
Friday, January 22, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #4

Another Friday is upon us.  It has been a whirlwind of emotions good and bad this week and I'm tapped.  "I need happy hour...on sad days."  I need some Weezer and wine to slide me into this weekend.  On an up note, we've been walking almost every day this week even though it's felt like the arctic because of wind.  Looking back at calendars past, I notice a pattern of jumping into a new year all balls to the wall and then having very little to show for it on the scale and a lot to show for it in the pain department.  Next week, we'll be throwing some strength training back in for funsies.

Here's a wrap up of dinners for this week.  Beyond Burger and potato wedges.

A serving of Ina's Lobster Pot Pie I froze last month.

Fish tacos with Brussels.

Homemade Chinese with cauliflower rice.  (No bao since we haven't been to TJ's since we got back.  It was sorely missed.)

Orange roughy and the last sweet potato gnocchi (now we REALLY need a TJ's run)

Not sure what we're having tonight, probably something easy.  I do have some frozen TJ's ravioli I could thaw then make a sauce and pair it with a salad.  (Don't get set on that Mr.  I don't know if I'm feeling ambitious enough to make a sauce.)

Let's get into...

The Best Workouts to Try If You Have Bad Shoulders and Some to Avoid  (Have to get our shoulder strength back up to speed)

How the pandemic killed your motivation, and 6 simple ways to get it back  (There's the understatement of the far.)

Home alone? 30 things to keep you busy  (Some interesting suggestions)

“Karen” Keeps Leaving Notes Complaining About Woman’s Decorations, Woman Responds By Adding Even More (I'm only sorry I didn't find this before Christmas but it was too good not to share. I would absolutely install a camera if I didn't already have one and then turn her in to the HOA for trespassing and destroying property.  Pfft!  There's always one in every neighborhood.)

Speaking of which, our Christmas stuff is still up.  I've officially beat my previous record, I think.  We're not any of the lucky ones getting any snow so nothing to play in.  I think I've watched all of Netflix and Showtime.  Now what?

Anything dazzling planned for the weekend?  (I don't know why I said dazzling.  Clearly I'm missing some sparkle in my life.)

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  1. I wish I had something dazzling planned but prepare for more of the same and 2021 is already a month old? How did that happen? Trust me, plenty of stuff has already occurred so I get it, but sheesh. Enjoy the weekend everybody!

  2. Today is my last day of vacation...there aren't enough sad memes out there to convey how sad this makes me. LOL It's super cold and sunny here, so staying indoors is the plan. Laundry and dishes are done, so I plan on enjoying this last day before I go back to Alcatraz tomorrow. I believe the hubs works tomorrow so I'll grocery shop in the morning before it gets busy. Very exciting stuff. LOL Have a great weekend with whatever you decide to do!!


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