two shows we went through pretty quickly that we loved on Netflix - The Kominsky Method and Friends From College. I'd like to watch You I've heard a lot of good things


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