
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Start'er up, lights hung and repeat lesson learned

Yesterday we took my car to get a remote starter put in.  With the first flakes of the season flying, I knew I'd need to bite the bullet to give the car a run from time to time like I used to with ol' Blue.  Of course that was so the battery didn't die since Intrepids were known for their electrical issues, one of them being battery draining if not driven every day.  But still, need to keep the new car hummin' without having to go out in 20 degree weather to start her up.  I know I won't do it but pressing a button from the kitchen window while cars still have half a foot of snow on top?  I'm there, dude.

The Mr put up the Christmas lights.  No, they're not on.  Those don't turn on until Thanksgiving night.  We just like to get them up so he doesn't have to do them in crappy, cold weather.  I remember quite a few years holding the Mr's ladder while he climbed up to do the gutters.  Snow, sleet and slowly sinking into the flower beds is not awesome.  What is awesome?  These little gutter clippy thingies (affiliate link)  that the Mr just twists on a broomstick and latches onto the gutter with the lights attached.  No ladders, no sinking into the flower beds and I don't even have to be out there anymore!  WOOT!  I've noticed a lot of people have their lights up and a few have full blown decorations up so I think I'm not the only one with the fever.  Of course there are some people who are already doing their holiday bitching on Facebook or other social media and I had to hide them because I can't take 2 1/2 months of Grinchiness.  Get over yourselves and think about the meaning behind the holidays, yeesh.

I am trying to figure out what workout I'm going to do today and if I'm smart (I'm not), I'll do it earlier than later.  I need to do see how the legs are feeling today.  I'm such an ass.  I slacked on my leg exercises AGAIN for physical therapy and my legs are giving me the what for.  When will I understand that this physical therapy is for LIFE.  I don't have a choice.  I think this happens to a lot of people.  You just start feeling better and then you slowly start to slack because you feel better so you're cured, right?  Nope.  These strengthening exercises, stretches and deep massages are now required to walk without pain.  Not just build it up for a month, then go a month without doing the things and have your legs go to crap all over again.  I hope I'm not the only person foolish enough to keep making this mistake.  I'll get it one day.  I just know last night's Powerstrike workout was supposed to be "light" and my left foot was like "you SUCK...ZING."

I'm having the Mr take the test desserts I made last night to work.  I'll wait for feedback and if you're cool with it, I'll post it next week so you can perhaps make it part of your Thanksgiving food coma table.

Are you a Christmas freak, fan or Grinch?  Do you slack on physical therapy exercises you know you should be doing and pay for it later?

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you choose to buy through it, an elf will deliver me a nominal kickback.  Or was it a Keebler cookie?  I can't remember.)

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  1. We got that remote starter just in time. It works really well too. Highly recommend that to anyone who wants to avoid having to scrape the windows (as much) in the morning or who just want a warm car to go to.

    It looks like you will need to get a routine down for the legs and just make it part of your life. I can benefit too so we'll do a lot of the stuff together.

    1. Yes we did. I ran it a little this morning and am about to run to the post office so hopefully a toasty car to get into! :)

      I need to make a big sign I can't ignore with flashing lights.

  2. I would LOVE a remote starter, but I have a standard transmission so it's not an option for me. Where I live it's not exactly a necessity either, and my car gets driven almost everyday so I couldn't justify it anyway.

    I'm not exactly a Grinch, but I'm not exactly full of Christmas spirit either. I'm fine with Christmas decorations being up now, and people who leave their lights up and on all year make me happy, but it really irritates me when the Halloween stuff (my favorite) gets shoved to a corner and replaced with Christmas stuff a week before Halloween.

    I've had awful foot problems which are finally sort of under control. A big part of that is stretching, and wearing supportive shoes ALL THE TIME (sorry, yelling at myself not at you) even in the house. Every time I start to feel better I either stop doing the stretches or start walking around the house barefoot and then the next day I'm reminded of the importance of not doing that.

    1. It's nice to have. Not a necessity of course but much cheaper to get it independently than at the dealer or as part of a package.

      Yeah, I have these old man slippers I wear around the house and if I'm not wearing those, it's the tennis shoes. The body has a way of reminding you that the carefree days of body maintenance are over!

  3. I would so love a remote starter. My hubs put one on his car last year and it was wonderful. Mine didn't get one because I get the attached garage. I would still like it though because I still have to go out in the cold to warm it up. I'm a big baby when it comes to cold. So why did I move to northern Indiana...?

