Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Last Day of March Hump Day Survey

How is tomorrow April?  *shaking head*  

Instead of mourning the passage of time, let's get into some survey action.

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?  Clean water?

If you had to be Siamese twins with one person, which person would you pick to be stuck with?  I suppose the Mr since we've been Siamese twins for over a year now.

If you could pick three famous people to be a part of your entourage, who would you pick?  The Rock for the muscle, Olivia Newton John for wisdom and Ken Jeong because he's everywhere anyway and he could take a look at that thing because he's also a doctor...twofer.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?  I would pick nothing I liked because that would be hell to take a formerly favorite song and desecrate it.  I pick something I loathe...anything by Bon Jovi- preferably Bad Medicine.

Which celebrity would you pick to exchange lives with?  Celebrity is a bigger jail than thanks.

If you could pick one job to do forever (and be guaranteed all the money you need), what job would it be?  Random craft projects that strike my fancy.

If you were trying out for a singing reality show, what song would you sing?  Gangham Style.  No one expects you to sing it well.

What game show would you be super awesome at?  The Price is Right?

If you had to endorse a brand, which brand would it be?  Restoration Hardware so they'd give me free stuff since I can't/won't afford them.

If you were a potato, what way would you like to be cooked?  Mashed.  It's the most comforting.

Would you go to space if you knew that you could never come back to earth?  Tempting some days but no.

Which of Snow White’s seven dwarfs describes you best (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy or Sneezy)?  Grumpy

What song describes your life right now?  It's Tricky by RUN DMC

Are you a listener or a talker?  Yes.

If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?  You ARE deserving and you DO matter!

Your turn!  Pick 5, 10 or all questions to answer in the comments!

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick? 
If you had to be Siamese twins with one person, which person would you pick to be stuck with?  
If you could pick three famous people to be a part of your entourage, who would you pick?  
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?  
Which celebrity would you pick to exchange lives with?  
If you could pick one job to do forever (and be guaranteed all the money you need), what job would it be?  
If you were trying out for a singing reality show, what song would you sing?  
What game show would you be super awesome at?  
If you had to endorse a brand, which brand would it be?
If you were a potato, what way would you like to be cooked?
Would you go to space if you knew that you could never come back to earth?
Which of Snow White’s seven dwarfs describes you best (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy or Sneezy)?
What song describes your life right now?
Are you a listener or a talker?
If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

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Monday, March 29, 2021

It's Monday...Weekend Recap


Howdy do Monday?  And howdy do to you too!  Did you have the most awesome weekend in the history of weekends?  Us either but hey, dare to dream!  Just a note that my proofreader is in bed so I'm positive this post will be a victim of my usual "fingers got ahead of my brain" syndrome.  

It was a low key all of them.  We watched some movie on Netflix Friday night with that demure chick from Sex and the City and the dude from My Best Friend's Wedding.  You ever watch something and you've seen the actors before and you're like "I know they're capable of better acting, I've seen it.  What is wrong with them in this??"  Some of it was bordering on so ridiculous that we were indifferent when it was over.  What a fun way to spend Friday evening and since it was #3 most watched, I guess other people suffered along with us.  If I hashtagged: WereInThisTogether

Saturday we grabbed lunch to bring back to the house, got sucked into more stupid beach reno shows.  I think I've watched them all.  The other night I literally said, "is this the one where the sister knocks the other one into the sand on the bike?"  It was.  Then we went to Hobby Lobby and grabbed some flowers for Grandma's grave on the anniversary of her kind of death.  (See Friday's post.)  She's all squared away with new Spring flowers.  I only wish I could find better faux yellow roses that didn't cost an arm and a leg since those were her favorite but the ones mixed with the purple flowers which she also liked will have to do.  It was a nice day, if not a smidge hotter than I care for this time of year so we walked the cemetery for a bit of exercise to work off some mac and cheese.  Then it was time to get sucked into paranormal shows at night like Portals to Hell because honestly, what else is on?

