
Monday, November 18, 2013

Wah wahhh weekend

All weekends can't be glamorous and that about describes this one.

You know how one person can just start the domino effect of feces on your whole day?  Well, we went to Home Depot Saturday morning before running a few errands and we were waiting for some person to finish pulling out of their space.  Our car butt was hanging out into the main lane just a little bit, not much at all and certainly enough room for two cars to still pass.  But some douchewad thought it appropriate to honk at us.  Um, what would you have us do, block the guy in so he can't reverse?  We parked in our space, not the one the car came out of because we don't landshark but one row over.  The aforementioned douchewad was in the row just across from ours.  When the guy was getting ready to retrieve his son from the backseat, he apparently shot the Mr a death stare.  )Nice example for your son, sir)  Well, the Mr is pretty laid back except when he thinks someone is unnecessarily targeting him for no reason.  As we walked in, he walked a little close for my liking to the dude and I told him to let it go.  He fumed as we walked the store and I was giving him a little gentle ribbing offering to poop on the guy's hood before we left or we could stand with our arms crossed and wait for him to come out and just stare at him.  He said no and then he had his undies in a bunch which put MY undies in a bunch.  There were periods of snippiness, not speaking to each other, short fuses becoming shorter and just an all around crappy day.  I went to the grocery to get meatloaf fixin's and this one particular bread they ALWAYS have wasn't there and honestly I wasn't into the work involved so I said eff it and left.  A myriad of other things went wrong and it was just one pile of crap on top of the next.  I didn't want to let that guy ruin our day but it all just came back to one jerk's action changing our entire mood and it was impossible to get back on the right track after that.

Since I work from home, the weekend is my only time to get out of these four walls and us sitting home on a weekend made me bounce off the walls.  When we left the comfort of the unpadded cell and went to the mall.  I was quickly reminded why I have all of my Christmas shopping done by November 1st.  There were so many people, all completely annoying, walking at a snail's pace, stopping in the middle of the walk space like 500 people aren't surrounding them and crap like that.  I knew once I made it to Sur La Table, Pottery Barn and Anthropologie I'd be in less chaos but getting there was a real test in keeping me out of jail given how bad the day had gone.  Oh well, they can't all be winners, can they?  I did get a chance to check out the bedspread I'd been frothing over...

It's pretty but in person, it just didn't wow me over the one we bought last year.  The Mr flat out said he didn't like it.  I had to agree so I'm glad I didn't just order it online and then be disappointed when it got here.  So we've got last year's duvet in the laundry so we can change over to the winter set.  So excited.  It's like sleeping on a cloud.

Yesterday was an active day to a degree.  The previous night at the mall I stepped in a sunken part of the sidewalk and it shot pain through my tendon into my ankle.  It was not pleasant.  Last week I worked really hard on my balance board and my legs have been sore and hurting ever since.  I told the Mr I have no choice but to take an active recovery week this week so strength and yoga for me/us.  We worked out during a tornado warning yesterday, I'd call that dedication.  We figured we were already down there so, you know, make the most of the time.  We also donated about 2 big boxes worth of stuff to Goodwill.  The small appliances I'd been meaning to donate along with other stuff that I said "I can't justify keeping this or that anymore...donate it before I change my mind."  I got a good amount of the shelves organized again and it doesn't feel as paralyzing as it did.  I was able to move some of the items ready to ship from my shop down there which frees up some office space.  I was excited to score two mid century Christmas finds in our own neighborhood on Friday.  A Mr and Mrs Santa and a cute Santa decoration.  I worked on a few projects for our own Christmas decorating too so I'm getting excited.  I'm pretty sure everything is going up Friday.  I want to be done so I can sit back and enjoy the magic.

So while Saturday wasn't one for the win column, Sunday made up for it with productivity and watching our first Christmas movie of the season, Home Alone(affiliate link) 

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. It was a frustrating day Saturday but glad we regrouped and got stuff done yesterday. It is already looking so worth the effort and once we get all the Christmas stuff out it will be a nice relaxing house again.

    1. Yeah we made quite a bit of progress yesterday. SO glad you decided to take a mental health day today so it's like we got Saturday back.

  2. I hate how one person/event can ruin a whole day. We are all adults and should be able to just let it go, but sometimes that easier said than done. It always seems like after something like that a bunch of other trivial annoyances happen too.

    Saturday was a lazy day culminating in going to the school play. The kids did a great job. Sunday was a run around crazy trying to get everything done for Monday day. When will I learn to start doing half my chores on Saturday so every Sunday doesn't suck?

    1. I know, me too. I tried but it just got under both of our skin too much to recover it. Grrr.

      Maybe make a chart for the weekends? I know I'd have to remember to look at it but for more organized people it could help.

  3. Arghh..i hate such people and they ruin ur day...argh...Im not even gonna think about shopping now...

    1. Me too. I'm sure he just went about his day but I choose to believe karma kicked him square in the ass.

  4. I love reading your blogs.
    What I was thinking is,if you have some notepaper or even a paper bag,draw a big smiley face and say have a nice day across the top and put it on the guys windshield.I do stuff like that.It keeps me out of jail.noone,I mean no one should tick off a menopausal woman!

    1. I could write "don't let d-wads steal your happiness." No one should tick off ANY woman! ;-)

  5. It was a wah wah weekend here too ... the smallest little comment (not even intended as an attack) just sent me on a downward spiral I still haven't quite shaken.

    1. Ugh, nothing like feeling like a cranky butt and not being able to shake it. Hope you're feelin' sassy in a good way soon!

  6. Sorry for the bad-ish weekend!! I hate those!!! :-(

  7. This weekend was one to calm my butt down after having my schedule changed three times for Monday morning at work. I was a ball of knots and knew I needed to take active measures to release that stress. Saturday morning was the eye doctor, to the tune of $322 for new contacts (beat last year's $795 for contacts and glasses, but still didn't like shelling out the cash). Then it was lunch with some friends, then errands and a last trip to the apple orchard to buy mom the dressing she loves so much before coming home to do the Thanksgiving list. I've had a cold for over a week, so wanted to get some rest in, but couldn't quite make that happen on Saturday. Sunday we got stuck in the hail storm and a foot of water that went up to our knees in the grocery store parking lot. By the time the storms ended, some cars were completely covered up to their roofs in water. The cornfield in our back/side yard netted us all the leavin's from the harvest so our windows were getting pelted with corn stalks. It was an adventure to say the least. I did get a couple of loads of laundry in and some bills taken care of before calling it a night because I knew I was having dinner with friends on Monday night. Work was awful, but dinner with the girls was nice. I was gone by 7:20pm though because I was just plain exhausted.


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