    I wouldn't really call myself a grinch, I just get irritated with people that focus on the wrong things at this time of year. Christmas is for celebrating the birth of Christ. Without Him, there is no Christmas.

    1. You could always hint it would be a nice bday/holiday gift! ;-) Place pics of you suffering with frosty fingers in the morning or a snow covered car when you leave work. HA!

      I agree. Just like I think if you declare yourself a proud atheist, you shouldn't expect a Christmas gift from me.

  4. The remote starters are so expensive nowadays, and since I'm in my early twenties, I'd feel like a lazybones spendthrift going to go get one, since I live in Ohio and it really isn't all that bad. Still, when I move to Chicago, it's definitely something that I'll have to look into.

    D @ The Kosher Cave Girl

    1. If you move to the city, you won't have to worry about a car at all! My friend moved there from Ohio and he didn't drive his car for 6 months before he finally just sold it. I'd love to have a walkable city like that! Chicago is the best!

  5. I love Christmas but at the same time, nothing should be on until the day after Thanksgiving. I think it goes back to my childhood. There would be nothing up anywhere. Then Thanksgiving came and that meant the parade and Santa's arrival. It seemed like the next day everything was decorated and all the lights turned on. Just seems to me like that's the way it should be.

    1. I agree. I mean I put the stuff up on the inside a little early (maybe a week) so that Thanksgiving night it's just plug in and go. It was the same for me and I like to keep that up. Though Christmas music can be played anytime of year in my house...much to the Mr's dismay. "Aww, come ON, it's JUNE!!!"

  6. I'd really like to get a remote starter for Hubby. My car is in the garage, but his is out.

    I'm not a Grinch, I like Christmas, but I personally don't put up any decor or listen to music until after Thanksgiving. I don't really get after those who do either though.

    I've personally never had to do any physical therapy. Hubby did after surgery for his Achilles, and he did it while he had appointments with the physical therapist, but had a hard time following up on his own. #2 son wasn't great at doing it after his broken foot (feet ... he broke them both within four months). Luckily they both seem to be doing fine ...

    1. Yeah I definitely think it's a must have if you can when your car is outside especially in the winter. (Sometimes it's nice on scorching hot days too to cool down the car.)

      Physical therapy is great if it's a get you back to where you were before and you're done kind of thing. But when it needs to be a part of long term wellness, dang it is HARD not to slack when you feel better! I'm glad your guys healed up well!

  7. I'm a total lover of xmas and would keep my tree up and listen to the music all year long if I could!
    Current giveaway: A stencil! Our Journey Giveaway!

    1. Word up Christmas Sistah! I keep one decoration up all year to "honor Christmas in my heart and keep it all the year!"

  8. I noticed yesterday that someone in our neighborhood already has a Christmas tree in their house. All I have to say about that is: I'm really not ready for Christmas. :) Can we just through an extra month between November and December this year?!

    I haven't done physical therapy exercises in years. I know, I'm bad!

    1. I won't tell you we're likely putting ours up Sunday or sometime next week. We've got company coming Thanksgiving weekend and a buttload of cleaning to do the weekend before. This year I want to ENJOY the big game that weekend instead of putting up decorations and it's just us so...

      How about you can have 11 months between this Christmas and next December? ;) Get on those PT exercises girl!

  9. One of my dearest friends is a physical therapist and to this day she tells me how mortified she is looking at my kneecaps because they are so far out of place because my I.T. bands are so ridiculously tight going down the sides of my legs. I was supposed to do stretches repeated to loosen up those bands so the kneecaps could go back into place. Do I still do them? Not so much. I "think" about it, and occasionally will (when I'm in agony), but nope, I'm an idiot. As for the remote starter, I had one on my Concorde...until it died along with my car from the accident. Sigh.... I sure miss that ol' gal.....

    1. Ugh, tight IT bands are SO painful! Girl, do those stretches! I use a tennis ball on mine to help and it feels SO good! But I can't say much. I'm trying to learn.

      Nothing worse than when you have to get rid of your baby whether you're selling it or it gets taken from you by way of an accident. :-(

  10. I'm usually somewhat of a grinch because even though I absolutely LOVE the season, I allow myself to get caught up in the stress of it way too often. But this year I've decided to just embrace it all. I don't even care that the stores have stuff out, or that people are decorating, and that some folks even have their trees up! I think it's awesome because that means they are enjoying it that much longer. I'm actually contemplating decorating earlier myself!!!! Screw the grinch...I'm going for feeling the season this year! :-)


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