
Friday, November 22, 2013

This week's reads...the pre-Thanksgiving edition

As you'll be able to see by what I've read this week, I've got Thanksgiving, cleaning and pop culture on my mind.  Workout ideas took a back seat this week.  I'm overwhelmed with all I have to do yet I don't find myself getting the motivation to do it and it's manifesting in headaches and tension.  Perhaps re-reading some of these will get me headed in the right direction!

5 Household Items You Can DIY at Home for Pennies  (I do the Febreeze thing.  Just get free samples when you see them and it's free for almost a year)

10 Shocking Secrets of Flight Attendants

10 Tips for Being a Great Thanksgiving Dinner Guest

10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling  (The first one is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves)

13 Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

Sweet and Savory Latke Recipes for a Happy Hannukah

17 Secrets to Easy, Affordable Beauty from Bloggers

4 Weeks to 50 Push Ups

21 Shameful Ways We are Forcing Children to be Sissies

Holiday TV Guide 2013  (Woot!  Gotta put the don't miss ones on my calendar!)

How to Recycle Anything (the sustainable way)  (GREAT ideas here)

Fast Cleaning 101:  Get Ready for Guests in No Time  (Anele, this is for you...get off your butt)

10 Gluten Free Thanksgiving Side Dishes

The Science of Inspiration (and how to make it work for you)

What's the Best Way to Convert Cassettes into MP3's  (Don't act like you don't have a few mix tapes hanging around)

10 Portable High Protein Snacks

Who Cleans Up After Seeing Eye Dogs  (Never thought about it but very interesting answer!)

30 Things that Turned 30 This Year  (Sigh)

The Breakfast Club:  Where are they now?  (Double sigh)

What's on the agenda for the weekend?

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  1. You never cease to amaze me with the interesting links you find. Can't wait to get started on them. Good job!

  2. The seeing eye dog poo story made me laugh. I knew the answer to that one because I've seen it in action. (I also knew that dogs can be trained to go on command)

    The "sissy" story made me eye roll. A lot of the examples didn't tell the full story, I'm sure. And there was a TON of parenting fail featured, too. Makes me glad I don't have kids (and aren't around them a lot).

  3. Thanks..u always find the best articles!! have a nice weekend...

  4. My two biggest pet peeves are more in the verbal usage that written, and that would be "irregardless" (not a word, it's a double negative), and "ekspecially" (obviously spelled wrong, but that's how people pronounce especially and it's wrong!) Ok, off my Tide soap box now. For this weekend, it's a busy one. Meeting in the morning, shopping mid-morning for Thanksgiving, church with a friend late afternoon, phone call with mom to discuss Sunday (why do we need to talk about Sunday when I'll see you on Sunday?!? Don't get it, but I'm there). Sunday is Thanksgiving at my uncle's assisted living place. They put on a huge dinner meal for the residents and all their families and it's top notch class all the way. He was in his glory last year so we've decided to make it a tradition now since he can strut his stuff on "his turf". And it's just the right amount of family time....1 1/2 hours to drive there, 2-3 hours visiting and eating, then 1 1/2 hours to come home. And no one tries to bash any other family member of the head with a candlestick. That will leave me Monday and Tuesday to do prep work for Thursday. I have to work the day after, so there won't be any down time this week. So long as the snow and sleet stays away, I'll be relatively calm.

    1. Ha! How ironic that I didn't spell check myself! See, this is what happens when I'm critical about grammar....the karma police snuff me out within minutes! LOL

  5. I love the grammar comics. I almost peed myself. How sad is that? There, their & they're along with your and you're are 2 of my big pet peeves but I was a little sad that to, too and two wasn't on there as well. I looked at some of the other ones from the link and they were priceless.

    The recipes could be interesting. The quinoa stuffing and pie crust both sound good. I think I'm going to stick with your stuffing but I may try the pie crust if my mom doesn't bring a pie with her.

    The one about kids just makes me sad. It also makes me happy the school my son attends (and I work at) is small enough that this kind of crap hasn't happened. Not yet anyway.


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