
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Hump Day Poll: Well, *I* Heard...

You hear a lot of stuff when you're a kid that you find out as an adult aren't true.  Whether it was something a parent said to appease you or discourage an unwanted behavior or a kid told you about something that happened to another kid.  Like if you swallow bubble gum, it take 7 years to leave your system or if you crossed your eyes too much they'd stay that way.

What is something you were told and believed or questioned it's authenticity as a kid?

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  1. Always check the toilet bowl to make sure a snake didn't crawl up the pipes. Darned babysitter liked messing with my head. By my mid-teens I'd just about broken myself of the fear when one day, I sat down and heard something moving in the bowl! My Dad had gotten mad at a fish in his tank for eating everything else and he tried to flush it but apparently it managed to avoid going down. Anyway, that's the last time I tried to sit on a toilet without checking the bowl. And after being assured that snakes traveling in water pipes isn't a thing, I heard the Alice Cooper story, which confirmed it can happen. So I also have to check the tub every time I enter a bathroom.

  2. Be quiet and you can listen to the grass grow
    If you kiss your elbow you can fly (hours spent trying to make that one come true)

  3. When the priest blessed our throats in church, we were told that if we swore we would lose our voice. No talking while fishing or you will scare the fish away. If you get bit by a bat you will get shots with a 1 foot needle.(I'm terrified of bats to this day!)

  4. My Dad was too proud to say he didn't know something so he would make up his own reasonable answers to various things us kids would ask him. He would give his answers with such certainty that it made it completely believable. It really wasn't until the internet age when we could easily fact check him that we realized he was just a good bullshitter.


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