Sunday morning, the Mr and I lounged in almost total darkness since it was raining until my back waved the white flag and forced me up.  He got the last of the laundry going and we did a lower body workout before noon so that was nice to have done for the day.  I made a beyond burger and potato which we haven't had in a little while.  We were in awe of how much day we had to catch up on SNL and Sunday Morning and lounge.  We took a little nap for about an hour then suddenly it was dinner time and then our Sunday ritual of watching Escape to the Chateau first with a warm cuppa.  The Mr reminded me I opened my trap earlier about Trader Joe's since we hadn't been there since January 29th.  We'd arrive the last half hour it was open, so I relented.   We were greeted with some idiot who sneezed and a cashier and bagger who kept yelling like we couldn't hear them through their masks.  I'm surprised they didn't pull them down to talk to us.  Keep your yapping to a minimum please.  TJ's vapid small talk rule should not apply during a pandemic.  We were home by 9pm and hopefully won't need to go for another 2 months if we can help it.  How I wish they delivered.  I'd do good to never step foot in one again if I could help it.  As usual, one of the employees is sprawled in the middle of the aisle and like "if we're in your way, just say so and we can move."  


You're literally on the floor, spread eagle with a box fort around're in our way.  I didn't even look to see if anything I would normally grab was in front of him and... aww crap, the lentil spaghetti.  That was half the reason I went and I'm 90% sure it was in front of him.  Just checked Amazon Fresh, I can get it through them.  Word.  I'm NOT going back there.

Then we scrolled for 15 minutes trying to find a movie to watch on Amazon Prime, none of which appealed so we watched an episode of Six Feet Under before the Mr hit the hay.  All that time we seemingly had and suddenly it was bedtime.  Beh.  

I debated even writing this because it's acting as melatonin for me right now so I can only imagine it's putting you guys to sleep too.  These are the weekends of our lives.

Anything good on your end this weekend?

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Friday, March 26, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #13

Howdy do, party people!  I hope your week has treated you well and you are down with some relaxation or maybe starting to clean out that garden and get it all prepped for planting season.  I noticed that while our rosebush has dead leaves, it has more than its fair share of new buds coming in so I'll consider that an encouraging sign.  Before we plant a single thing this year in the flowerbed, I need to remember to get some chicken wire to put down under the dirt and cut in the side flowerbed.  We had a chipmunk infestation of the little bastards who thought eating the roots of my plants would be fun.  Well, they're going to get a little surprise when they try to dig under the dirt this year.

Let's get to eats.  

Forgot to take a pic of Monday but it was soup and veggies...riveting.

Tuesday was Cajun scallops over 2 oz lentil pasta tossed in the leftover olive oil and thickened with the leftover scallop juice and sugar snap peas.

Workout was 2 laps around the hood after which I realized the oil ring stain didn't come out of my shirt yet so as always, I presented the best of myself to my neighbors.

Wednesday was Homemade General Tso's chicken over cauli-rice with broccoli slaw and pineapple.

Workout was Push from The Work that totally kicked my butt.

Thursday was baked salmon over butternut squash ravioli and green beans.

Workout was 2 miles of a 5 mile WATP workout because we'd already burned 400 calories at that point.

Now let's shimmy into...

If You Want to Lose Weight, Grab Dumbbells and Do This 40-Minute Legs and Abs Workout  (Holy crap, this looks brutal.  Can't wait to try it!)

The Weird Health Benefit Of Eating Leftover Sweet Potatoes, From A Cardiologist  (Wow!  I'll be making extra and throwing it in my next day's salad!)

I’m A Highly Sensitive Person. This Is How I Experience The World Differently  (Holy crap, I could've easily written this almost word for word.)

How To Have A Balanced Sleep-Wake Cycle If You Work Overnight Shifts  (For those working while the rest of us are/should be sleeping)

I Tracked Down The Girls Who Bullied Me As A Kid. Here's What They Had To Say  (This is an amazing piece and everyone should be required to read it whether you were bullied/the bully or not.)

Dog Keeps Sneaking Over From The Neighbor's Yard  (OMG, the sweetest, funniest thing ever and definitely her angel on Earth!)

I'm not sure that we have formal plans for the weekend but not waiting for a botched delivery is a step above last weekend so we'll take it!  On a side note, it's hard to believe Grandma passed 3 years ago tonight.  Everyone remembers it tomorrow because that's what her death certificate says but she passed 10 minutes to midnight and the person who has to formally 'call it' didn't arrive until after midnight.  That is super screwed up.  Weird thing is, I didn't even remember the exact date.  That woman is more active in her signs since she passed it's like she made up for lost time while under dementia's grip.  Now I realize why her name has been coming up in places it shouldn't a few times a day the past week.  Miss and love you Grandma!  Keep the signs coming!  💕

Anything going on for you this weekend?

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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hump Day Survey

Happy Hump Day!  Let's get to some more survey questions...

If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick?  Probably black.

If you had to be an animal, which animal would you be?  Otter.  Cute but ferocious if necessary.

