
Friday, January 15, 2021

What I'm Reading This Week #3

Happy Friday everyone!  It's been a bit of a weird one in our parts but I'm hoping we can just chill mentally this weekend.  I suppose I should think about potentially bringing up bins next week to put Christmas stuff away.  I think I might just take one area at a time instead of feeling like it all has to come down at once.  It doesn't.  Obviously, no one is coming over so technically we could be like "Christmas in July!" and leave it up.

This week I've been listening to our favorite radio station in Vermont, The Point.  Lots of 90's and early 00's but some new stuff, 80's and a shot of Marley every now and then.  Just a nice eclectic mix.  Shame Shame by Foo Fighters was so easy to hear while there but seems to be impossible for me to catch online.  Give it a listen if you want a new mix of music.

I have to share this because I know someone will find this funny.  One of my goals for the year was to stop being so trigger shy on purchases.  (I'm known for walking around with an object in a store then talking myself out of it right before checkout.)  I pulled the trigger on a vintage metal pitcher I was waffling on because it was full price.  The lady emailed to say she was packing my order and dropped it damaging it then backed up and stepped on it.  2021 strikes again.

We're not in the swing of regular meals with him recovering from whatever the heck that was so no meal pics this week.

Let's swing into...

Release Your Tight Hips, Shoulders, and Hamstrings With This Full-Body Stretch Routine  (This is the perfect post workout stretch routine or just beginning/end of day stretches.)

6 Creative Pineapple Peels Uses + Health Benefits  (I am curious but also can't stop furrowing my eyebrows at the thought.)

Here's How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets, Including Laminate  (Don't worry Mr, not for us.  In case they need a winter project.) 

Free Your Inner Geezer  (Pretty funny and feel like I've been well on my way for years.)

Yes, You Matter (Good stuff!)

Nostalgia Is Good for You  (Then I'm headed in the right direction since I OD on it quite often.)

We need to make a list of what we need to get at the grocery store to start having regular meals again.  We've basically been living on skimpy grocery pick ups with no real structure.  I need to take inventory of the freezer and go from there.  I'm sure a drive at some point will be in our future.  Otherwise, right back to Covid cage living.

Any plans for the weekend?

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  1. Definitely do need to get a grocery list together and I am with you on getting a good drive in. Other than that just looking forward to sleeping in a little and not having much else to worry about.

  2. I don't have anything set planned other than a phone meeting and grocery shopping tomorrow morning. I'm not sure yet if the hubs has to work or not. I'm doing the laundry today so that's done with for the weekend. I shoveled and salted the driveway so we'll see if that's enough to melt the on and off snow showers throughout the day.
    Enjoy your weekend and get out for a nice drive. =o)

  3. No plans. Fridays are so anticlimactic.
    Have a great weekend

  4. Can you share the link to the brownie bites? For some reason what looks like the link isn't taking me anywhere. Thanks!

    1. Sorry, your comment went into the spam wormhole. Well and Good's site has been wonky but I was able to grab the recipe.

      Brownie batter bites

      3/4 cup organic SunButter
      3 Tbsp cacao powder
      3 to 4 Tbsp maple syrup (depending on sweetness preference)
      1 Tbsp coconut flour
      1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
      Optional: scoop of collagen peptides for additional protein


      Mix together SunButter and maple syrup until smooth. Add in cacao powder and coconut flour, mix until dough-like.

      Mix in chocolate chips. Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes, so the batter becomes easier to make into balls

      Roll into 16 to 18 balls and enjoy. Or, if preferred, place back into the refrigerator for 1+ hours for more solidified texture.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I appreciate your time! (Heads up though...disrespectful or spam comments will be deleted.)