
Monday, November 4, 2013

Where'd the weekend go?

You ever have one of those weekends that just whips your butt and before you know it, it's over and you're like..."where'd my weekend go?  Do over!"  That was this weekend.

There were a few dud trips we went on and Saturday we got up early so someone put their grumpy pants on.  (Hint:  Not me)  We went to this state fair craft show thingy and I'm pretty sure we found every relative of the long bearded camo fellows from cable tv.  They looked at us sideways as though to say "I don't trust no city slickers."  We also found the largest collection of saucy X movies in the Northern hemisphere in about 20 bins and next to a pouting, indignant, like totally bored 13 year old girl helping to run the booth.  So it was not a successful morning but thankfully got better as the day went on.  I did find one item that I can't wait to work on and then we went to this historic downtown where there were some cool antique shops and this one was in an old small hotel that had been converted.  One of the rooms had a baby theme to it and there was a hobby horse in there on springs and it was moving on its own even after we stopped moving next to it.  I said "you just keep on riding, nugget, we'll get out of your way" and we went to the next room.

We watched a little football and then went downtown to do a little shopping at some local stores where we know the owners.  I found some good stuff at both places.  How I wish we had a bigger home to furnish with all of their wares.  Sigh.  But I got a cool square bowl I'm going to use for the holidays and then some vintage inspired bottle brush trees similar to these...

I got one white one with white and silver ornaments and a green one with faded colored ornaments on them.  SOOOO cute and I can't wait to start decorating.  We listened to Christmas music all weekend and the Mr didn't complain once, he even hummed along.  :-)

Sunday we went to five open houses.  Yep, five.  The first one we went to it was like OMG lady, calm DOWN!  She just got back into the real estate game and this was her first open house and she was bouncing off the walls all giggly and kind of followed us around the house like a puppy which we do not like.  The house wasn't quite up our alley but we talked with her for a bit and then ducked the hell outta there.  We did find a couple of houses that were contenders but needed some major work in one way or another.  We found one with this bad paneling and linoleum that would've been perfect for our retro arcade and then had a separate room we could dedicate to workouts and even a lower basement with a place for the washer and dryer.  It was a five level split but the kitchen was completely unusable.  I think there were 2 crusty old burners but the one wall wasn't load bearing so we could blow it out but it would be like 3 months of living like nomads in our own house.  I'm thinking $20-30K would fix this place to what we want it to look like inside and maybe $10K outside.  It's also really close to the hospital and I wonder if we'd hear sirens all night.  Oh well, it's fun to look, right?

Lots to do this week and hopefully will start getting the house back to something that doesn't look like an antique craft store barfed inside.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. It was a whirlwind weekend and since it's November now I know our weekends will pretty much have something going on until January so get ready for it!

    1. Yeah, I'm hoping they won't all be so busy from morning to night but you'll have to go to work to get rest until the end of the year. LOL

  2. Errands and chores mostly. We did make it to the pool for a little bit yesterday. The most exciting thing there was that my little guy saw a lifeguard have to actually go in after someone. This college age kid jumped into the deep-end, and apparently didn't know how to swim. He sank like a rock and the lifeguard had to go after him. It was actually kind of scary - all of my rescues when I was a guard were kids who had gotten in over their heads or lost their footing at the bottom of the slide and were more scared that in danger yet. This was an actual "he could have drowned" moment. I don't know what he was thinking, and his buddies let him do it - seriously they all must have eaten stupid bran for breakfast.

    1. Wow...sometimes you just don't know what goes through people's heads. Was he still drunk from the night before? Eh, probably not. Just a need to "show off" in front of his friends and instead he could've died and now he'll never live it down. Bravo, idiot. A good teaching moment for any kiddies around though.

  3. Every since Friday I've been like "OMG its November already", and I love the holidays. It's just that tax season comes after the holidays so I hope the next two months slllooowww down.

    Took Hubs to the outdoor mall on Saturday. When we got there I shared my hollow heart with him about it being November, then as we walked from the parking lot to the Christmas lined streets the little kid in the heart said "Yay, It's November!" and all was good. Got some decorating ideas from Pottery Barn, etc. Now I have some fun to do at home.

  4. I was supposed to be getting my house ready for in-laws overnight this coming weekend, but instead I decided to take apart my office/workout room and rearrange everything. The large items are all in their places and I love it, but I literally have a pile of small items to take care of. I will need to dedicate at least an hour every night after work to the house to get all done that I want to, plus some time on Friday (I am taking the day off).

  5. This weekend I did a few errands and basically went through mounds of papers and paid bills, ordered Christmas cards, and took care of house stuff. Sunday I met a friend for breakfast and then grocery shopped. Saturday I was in that semi-sleep stage where you're napping and you try to wake up and fall back asleep over and over. I definitely needed it because aunt flo came a'calling and family reunions never go well for me. =o) Oh, and I did manage to do a majority of my Christmas shopping as well. Just need to get a few more things for mom and then for the hubs (he's a tough one to buy for).

  6. Uh yeah, that's like every weekend. *sob* Why can't weekends be longer?! I have been trolling lately--even if you're not LOOKING, it's fun to be looking, right? :)

  7. It's so funny that you wrote this! I wrote a post I haven't published yet about how I don't understand how people are decorating and listening to Christmas music already. :) I like to wait till it's closer to Thanksgiving myself. There is a craft show here this weekend, and I'd love to go, but it's just so early for me.


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