
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

First 2021 Hump Day Poll

Well, we're almost a full week into the new year.  I'm not into resolutions and definitely not this year given you can't do a whole lot of planning.  So the question is this...

What are your hopes for this year that have nothing to do with the pandemic?

I am going to really focus on my mental health and coping mechanisms.  Last year took a wrecking ball to it so I will need to not just read a book and consider myself better off.  I need to put in the work so I can truly be better off, feel it and live it.  I've got a lot of bodies in the basement to exhume and send to the other side.  

How about you?

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  1. I'm hoping to re-establish a close friendship with one of my longtime friends. She had some significant family issues in the last few years that took all of her energy and didn't have time for too many people outside of that inner circle. That is ending now and I would like to be able to improve our friendship.

    I'm also hoping that I will be able to put all of the resilience strategies that I have developed in the last year to use when I return to the office environment eventually and my the construction project that I have been working on gears up again. With construction comes a lot of regulatory issues, long days, schedule challenges, constructability challenges, community engagement challenges, and lots of armchair quarterbacks on the outside questioning my decisions. In the past it has been very hard to roll with the punches, put on a smile, and not take it personally.

  2. My focus will be growing in my faith and truly taking life one day at a time, and not projecting forward. I'm terrible about catastrophizing and suck all my energy into those useless thoughts (which do NOT help me better prepare if the worst does happen, even though that's the excuse I use)and then I find I minimize the good things because I'm so resentful of other crap. Focusing on God and the "outward" things instead of navel-gazing, and only 24 hours a time, is my hope and focus.


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