If you had lots of money, what unnecessary thing would you splurge on (i.e. a private plane, concert tickets)?  I guess you'd have to define "lots."  A home in Vermont and Kauai.

If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be?  Is it bad I want to say no one?  I guess maybe a few so I could get an idea on how they view certain situations so I could best know how to tell them those situations are none of their business.

If you wrote a book, what would it be called?  Shamalama, you ding dong.

If you had to use a fake name, what fake name would you make up?  Anita Deek

If you could live any historical figure’s life, which one would you choose?  Aren't they all dead?  

If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy?  Why on Earth would I do that!  What if someone chose Reese cups!?  I would be so mad!  I guess if I had to choose, caraway seeds.  (Sorry Mr, you're going to have to go seedless.)

If you had to wear a hat every day for the rest of your life, what type of hat would it be?  Flapper hat.  I look oddly good in them.

If you could create one holiday, what would you create?  Floater Day!  Pick any day you want as a floating holiday with pay.

If you were a vegetable, what would you be?  Eggplant.  Meaty, sometimes known as a dick and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?  Luge

If you were the president, what would you change about the decorations in the White House?  Not much now.

If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be?  A relaxed, straight with a slight bootcut.

If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?  Wonder Woman.  Then I'd park my invisible car in a space to screw with people.

Your turn!  Pick 5, 10 or all of the questions and answer in the comments!

If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick?
If you had to be an animal, which animal would you be?
If you had lots of money, what unnecessary thing would you splurge on (i.e. a private plane, concert tickets)?
If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be?
If you wrote a book, what would it be called?
If you had to use a fake name, what fake name would you make up?
If you could live any historical figure’s life, which one would you choose?
If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy?
If you had to wear a hat every day for the rest of your life, what type of hat would it be?
If you could create one holiday, what would you create?
If you were a vegetable, what would you be?
If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?
If you were the president, what would you change about the decorations in the White House?
If you were a type of jeans, what type would you be?
If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?

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Monday, March 22, 2021

WTF Weekend Recap

Hello Monday.  Hello all of you lovelies!  Did you get a good amount of rest and productivity in this weekend?  I hope your to do list is a little shorter.

One big thing we crossed off of ours was the fridge replacement.  That is the actual act of replacing the fridge.  The boneheads that did it?  Let's just say there is now an insurance claim opened with the delivery people's company and Home Depot gave us $50 back for the scratch they inflicted while jamming it into our kitchen.  (We inspected it prior to them bringing it in and it was totally fine.)

I took some notes as they installed.  Beware, lotsa language.  (But you should assume that any given day.)

I swear to God, if one more delivery person feels the need to tell me how effing small my kitchen is, I'm going to throat punch them.  I know it's small.  Do I need it pointed out every. single. time?  No.  You're taking what is supposed to be a great thing and making me feel like crap about where I live and saying it in a manner like I chose to make it that small.  "This is a big fridge for such a small kitchen."  No, it's a normal sized fridge by today's standard.  Let me just get the wrecking ball, your highness.

(All gifs from

Um, shouldn't you show up with a measuring tape?  Why do you need to borrow ours?  We are in a pandemic  I don't want you touching more than you need to of ours and you should need nothing from us but to sign for it once it's inspected.  Nope.  Needed our measuring tape, hammer and screwdriver to take off the door (which they didn't even know how to do) and then tried to steal the measuring tape.  This wasn't an 'oopsie', they had to use it inside and then the other guy took it to his truck.  The Mr asked where his measuring tape was and the guy said the other guy must have it.  He was more than shocked and actually looked a little pissed he asked for it back.

We are over a year into the pandemic.  If you don't know that masks go OVER YOUR EFFING NOSE, then natural selection needs to have its way with you.  There is zero excuse for this.    If anyone is butthurt by the natural selection comment, go somewhere else.

Also, thanks for coughing in the house so I now have to disinfect it top to bottom.

Oh good, you've taken a fridge that we have moved in and out of the kitchen at least three times with zero issue and used it to put gashes in the entryway, took out the corners on one wall and scraped along the white wood banister because the two of you share a brain cell.  I am not lying when I said I had to walk away.  I felt jail time coming on because at that point I didn't see the fridge, I saw all of the shit I was now going to have to repair.

You know what else would be fun?  If you were too dense to tilt the damn fridge as you were taking it out and bent our f**king outside light!

Do we have a pen to sign paperwork??  You've got 7 stops today, you didn't think to put a pen with the paperwork 5 stops in?  Wouldn't a smart person clip it to the... never mind, I answered my own question and that was referring to the 'smarter' of the two which wasn't saying much.

