
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Workout annoyances

When I was doing my free weights the other night, I had one of my biggest workout annoyances happen.

When I am on the floor on my back and sweat drips from my brow and rolls down the side of my face...into my EARS!  I immediately get grossed out and irritated all at the same time and I just want to throw down my weights and jam a tissue in my ear or something.

Another annoyance?  My workout shoes.  They're those God awful meshy shoes that you can't seem to escape unless you want geriatric shoes and my feet move side to side in them when I workout.  I feel like I have no real support from them even though my podiatrist recommended them last year when I was diagnosed with the foot problems.  I feel like they're too wide so when it comes to getting new shoes at some point, I'm definitely going to go for cross trainers that are supposed to have better side to side support.  Until then, I pout.

Finally the one that is going to get me a poopy look while he proofreads this...when the Mr audibly grunts or lets out loud breaths as a way to motivate himself once he gets all jacked up.  It makes me want to either squirt him with a water gun or punch him in the throat depending on the time of the month but I refrain.  I like a quiet, focused workout environment and when he goes all ninja, it throws me off beat.  Lil bugger.

What are your workout annoyances?

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  1. Yeah I hate when sweat gets in my eyes and messes with my contacts. I absolutely need a towel mainly for that reason but I also hate to have too much sweat on my face at all.

    It's so hard for me to get my heart rate up I can't help but try to get more intense and sometimes that means noise but I'll do my best to keep it to a minimum.

    1. Yes, sweat is a big time annoyance.

      I quietly bring the intensity...don't make me hit the lunk alarm! :-P

  2. I had to laugh at the last one. That's me when my husband and I work out (sort of)! We did Insanity together a while ago (I do not recommend. It killed my knees) and I would yell at Shawn T the entire time about how much I hated him and his workout. lol. It was probably very distracting, but it helped me survive. Also, sweat rolling anywhere in general just grosses me out. I would probably grab a tissue every time.

    1. Yeah I'm guilty of physically threatening the instructor on occasion but it's the "Chhh....chhh" with each kick, knee thrust, punch, etc that boils mah pressure. LOL

  3. The hubs and I don't work out together often. The few times we have, he has done the grunting thing too. I annoy him by staring and making swoony eyes as he does pull ups.

    I very much dislike sweat. As I am alone in my home gym, I take a small towel and stuff it under my shirt/bra as that's where I tend to sweat the most.

    I just dislike shoes in general. I only wear them when absolutely necessary and take them off the moment I'm done working out. On the elliptical and bike ... I wear slippers (again, home gym, no judging!)

    1. Home gyms rock. I can wear sloppy outfits, no make up and not have to get dressed to sweat and the only person who sees me is the Mr. Matter of fact, a pre-requisite of our next home is that we have a space dedicated to workouts because we're not giving up the home gym or being forced into some squatty bedroom we both can't comfortably use.

  4. I don't work out with my spouse, either. I get annoyed just hearing him work out. He takes so many breaks to spit. Yes, to go into the bathroom and spit into the sink (hello, the toilet is RIGHT THERE!). That drives me crazy. There is no way I could put up with that if I was trying to work out (spitting in general is completely uncalled for 99.9% of the time, so all his spitting is just foul).

    Grunting and panting don't bother me. I get noisy sometimes when I work out. I'll even yell at myself. Really dumb stuff like "Finish it!". I blame my history of working out to dvds and hearing that kind of thing all the time.

    I also hate my indoor exercise shoes. They are FUGLY men's white cross trainers. Like old man nurse shoes. I should just get new ones (I've had them for years, so it's probably not a waste to get new ones).

    1. Oh wow, yeah I couldn't do the spitting thing. You could get one of those spit guards like they have on Scared Straight! HA! "Finish it!" reminds me of was it Mortal Kombat from back in the day? "FINISH HIM!" then they'd rip his pixelated spine out.

  5. I don't have a lot of workout annoyances. I generally workout alone, and not at that level of intensity - mostly walking, dreadmill, exerbike or swimming. I don't enjoy the traveling sweat beads either though, kind of icky. I think that's my favorite part of swimming is you don't feel the sweat.

    think the biggest annoyance for me is when people call/text me while I'm trying to exercise. I keep my phone on me "just in case" but inevitably someone calls that could have waited. The one time I don't answer though will be the time hubby is broken down by the side of the road or something.

    1. Yeah, swimming barely feels like exercise since it's so refreshing. I still miss starting every morning that way in Poipu in Hawaii. (Sigh, it's been 6 is that possible?)

      I don't like that either when the Mr is on call and he gets a call. Inevitably it's like 5-10 minutes into the workout before we've had a chance to really work up the heart rate and then I feel pissy the rest of the workout.

  6. ROFL!! poor Mr...hehehe...thats my annoyance too and also when i have to pee in between a workout...arghhhh

    1. I know. Thankfully it's not an every workout thing or I'd be like "we're working out separately!" I HATE having to pee in the middle of a workout. I have to go up 2 floors to do it! LOL

  7. Sweat in the ears is a HUGE pisser of mine! Especially when I have earbuds in, SO gross! I have to agree with the grunting thing too. I have a friend that is ok through about half the workout and then all of a sudden she's sone type of commando that grunts with every move. REALLY?!? Maybe she and the Mr. should workout, and annoy each other together ; p

    1. Sweat in the ears is just gross. I should bust it out Olivia Newton John style and wear a sweatband.

      Yes, she and the Mr can work out and at the end be all "did you get yer burn on bro?" *Grunt* *Hiss* *Hard exhales*

  8. I hate when I'm doing floor exercises and my dog either puts his face and neck across my face or decides to sit on my stomach, so I can get nothing done. Or my dogs decide they want outside, and then in. And then out, and in, etc.

    1. Try to think of the pup as extra "resistance." ;) He just wants to help make sure you're working out hard enough. HA!

  9. The last one made me laugh out loud! Thanks Anele.

    1. No problem! I'll have to try to record it sometime. No, maybe I shouldn't. LOL

  10. When my tunes don't work; when someone interrupts me - especially if it is for something that I deem to be stupid; when a piece of equipment is not where it is supposed to be (AKA - kid and grandbaby hazards); oh and I'm sure I could come up with more but will match your three instead! LOL

    1. There's nothing worse than when someone interrupts you for something stupid. It takes work to get your heart rate up and when something interrupts it's like "oh...well...THANKS!"

  11. The dripping sweat is the reason I wear the Jane Fonda-look headband. And believe me, that thing is soaked after every workout because I'm a total head-sweater. I wear a black one or navy just so it's not noticeable to anybody else, but that thing is like a wet sock when I'm done. BUT it does the trick.

  12. I also wear a sweat band (specifically Bondi Band) and it works so great. No sweat in my face!


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