
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tomfoolery, workin' the plan and pot fillers

Yesterday we were on our own for workouts.  I did just as I predicted and put off working out until later.  I had some photos to take and the sun was just too good for this time of year for me to be wasting an hour of it in the basement.  Well, not wasting but you know what I mean.

I did some weird hybrid of strength and what I call tomfoolery.  It's basically dancing like a fool since no one's watching.  I look like Amy from Fright Night.

Not that particular scene but the one where she sees Dandridge is a vampire because she doesn't see his reflection in the mirror so it looks like she's dancing with herself.  Yeah, when the song Suit and Tie comes on, I sometimes bust it out ballroom style with the air.  You'd be amazed how much it raises your heart rate over twerking the Blurred Lines.  I'd do that more often but with all the fat reverb back and forth it just feels like pigs wrestling under a lycra blanket so I refrain from making it a regular move.  I did some free weights on the balance board.  That always makes things interesting.  My ankles were not pleased but tough poo, they need to get used to being worked.

I planned out my meals for the rest of the week and I'm very happy to say that this past Sunday was the first one in a long time where I wasn't a meals worth over my calories.  I did better on my water yesterday which seems to be a lacking area lately and I'm aiming to match or beat it today.

I also spent the day obsessing over a house we saw over the weekend.  It's $50K over our price range so it's not an option but I also know they bought it for $100K less 2 years ago.  I'm not paying for your kitchen remodel that has me so obsessed.  But if they drop down for what the other homes are selling for, I will seriously sell this place for less than I ever would've considered just to get the down payment for the new place.  Why?  Besides the fact the kitchen is 3x our current one's sizes, it all boils down to these two things:  commercial stove and pot filler.

For those who don't know what that is...

I die.

What dance moves do you throw into your routine?  What features would make you swoon in a new-to-you home?

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  1. I have to say that tomfoolery definitely does make for a good workout. It is not something your body is used to so it's new and different and that is a good thing.

    I would be real surprised if that house sells for what they are asking. The comps in the area wouldn't support that kind of a price hike. I think 275K max for that place.

    1. Yes it does. My legs are feelin' it today buddy. Yow!

      It's been on the market 2 months in a neighborhood where houses rarely last 2 weeks. They need to get their aspirations out of the clouds. With practically no yard, a garage that needs leveled, that basement and a somewhat weird layout, reality is smacking them. Let's hope it smacks them low enough. If not, let's hope the new owners are only in it 2-3 years like they were so we can get it the next go round when we're paid off and have the money to throw at it! :)

  2. I wish I could dance. I usually refuse unless I'm a couple glasses of wine in. But if I could, my signature move would definitely be the moonwalk.

    1. I wish I could dance more than just the 80's dance but you get too choreographed and you look like a fool because that stuff only looks good in videos. LOL I say the moonwalk would be a good signature...worked for MJ! :)

  3. I wanted a pot filler sooo bad in our house, but it was just wayyy too expensive. The cheapest fixture I found was nearly 800 dollars, and the plumbing was a whole different story. In the end I let it go, and after living in the house, i realize the expensive would not have been worth it.

    I did however upgrade our stove to a double oven with convection. that was a worthwhile expense. I've never lived in an area where natural gas didn't exist (we have propane), but now I actually prefer propane as a cooking element way better now that I've lived with it for a month. I may have sacrificed the microwave (still trying to decide where it should go functionally if we got one), but honestly - I don't really miss it.

    1. Good Lord, was it solid gold!? The ones I've looked at are $250-400 at Home Depot! More than worth it for me because I hate lugging a big pot of water from the sink to the stove and it's not a haul. LOL

      When we replaced our appliances 3 years ago, I got a double oven too and I love it! It's like I don't want to remember what it was like with one oven! I bow to you, I don't know how you can go without a microwave. I use it every day.

    2. I totally didn't even know a thing such as a pot filler existed until today! My first thought was, "is filling a pot at the sink really that bad?" Then I remembered that I just bought a new cast iron dutch oven, and I tell you what, a pot filler would be nice for that! Otherwise I usually just use my measuring cup to fill a pot. Luckily my sink and stove are like 6 inches from one another so I don't really have to move. lol.

  4. I'm not a dancer, I look more like a dying fish than anything. I think if I were to ever move (don't see it happening, like ever, but...) I'd like to have an attached garage (no garage at all here) and I really want a mudroom.

    1. ROFL...dying fish.

      Hey, a girl can dream! I can definitely see wanting a garage if you don't have one and yes to a mudroom! Put all of your dirty stuff and close the door if company comes. :)

  5. I think my signature dance would be the one from Napoleon Dynamite. I went online and learned to do the stroll (love the original rock n roll!)
    As far as houses go, I want my own private living/reading room with a corner view of windows out to my private garden. Noise proofed and inaccessible to anyone but me. I like my private space.

    1. I would love to see that! :-)

      I like your style. A quiet room just for you and I love looking out at gardens too. So relaxing!

  6. That kitchen is gorgeous! We're building next year. I'm going to have to remember that pot filler idea!

    1. If you get it, take lots of pics so I can drool over them and cry in the fetal position! ;-)

  7. So glad to read about your meals again. I miss the photos and menus (confessions?) you used to share. I just started using My Fitness Pal to track my consumption, and it does help me watch my intake. (I'm shaming myself to eat fewer calories!)

    1. Just so you know, I post my meals every night on the Facebook page. I'm pretty much eating all the same things I used to eat when I posted pics all the time so it's not exciting. MFP can be a great tool. I've used Fitday for like 15 years so I can't seem to get motivated to enter my food elsewhere. I usually plan out my meals the night before. (I'm not allowed to eat until my calories are planned, no exceptions) Sometimes I get ambitious and just plan 'em all for the week which makes it a nice no brainer!

  8. In my dream home, I would like a huge GAS stove (we're all electric out here in the country), and of course double oven. Other MUST HAVES for the kitchen include a walk-in pantry ROOM, with shelves and a huge freezer, and one of those double wide refrigerators. Mine is always stuffed full. I also would like a big laundry room, with lots of space to hang clothes and a sink for pre-washing, etc., and lots of huge walk-in closets for every bedroom. I also need lots and lots of storage space for all my junk. I envision rooms filled with shelves, which are stacked neatly with labelled storage containers. AH....dreams of finally getting organized!

    1. Dream big baby! I'm looking around the house and dreaming of organization. I think I'd need to dump half the crap in my house to get there and I think I'm about ready to do it. Big dreams of entertaining friends has taken up quite a bit of shelf space with stuff that gets used once every 5 years.

  9. I would love, love, love a huge kitchen with built-ins with a big kitchen island (with a sink in it) as well as a double oven (grandma used to have one) built in the wall. Ahhhhhhhh...... And throw in a hot tub in a 3-season porch and I'd be thrilled to bits!


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