And finally, the fridge that we inspected in full sunlight before they even bothered to bring it in?  They managed to scratch the front door.

You cannot make this crap up.  I don't know what bad karma stars we were born under but this happens every. single. time.  Y'all who have been here long enough know that's a true statement and some of you probably get excited when you hear we're getting a delivery with popcorn in hand because you know a story is coming with it.  

So my only option was to tap out.

It looks just like the old one so nothing thrilling.

 Hope you had a better weekend?

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Friday, March 19, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #12

Hello Friday, you saucy wench.  It's been a rainy, dreary week here and I love it.  I am definitely a pluviophile which is why we owned land in a rainforest for 12 years.

We've been giving our delivery people a workout this week and the place is full of boxes and padded envelopes.  Some of them having to go back where they came from which is very frustrating especially when they send you a substitute for an item thinking you're not going to notice and send you something else that's dented.  So irritating.  

It was more than halfway through the week before realizing I hadn't taken dinner pics so go through previous Friday posts if you need some ideas.

Let's go through...

Learning to Honor My Grief When the World Has Become Desensitized to Loss ("I worry that this universal loss has become so entrenched within our daily lives that it is now considered the norm to be traumatized.")

How Quarantine Has Affected Introverts  (I've gotta agree, though when this is over, still stay 6 feet away from me.)

Scientists Finally Understand the Link Between Depression and Bad Sleep  (I read old notes from high school and my common theme was how tired I always was.  Should've known then!)

5 Optometrist-Approved Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy If You Stare at a Screen All Day  (I was just telling the Mr the other day my vision has taken a serious hit the past 6 months.)

John Oates on lost cult-classic 'She’s Gone' video: 'Most hysterical thing we'd ever done'  (Wow, that video is a lot to absorb and his stories about it are pretty funny.  Be sure to tune in tomorrow to his free charity concert!  Dave Grohl is in and if Dave's in, I'm in!)

Tomorrow is the refrigerator delivery so tonight we'll get ice and in the morning fill up our coolers and transfer all of the contents.  Sure would've been nice for this to happen when it was cold so we could just put everything on the patio.  Pffft.  The Mr has been on towel duty all week to keep the fridge from overflowing again.  Definitely not something we could've let go so I'm glad we are starting over.  So that'll be our Saturday between unloading, waiting for them and reloading the new fridge.  I hope to get out and go for a drive maybe after they leave or Sunday.  

Y'all out and about this weekend or hanging at home or a little of both?

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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Top o the Hump Day to ya!

Happy St. Patty's Day 🍀 and time to get to some more random questions!

What do you never leave the house without (can’t be your phone, keys or wallet)?  Mask, Nozin, Air Tamer, and hand sanitizer spray.

Who is your celebrity look-alike?  No one.  I've never been told "OMG, you look like so and so!"

What’s your real favorite book, and what book do you pretend is your favorite to sound smart?  Ghost of Windy Hill and I will never pretend to have a favorite book so some douchenozzle thinks I'm smart.  How old are the people asking these questions!?

What do you pretend to hate but actually love?  I guess I'll say I pretend to hate everything about the pandemic but as a 2-3 colds per year person that take me out for at least two weeks at a time, I haven't had a SINGLE cold this whole time!  Maybe I'll wear masks in public forever!

What’s a nickname people actually call you?  I'm sure some pretty interesting ones behind my back!

If you could pick your nickname, what would people call you?  Sassy ass?

Have you ever lied about an interest/talent to impress someone? What happened next?  I'm sure I did to impress a boy before I knew better.

If you were famous, what would you be famous for?  Hopefully writing books or something that actually helped people.

If you had a boat, what would you name it?  Now You Sea Me, Now You Don't or Slice of Life Two

If you could pick a TV show to be your life, what show would it be?  Escape to the Chateau

If your best friend picked a tattoo for you to get, what would he/she pick?  He would say no tattoos and she would maybe go with a little Snoopy?

If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?  Chi Chi's.  I know they're gone but seriously, everything else SUCKS.

If you could only wear one type of shoes for the rest of your life, what type of shoes would it be?  Tennis shoes which is pretty much what I wear anyway.  If they made comfy but stylish shoes for fatties, I'd be all over them!

If you could have any celebrity be your best friend, which celebrity would you pick?  Olivia Newton John.

