
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Twas movie night y'all!

After we got in our kettlebell workout, it was time for din-din.  Chicken tacos and candied roasted brussels sprouts were on the menu.  So we had a lot of stuff to cram into one night!

It was movie night last night so the Mr swung by the video store and we got our flick on.  (Why did that sound dirty?)

I suppose a dirty inference is in order due to one of the movies we watched.  Out of sheer curiosity, we rented Lovelace (affiliate link) and out of sheer need for stupid comedy, we rented Grown Ups 2 .(affiliate link) 

I find it interesting that when Lohan was going to play the lead in Lovelace (affiliate link)  that there's likely no way I would've watched that train wreck.  But when Amanda Seyfried signed on, I wanted to see it.  Any time I really like an actor, I tend to follow their career regardless of whether or not I like the show.  I liked her and Ginnifer Goodwin in Big Love so I begrudgingly watch Once Upon a Time when I remember and I'll watch anything Amanda is in.  I did my research on the life of the real Linda Lovelace because I wanted to be able to separate fact from Hollywood fiction.  I mean I didn't go rent a bunch of her movies or anything though we did see the infamous one and laughed our asses off.  I don't know how anyone could get turned on by that farce but I digress.  Actually, it would be helpful to have seen it because you think they're taking ridiculous liberties with the dialogue and if you've seen it, you know it's as stupid as the words you're hearing.  Oy.  It's a sad movie, I mean it's not going to be a comedy.  It's about this woman's life and things that she had to do just to survive.  The cast were all really amazing (lots of decent names signed on...Sharon Stone, Hank Azaria, Chris Noth, James Franco, etc) and while I wouldn't say it's some feel good movie but if you're curious, give it a rent.  It makes you want to remember her as an opponent of domestic violence and feminine empowerment and not what this guy made her do.

One thing I love about renting movies on indie labels is the previews.  I get to see previews for movies I wouldn't otherwise hear of.  Now on my radar is Cutie and the Boxer and 20 Feet from Stardom which I forgot about but The Voice viewers will remember Judith Hill.  Neither are out yet but when they do come out, you can bet I'll be watching them!

Then it was on to Grown Ups 2.  (affiliate link) We thought the original was decent so thought we'd go for the second one.  I used to be a King of Queens fan early on until the Dad and the wife got on my nerves too bad to bear watching but Kevin James has really grown as a comedian since that show ended.  So I tend to rent stuff he's in just because I know there's a good likelihood it'll be good.  (Like I watched Here Comes the Boom (affiliate link)  on Starz for free because I was bored one day.  Whilst the title is lame as hell, that is actually a great movie.  Really inspiring and funny so a big it from moi!)  Anyhoo, back to GU2.  When it starts off with an intruder in the form of a pissing CG deer, you don't have high hopes.  Basically, it's an Adam Sandler movie where he invites all of his friends to be in it to make something similar to what my best friend and I made in 8th grade.  If you like that kind of schtick, you'll love this movie.  We did have some laugh out loud moments and the 80's stuff, J. Geils Band cameo and Steve Austin is worth a peep.  But it was coupled with too many lame/WTF moments for me to say we liked it.  I'll put it to you this way...the Mr went up to use the lavatory and when he came down and saw it was paused he said "oh God, now what" and when it was over, he slapped his forehead and shook his head. So take that for what it's worth.

Have you seen any good movies lately?  Any you're looking forward to?

(This post contains a few affiliate links.  Should you choose to buy through them, I'll get a nominal kickback to help keep the blog chuggin' along!)

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  1. Candied brussel sprouts sound so intriguing... I don't think I could bring myself to watch an actual Lovelace film, I'd probably laugh too hard throughout.

    1. The music score enough is laughable but I try to cut 'em some slack since it was bad 70's instrumentals. (And I actually love 70's music) But yeah, the real movie was like "seriously, THIS is what people have talked about for so many years!? Lame!"

  2. Oh, I can't even stand to watch trailers for Sandler movies. I despise him so much. That's not to say I don't enjoy bad movies. I have one waiting for me to watch.

    Hansel and Gretel, Witch Hunters. Oh yeah, it's going to be HORRIBLE, I just know it. But at least it's R so there might be some fun horror effects (someone better get their head lopped off, just saying).

    1. Oh yeah, that one has stinker written all over it but let me know how it is. Like when they're supposed to be scary but end up being comical.

  3. I stopped watching Once Upon a Time this season, I just found that I was dreading it every time it came up on the dvr last season. I'm the weirdo that always has to finish the season anyway, so I cut it from the record list this summer.

    I actually liked Hansel & Gretel - but high class it is not, I laughed a lot and didn't get bored which made it good in my book. We rented "This is the End" this weekend and I was not impressed. We kept watching "waiting for it to get good" because it had some really great actors in it, but it never really did get good.

    I like the indie movie previews too, but since my local rental place got all sad they don't stock those movies anymore so I can't get them unless they come to Netflix. The Lovelace film sounds interesting, I may look for it sometime when hubby won't be home - I'm pretty sure it's not his style.

    1. I took OUAT off the DVR and figured if I'd remember then I'd watch but if not, no biggie.

      Yeah, This is the End was not stellar but the exorcism scene almost made me wee myself.

      I think it's worth a rent if you can find it. They all do a great job and there's minor nudity given the subject.

  4. Hahahha...I dont liek Adam Sandler movies..but love Kevin James...GU2 didnt do much in the comedy dept though...

    I am looking forward to thor2

    1. Conan O'Brien ruined Thor for me because he did a skit when the first one came out where Thor talked in a munchkin voice and I could never look at him the same again.

    2. Man nothing can change it...Chris Hemsworth..enough said...hehehehe

  5. 20 Feet from Stardom is amazing! I saw it when it first came out and was blown away by these amazing singers that you have hardly ever heard of.

  6. GU2 sounds like a movie that will give me a few moments of pure zone out time. Sounds fabulous! :)

    PS, recipe for chicken tacos?

  7. I was going to wait for GU2 to come on the Dish to watch it. The first one was ok, so I don't expect much more than that, but I did get some laughs with the first one. There's nothing out now that I can think of that I want to see, but maybe something closer to the holidays?

    Completely off topic, but I saw this and thought it was SO cute!! I had to share it with you because the "pup person" you are, too. It took me a minute to see it, but when I did, I thought it was adorable. I'm thinking of sending it to mom for Thanksgiving from the "granddogs". Lemme know what you think....

    1. OMG, that is so cute! Definitely send that! If she's a pup person, she'd love it!

  8. For Halloween we watched Insidious -scary movie with same actor and director as The Conjuring. Didn't know there was an Insidious 2 out at the movie theaters now. Insidious was scary and even scared my husband..

    1. I think we watched that when it first came out. It was pretty scary. We didn't think The Conjuring was scary at all and I'm a wuss. LOL I'll have to see if I can get through Insidious 2. I have a new habit of having thrashing nightmares after scary movies.


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