
Showing posts from July, 2024

Scrape, Fill, Sand, Repeat Weekend Recap

Welp, Monday got here in a hurry, didn't it?  I hope your weekend was good.  Ours was pretty productive for the most part.   I didn't bother weighing in because (dainty folk, look away) of 4 days of pure butt powder from what turned out to be your favorite spinach eating sailor man's spicy chicken breast last weekend for the first time.  I was going over with the Mr what we ate and I misspoke about dinner and he reminded me we had fast food chicken for the first time from this place and a quick search for that restaurant and diarrhea brings up a plethora of reddit/quora threads of people desperately doing searches sick from their toilets.  The one thing they all have in common?  Spicy chicken.  (And that is laughable because you couldn't taste a bit of spice but apparently it is triple spiked with MSG which is the only thing I can surmise didn't agree with me.)  So any weigh in from last week would not have stuck around this week. The Mr was ...

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Happy last Friday of July to you.  Did the week treat you well or drop kick you on the daily?  I hope it wasn't the latter!  It was decent around these parts.  I FINALLY got that damn LE pump I never really wanted out of the house but not with any help from the doctor, that's for sure.  I was supposed to get the label last Thursday, never did and followed up Monday.  They said they would send over an AMA (against medical advice) waiver and then they could get it.  I said "is she seriously refusing to sign the discontinue use order!??!"  The woman said she didn't know but it would be the fastest way to get the box out of the house so I did it.  The Mr was ready 3 different times to cancel his final follow up appointment with her since he was going to be going to the other place she referred him to the next day but he figured better to have two sets of eyes on his veins even if one set of them we wanted to poke out from frustration.  You c...

Why Didn't I Ask?

Since starting therapy, the Mr and I often get into conversations about stuff that pops up afterward.  He always asks how it went in general, never with the expectation I will give him details, but knowing his over sharing wife that I likely will.  There's nothing I could tell a therapist that he doesn't know verbatim from years of dumping on him which I feel guilty about but I also know that it allows him to understand me on a level some husbands have zero interest in knowing about their wives, which is sad.   In our last conversation, I got on the subject of my parents divorce and dad's wedding day.  I remember the day he left like it was yesterday but what I remember most now is the fact that they didn't tell me together.  She told me while he hid in the bathroom.  I don't know if that was her choice or his.  If she knew that because we were close that she could do a better job at breaking the news to me or if he was like "I can't do it, you te...

Back to the Projects Weekend Recap

Howdy.  I hope you all got to have some fun and relaxation this weekend.  Friday night I stained the wood bun feet I got eons ago for the fireplace hearth we made for the bedroom fireplace.  Even when sitting up in bed we can't really see the flames despite the hearth so this solution has been a long time in the works.  I used ECOS dark walnut stain and general finish dead flat poly so they were ready to roll when we were.  There was some spackling that needed done that was, of course, more labor intensive than it should have been but that's the law in this house.  Maybe our land is cursed?  Speaking of cursed, that wench vein doctor sent her bill which the Mr was apparently expecting but I wasn't.  You can imagine kissing over $1600 goodbye I wasn't planning on parting with made me want to immediately cancel my birthday plans which come out to about that.   We did get out for a little bit and grabbed lunch then got in about four geocach...

What I'm Reading This Week #29

source Yeah.  Bugs about sums it up.   Twas the week from hell this week.  In addition to being the week that Mom took her turn and gaggles of mistakes that took her life started, life just thwapped me like a wet Nerf ball.  The railing sh*t the bed and I had to go through 4 different techniques to get it to where I wanted it to be.  It's darker than the other one but they're not side by side so hopefully that helps somehow but it took a LONG time to get that fixed.  I told my friend on a 2 hour phone call that this week could "feast on a satchel of Richards" and that was Tuesday .  The tinting dudes were complete (insert 12 different inappropriate descriptors I typed and erased here) and tried to say that they weren't going to give us a refund for the 5% strip they effed up on the windshield AND that we would have to pay to have the windshield redone because the strip would probably screw up the shield tint.  When I messaged the Mr I didn't ...

Wackadoodle Weekend Recap

How do?  How is it Monday again??  The weekend needs to be three days.  You spend Saturday trying to recover from the week, attempting some semblance of a life then Sunday is trying to cram in errands and prepping for the coming week.  That doesn't sound very fun...or is it just us? Oh, I forgot to tell you guys!  Last week, the Mr checked our insurance and saw that "free" lymphedema pump the vein doctor forced on me (which I couldn't even use if I wanted to until next year because I risk blowing out all of the work she was going to do this year) was being charged to us at $12,000 out of network!!!  We had an utter freakout moment and the next morning, the Mr called the place, explained the situation and that it had never even been opened and we want to return it.  (We only knew that was an option after I saw a complaint on the BBB website.)  He said we could but they need a discontinue use order from her then they'll send UPS out to pick it up....