If you created your own country, what would it be called?  Soggybottom

Your turn!  Pick 5 or all questions, whatever tickles your shillelagh and answer in the comments

What do you never leave the house without (can’t be your phone, keys or wallet)?
Who is your celebrity look-alike?
What’s your real favorite book, and what book do you pretend is your favorite to sound smart?
What do you pretend to hate but actually love?
What’s a nickname people actually call you?
If you could pick your nickname, what would people call you?
Have you ever lied about an interest/talent to impress someone? What happened next?
If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
If you had a boat, what would you name it?
If you could pick a TV show to be your life, what show would it be?
If your best friend picked a tattoo for you to get, what would he/she pick?
If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?
If you could only wear one type of shoes for the rest of your life, what type of shoes would it be?
If you could have any celebrity be your best friend, which celebrity would you pick?
If you created your own country, what would it be called?

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Monday, March 15, 2021

The Anniversary No One Wants to Celebrate

Happy anniversary!  Who remembers what they were doing a year ago today?  I can tell you what my One Happy Year said on this day a year ago.  

"carry out breakfast to try to get rid of migraine, Mr took down all of the stuff from the cabinets while I pandemic cooked and Food Saved stuff, walked around hood, gave Mr a haircut before bed.  Side note:  Not gonna lie, this coronavirus stuff has me a little freaked out.  We’ve never had anything like this in our lifetimes.  Some people are being stupid on both sides of the coin.  We will do what is best for our little family for as long as we deem necessary.  At this point, I just want to get through the reno and hunker down.  I am praying hard for his work to come to its senses and mandate telework.  (Which they did two days later and he's been my fulltime co-worker since)  It is more upsetting to me than I’m letting on because I don’t want to taint his first week at his new job but I’m scared.  Things change day by day right now including restaurants now being carry out only, lines to get into grocery stores and who knows what else to come."

You can also refer to this post that I wrote a year ago to see how we were dealing with our new reality.  In addition to that, we had a previously scheduled kitchen reno that was starting at the same time and the Mr was starting his new job.  It was a particularly stressful time for us and I didn't think the Mr was going to make it that first week.

When we realized the lockdowns were going to last longer than a few weeks, we began to appreciate simple pleasures.

Actually seeing Spring and the grass turning green along with the occasional dandelion ring.

Not waiting on masks to become available but making our own out of old t-shirts, pipe cleaners and tea towels for protection in the earliest days.

Buying the Aerogarden and growing my first flowers from seed since I was a kid.

Finding a multi-pack of TP made you feel like you won the lottery.

Snacks were (and still are) appreciated by those who were getting slammed with triple the amount of work.

While we have all gained a lot for people who have been open to the lessons, there has been so much loss as well.  From the loss of life, jobs and homes being the most severe and devastating to loss of compassion and humanity as people take out their frustration and anger on others.  The stuff we see on the roads and even in parking lots since this started is jaw dropping and it can be hard not to get caught up in it.  Our mental health has taken a hit (meaning mine has taken a dip even more than on the average day meaning weekends are particularly hard not to feel trapped.)  Even as recent as Saturday, it was a very bad day for things breaking that now needed replaced, a new multi-year construction project now means getting in and out of our street is harder than it was before, there are things we need to try on but you know, pandemic so leisurely fitting room sessions are out because fitting rooms are closed.  You top that with other issues that were rearing their ugly head and to not being able to find a good place for lunch when you're hangry that isn't putting you an hour out and it all just hit in a crap storm that had us splitting a big bottle of wine by the end of the night.  To recap, we're not drinkers...or at least we weren't before the pandemic.

So many people who never knew the struggles of family and friends who had anxiety and depression before are now entrenched in it themselves.  If you're one of the lucky ones who can 'pull yourself out of it' when this becomes manageable, please don't assume that is how it is for most lifelong sufferers.  It's a little like getting advice from a tourist over a local for the best kept secrets in their town.  Use that empathy when you felt your lowest to be there for others who will be affected long after this is at the forefront of people's minds.  

Remember that "getting back to normal" once people do their part is on each individual's timeline, not yours.  Just because you may be ready to party, vacation with others or even gather at a restaurant doesn't mean others are going to be ready as well.  I am ready to have shades of normality again but on my own terms and will not be forced into it and no one should be.  It is SMALL gatherings that are encouraged but I have a feeling a lot of blowouts are going to be occurring over the summer.  (Heck, they're starting to happen now with Spring Break and the parks are overflowing on sunny days to the point we're no longer comfortable walking there.)

It's hard to believe that we've all been going through this for a year.  It's hard to believe people want to jump the gun just as we see light at the end of the tunnel.  If this pandemic has taught the two of us anything, this has not been the feel good marketing hashtag 'we're in this together' like they wanted you to believe in the beginning.  I don't know any two people out of people we know that have had the same definition of 'lockdown.'  There has been a broad interpretation of what that means to each person in the critical days and the same is happening now which is still just as scary.

I pray you have come through this year okay.  I hope if you were affected financially that you are somehow finding your way out of it and feeling better about your future.  If you got Covid and are reading this, I hope you're better, I'm happy you're alive and hope you don't have any long term effects.   I am deeply sorry if you've lost someone you know or love to Covid.  I empathize if you lost people you care about and were unable to attend funerals to say goodbye because I have too.  I am sorry if a major life event like an important anniversary, retirement, wedding, milestone birthday or other occasion had to be cancelled, postponed, scaled back or not celebrated at all.  I know there is pain in what was lost on something we expected to be celebrated a certain way and feeling that way doesn't make you a bad person just because 'others have it worse.'  

Be patient, kind and smart as we try to wind our way to (hopefully) the end of this.  Pandemic fatigue is real but continue to keep each other safe.

What were you thinking/doing a year ago?

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Friday, March 12, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #11

Happiest of Fridays to you all!  Did your week treat you like a champ or a chump?  

I'm leaning toward the latter with us.  Tuesday night after a late night quick grocery run, we came back to our fridge deli drawer overflowing with water onto the floor.  Not only does this mean the fridge was shot but potentially a few boards in the kitchen.  The fridge is 11 years old and way out of warranty so it's not worth sinking the repair cost into it.  We were already planning on replacing it this year but it just kicked up our timeline so the new fridge is ordered and will be here next Saturday.  We went to Home Depot to see if we wanted basically the same style or one of those glass door deals you can open without opening the actual door.  For $500 more, it was nowhere near worth it.  The things that we use on that door inside would be too cumbersome to fight with to open that magic door and we'd end up using the real door anyway.  No thanks.  So happy early silver anniversary, get a silver fridge!  

Let's take a look at our eats this week.

Monday was lentil pasta with low sodium marinara and zucchini with a side salad.

Workout was Turbo Fire HIIT 20 and Popsugar's Abs and Arms.

Tuesday I found some Foodsaved Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing in the freezer and I microwaved a russet potato and mixed in some milk and 1/2  tbsp of butter for mashed potatoes.  The Mr was quite happy.

Workout was 2 1/2 laps around the hood.

Wednesday was Caulipower veggie pizza because after dropping 3K on a fridge, you have nothing left to give.

Workout was a walk in the park.

Thursday was BBQ pita pizza and veggies because why have one kind of pizza this week?

Workout was Turbo Fire.

Now let's jump from eatin' this week, to...

How To Do Pigeon Pose & Why It's Perfect For Your Bedtime Routine  (I've been doing it in bed for a few days.  It does help!)

This Functional Medicine Expert's Dessert Meditation Will Transform How You Savor Sweets (It does work, too bad I snarf like it's going to be banned.)

What Happens to Your Body on No Sleep  (This is some scary stuff!)

9 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight  (Yeah, we'll see about that.)

DIY Pressed Perfume: An Easy Recipe For Your Own Signature Scent   (Ooh, I like this idea!  I use pressed perfume on vacation (no spilling) but it'd be nice to make my own scent.)

What To Do Before & After Daylight Saving To Make Sure It Doesn't Mess With Your Sleep  (I guess it might be a little late for this one.  Maybe go to bed a half hour earlier tonight?)

Con Watch: Don’t Post Your Vaccination Card on Social Media  (I can't believe people are doing this but there ya go.)

On This Day:

I suppose cleaning will be on the agenda since we'll have delivery people here next weekend.  Yay.

Anything fun planned for you?  

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Yep- Hump Day Survey

Let's keep the survey going!

What’s your favorite part of a county fair?  The food, of course!  That's literally the only reason we go!

What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast?  Bridgerton (which I swore I wasn't going to watch) and Cobra Kai season 3.  (Though I liked it better on YouTube for some reason.)

Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news?  Hmm, I guess Marc Maron since I watch his IG lives most days.

What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?  Jeez, I feel like I've spilled everything here!  I guess that my original plan was to graduate from high school, move to LA and be a manager for a rock band.  I even had practice with promotion with local bands on the scene back in the day.

What is your favorite smell and why?  White Diamonds and coffee because it smells like grandma.  You'd be surprised how often I smelled it after grandma died in places that didn't have either source!

What’s the best knock-knock joke you know?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?