What I'm Reading This Week #28

Well hello there.  How do?  Woof... this has been a week, man.  I must first thank those who reached out or commented on Wednesday's post.  I so appreciate it.  Therapy was interesting as she made a statement that wasn't a diagnosis or anything like that but an observation/conclusion I would not have come to.  When the Mr asked how that made me feel I told him I feel like I need to sit with it and then if it still sits off kilter, ask for clarification.   We had a rogue Fall like day Wednesday thanks to some rain and met up with a friend at the park shelter.  It was nice enough we brought a bundle of firewood with us.  I don't know if it was the topics of conversation mixed with just having finished therapy an hour before but when we got home, I was exhausted.  We hadn't eaten and I only had cereal for lunch so getting home at 9:30 meant a late dinner then we collapsed.  My social battery drains SO quickly now.  Side effec...

My Many Exhausting Masks

Have you guys ever seen that antidepressant commercial where the woman holds up a happy face mask on a stick despite her not feeling that way?  I think we can all relate to some degree.  Whether it's trying not to throat punch that coworker (you know the one) through gritted teeth, trying not to lose it when you feel like you're not being heard or a myriad of other situations where your face conveys something other than how you feel inside.  Lately, I find myself labored by the weight of the many masks I feel I carry.  I literally envy that chick only having one mask to pull out of her purse.  I feel like I'm wheeling a steampunk trunk that has more masks than I can carry comfortably as well as masks I never asked to get rid of.  Maybe masks isn't even the right term more so than versions of myself or they refer to it as "hats" but a hat means you can still see the person.  Mask seems to fit better for what I'm talking about because it almost feels lik...

Fighting Myself Weekend Recap

I hope you guys had a nice holiday last week and maybe got to sneak in an extra day off.  Our Saturday was a pooper which I won't go into but am glad we were able to road trip there and back without incident.  The Mr needs to contact the tinters because there is an issue at the top of the windshield for sure and they don't want you contacting them for three weeks before letting issues hopefully work themselves out.  AKA we hope you forget and then when you do remember, we'll blame it on you. I will say that I really tried to do the right thing Saturday night and failed again.  At last week's therapy session one of the questions she asked me was about food cues and I told her Saturday.  We struggle so much with justification and cramming in what we can because we can't have it for another week.  We took a nap and I was barely awake before the Mr asked what I wanted for dinner at 7pm.  I truly wasn't hungry and told him nothing, go get what he wanted....

What I'm Reading This Week #27

Good Friday mornin' to you and I hope some of you are enjoying an extended holiday weekend by taking today off.  Given the relentless onslaught of heat over the past month, I am reminded of court mandated summer's spent in California with dad where we would try to see fireworks.  Without fail, every year the mountain caught on fire. šŸ™„  Kinda feels like that. Now let's catch up with: Garlic Could Be a Secret Weapon to Keep Down Your Glucose And Cholesterol   (We gnaw on this black garlic every morning which is also supposed to be excellent for keeping the big C at bay.) What You Need for Building Muscle After 50, According to Trainers (I can't wait to be able to add it back in.  I just used 10's the other night and felt it which made me sad given 15's have always been my go to.  C'mon mid back... step in line to heal my rotator cuffs!) 16 High-Protein, Low-Carb Snacks To Try   (It's not listed but must remember I have open bone broth in the fridge.)...

What Really Happened to Her

Now that I have final word back on potential legal issues, I can share with you what really happened to my mom, why she didn't have to die and how you can seek justice on behalf of your loved ones.  I must say I am NOT a lawyer and none of this is to be construed as legal advice.  I am relaying our experience so that no one else is blindsided by a few things that we were. It was a year ago today when my life changed.  A year ago I got a call from my Mom's sib describing symptoms Mom had been having for five days and wondered if they should take her to the hospital.  (The answer is always yes and please don't wait five days to do it regardless of whether the person gives you resistance.)   I'm going to say this as plain and simply as I mom's doctor, for lack of a better phrase, killed her.  This is a man she put faith in and had a very pleasant and frequent relationship with over the years.  He's known all of her aches and pains, always re...