What completely safe animal are you inexplicably afraid of?  I guess snakes?

What food could you not live without?  Pizza

What dance move are you secretly awesome at?  I'm going to say none because I know what I think I look like and I'm sure it's WAY off what I actually look like.

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?  I usually fast forward through commercials but if I accidentally hear "Liberty, Liberty, Liberty....Liberty" one more time, I'm going to scream.

What sport did you try as a child and fail at?  Name any sport...that one.

What interesting skill do you want to learn?  I'd love to have the patience to learn guitar, crochet or woodworking.

What’s the most random thing in your purse/wallet?  My "future fortune" from my Senior year which was managing a rock band while having an affair with a professional wrestler.  I was like "wow, people DO know me!"  (And I wouldn't have an affair, it'd be a straight up threesome.)

What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years?  I have ZERO clue.  We were supposed to have flying cars 20 years ago so I think our perception of what's possible is seriously skewed.

What blog or website are you embarrassed to admit you love?  Hmm...well I wasn't embarrassed before but after SNL's Zillow commercial, I admit I spend way more time on than I probably should.

Your turn!  Pick five or all of the questions and answer in the comments!

What’s your favorite part of a county fair?
What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast?
Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow in the news?
What’s something about you that people would be surprised to know?
What is your favorite smell and why?
What’s the best knock-knock joke you know?
What completely safe animal are you inexplicably afraid of?
What food could you not live without?
What dance move are you secretly awesome at?
What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?
What sport did you try as a child and fail at?
What interesting skill do you want to learn?
What’s the most random thing in your purse/wallet?
What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years?
What blog or website are you embarrassed to admit you love?

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Better Late Than Never Weekend Recap

You'll have to excuse any typos; my proofreader has hit the hay.  How do, all?  I hope you were able to get out this weekend even if just for a drive.  

Friday, I was informed by my friend that she finally got the card I sent to her to be opened the morning of her wedding...26 days after I sent it and two weeks after her wedding.  Regular mail takes 3 days, if that.  That's okay, only the single most important card I've ever sent in my life, that's all.  😬  Thank God it didn't have the gifts that were originally going to go in it or I would've been a basket case for that period of time.  I seriously don't know why something isn't being done about the crap show that is the USPS now.  If FedEx or UPS did first class type mail, I would do it in a heartbeat until things are straightened out.  It is definitely not a holiday problem like they eluded to back in October.  (I know the actual mail carriers have nothing to do with this but the higher ups need to get their shizz together.  Things much more important like rent, bills, etc are getting sucked into this same vortex.)  

We watched Coming 2 America on Amazon Prime.  I have to say, we really loved it!  Both of us went into it expecting them to ruin it and to not like it at all so we were pleasantly surprised to like it almost from beginning to end.  (Except Wesley Snipes character...that was just stupid.)   It was definitely made for fans of the original so all of these people that were not in the target audience the first time can sit down and watch something else since I'm reading a lot of online whining about it.  It was great to revisit almost all of the old characters but I have to say Arsenio Hall in any of his prosthetics was downright scary.  Baba still haunts my nightmares.

Saturday, we went out for a drive and for some reason drove around the unsafe parts of town after an early day lockdown because the Mr had to be home to sign for something from FedEx.  Not quite how one wants to spend their Saturday on either count but I guess we take what we can get these days, eh?  It was cute to hear the FedEx guy get excited about his cupcake though.  "Whatcha got for me today?  I gotta have my cupcake!"  I made sure I ordered more with Amazon Fresh so we wouldn't run out for him.  That night we watched Valley Girl 2020 and wow...neither of us were a fan.  I really only watched it for Debbie Foreman's cameo as a shop girl (the original Valley Girl) and I do like the actress that plays new Julie but the script was just...ugh.  Can't win 'em all, I guess.

We settled in Sunday for some music by the Mr before getting our workout in then watching some boob tube before the Harry and Meghan interview.  Man, did that break my heart.  As people who have constantly had their side of the story never asked for in our own lives, the Mr and I could empathize with their need to finally say their peace.  Not sure why people have such a hatred toward them everywhere but I hope they are able to live the life they want to now.  No one should have to go through what those two did all in the name of making sure the monarchy and UK looked good.  

We had to drop my car off at the mechanic for an oil change and tire rotation.  It's always funny when they try to upsell you on tires for tread wear when you haven't driven a car more than 200 miles since they put them on two years ago.  

Yesterday I got some work done while the Mr was in yet another training class.  We walked the hood for 2 1/2 laps since it was 60 degrees out.  I watched a movie earlier in the day called The One I Love on Netflix.  I knew some of the twists might interest the Mr so I suggested it later for our hygge time.  Man, that movie really just struck a lot of nerves and had me in tears.  If you've got Netflix, add it to the watchlist.  It's a good one to watch with your S.O. and discuss afterward.  He saw the ending coming, I didn't on the first watch which is what left me a little devastated.  Obviously not the week for me to be watching marriage changing movies! 😆

These are the days of our lives.

Did you do anything this weekend?

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Friday, March 5, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #10

Hey there, hi there, ho there!  A happy Friday to you, party people!  

Random Thought- Anyone else feel stalky when they're expecting a delivery and they're all like "wanna see where your driver is?" then you click the link for your Amazon Fresh delivery, see their location and feel like a creeper?  Just me?  

Fun Fact- You may receive a letter from the IRS in your Informed Delivery email.  Before freaking out until you're able to read it, just know it is most likely a letter from them informing you that they paid you relief money back in, whenever that was.  Just figured I'd hopefully save one person anxiety or stress trots.

Sad Note-  On a walk around the hood this week, we found out that a favorite canine nugget passed away at the end of last year.  We could never seem to sync our walks with the owner's usual time and just a week or two ago I mentioned to the Mr that I hoped everything was okay with them.  When I saw her from behind only walking one dog, my heart sank.  RIP Barnaby, I forgive you for mistaking my forearm as a bone on our first meeting and remember the last time we walked together, you walked beside us and nudged us to pet you.  You came a long way in becoming a gentleman.

It's been a week.  I got word that due to a health situation, they will be selling grandma's place and is there anything of hers I wanted if it's still there.  They moved there a year before we moved to our place.  I remember how excited she was we'd be living right up the street.  (Not that it made much difference, I don't feel like we saw her more than I did when I lived at home 20 minutes away.)  I knew it was coming at some point but this will really be the actual end.  No place to go that was hers anymore, not that I could go there right now anyway for a few reasons.  I really would love to go in on our own and go through the place but their timeline isn't jiving with our timeline so I won't be able to do that and something tells me I wouldn't want to see it in its current state anyway.  I gave mom a list of a few things if no one else wants them and I just hope they're still there and his catfisher didn't sell Grandma's belongings.  At this point, I'm just glad I took the stuff that was absolutely the most important to me when I did.  So disappointing on so many levels.  I hope none of you ever have to go through the crap we did after her death.  

Enough of the crap show, how about some eats?

Monday was General Tso's grilled chicken over cauli-rice and veggies and a TJ's bao.

Workout was two laps around the hood.  Not sure why we can't seem to get back up to three before our hips wave the white flag.

Tuesday was pineapple glazed orange roughy, sweet potato gnocchi (last one...I know what that means) and garlic green beans.

Workout was ChaLean Extreme.

Wednesday was BBQ Chicken Pita Pizza and veggies.

Workout was 2 1/2 laps around the hood and socially distanced chat with neighbor.

Last night was Pepper Jack Cheese Grits (made with bone broth) and BBQ Shrimp.

Workout was Tae Bo.

I need to get some new recipes.  I'm just going off muscle memory right now because after the past two weeks, I kind of needed it.

Now let's jump into...

7 Microworkouts You Can Do at Your Desk  (Every little bit helps!)

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Spicy Food  (All the good stuff.  Bring on the heat.)

28 Free YouTube Fitness Channels to Keep You Moving  (Always love finding new to me exercise!)

Let It Out: 14 Ways a Good Cry Affects Your Body and Mind  (I'm always down for a good cleansing cry!)

Trader Joe’s Faces Backlash After Allegedly Firing Employee For Raising COVID-19 Safety Concerns  (Wish I could say this surprised me.  I haven't been happy with their handling of Covid at our store.  Employees blocking aisles restocking (four at a time and sometimes sprawled all over the floor), employees with their masks down or under their noses, etc.  We now go every 6 weeks the last half hour they're open because we don't feel safe in our location anymore between employees and entitled d-bag customers not following rules.  Sad.  We used to love going there.)

Private studio footage of Barry Gibb and the Bee Gees recording 'Tragedy' is phenomenal  (This is the Barry I swooned over before I even knew what that weird feeling in my gut was)

This weekend, I will just be happy to not have to have my face buried in the laptop for 13 hours a day working on a project.  I feel like I owe the Mr a weekend!  It's supposed to be sunny so I suppose getting out in some form will be in the cards.  

Anything wild and crazy going on for you this weekend?

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