
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Not a glamorous subject

We were passing by the organic section in the grocery store the other day and the Mr pointed out this juice called GoodBelly.

I kind of dismissed it but then he said it had probiotics and I might be interested in it.
My digestive system?  Well it works good enough but it needs some improvement.  I eat a ton of fiber.  It's not like the materials to move along the "chute route" aren't available.  If I'm lucky, I go every other day.  I can count on both hands how many times in my life I've gone every day.

The Mr?  He's like clockwork.

"It's 9:43am, be right back!"

"It's 5:17pm...gotta trot!"

I've tried probiotic pills and didn't have a good reaction to them.  I loathe yogurt.  I mean...L-O-A-T-H-E.  The smell of it brings bile to my throat.  Fermented food?  Ain't happenin'.  So my quest for probiotic infestation went by the wayside...until now.

GoodBelly encourages a 12 day challenge and if you aren't satisfied, they'll refund your money.  What did I have to lose?  Nothing.  So I grabbed a carton of Pomegranate Blackberry.  How does it taste?  It tastes like juice (der) but there is an undertone of vinegar even though it's not one of the ingredients.  Maybe it's the probiotics?  I don't know.  But it's not enough to turn me off to it and I'll try other flavors.  One serving is eight ounces at 110 calories.  I can't afford to be adding that many calories into my diet so I half it and drink four ounces.  I started Sunday and am on day three.  I'll say this, there's improvement thus far, if ya get my drift.  I'll continue with the 12 day challenge and see if there is hope for a daily 'cleansing' ritual for me yet!

It's vegan, dairy, soy and gluten free.

If you want to check out their website to see more for yourself and if a store near you carries it, click here.  I'll report back at the end of the 12 days to let you know it (I?) went.

Do you like yogurt?  Would you try something like this if it helped you get regular?  Are you one of those lucky people that void daily?

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  1. I'm glad its working out for you so far. If not we can always try the stool transplant thing if you like. You can have my 9:43 any time baby!

  2. Ummm - ewww, but sweet. How do you guys manage to be both at the same time?

    I go through phases with yogurt. For a long time it was my go to breakfast, then suddenly one day I couldn't stand it, now back on a "sometimes" basis. I like to mix my cereal into it instead of using milk. A carton of the kind I buy has 90 calories and that's almost the same as a cup of fat free milk and the yogurt lasts longer.

    As to your "#2 question" - As a kid I had a lot of trouble with constipation but that went away as I got older. I'm still just about as irregular as possible. And now you know just a little too much about me.

    1. ROFL...I know. There's pretty much no subject we don't discuss.

      I do the same thing with oatmeal as far as phases. I let it get cold once and didn't have time to reheat and it totally changed my taste for it. Sometimes I like it, other times I have to force it down because I know it's good for me.

      I was the same way when I was younger and my diet was like pizza rolls, magic fries and pure crap with little water. I really have to make a conscious effort to chug water now and most days I fail. Sigh. Hey, just like the kid's book says "Everybody Poops!" :)

  3. hehehe....interesting subject..>DH is like that...While Im better now..My key is wake up 30min early and relax with a cup of coffee and yay....good for u if this works..

    My breakfast is greek yogurt with granola and dinner I eat yogurt with india we eat yogurt and rice as a last course as a used to it...

    1. I've heard that about drinking something early in the morning like water, coffee or tea.

      Glad yogurt comes easy for you, I wish it did for me! I want to like it but I blame my mom's 80's dieting. It was the gagging scent of childhood.

  4. I think this might be the second time I've responded.
    Yogurt...yes, I love it and all sorts of fermented foods. Doesn't mean I eat them every meal or day. Sometimes my body rebels at putting cold food in a warm body on a cold day. ugh. Need warm food to keep body warm.
    The #2...every day like clock work, not like your Mr. though. I do have to encourage it by drinking a cup of something hot but not caffinated. Caffine makes the situation worse for me and that is all I will say on the subject. But for this, when our daughter was smaller, her gastroenterologist said that the healthiest bodies eliminate after every meal. Something to shoot for, right?

    1. I've heard that before about drinking something hot. I did try drinking green tea for quite a few weeks and it didn't much for me but I can't remember if it was caffeinated or not. After every meal!?!?! Never gonna happen! LOL

  5. A topic my husband and I discuss as well. I am an every other day person, unless I am traveling and away from my normal bathroom, then I can go up to a week without going. :/ And Hubby, twice a day, every

    1. Good to know I'm not the only every other dayer...but man a week? That sounds painful!

  6. I might have to give this stuff a try! My pooper goes on a hiatus on the weekend no matter what I do and I am not ritualistic at all and it's FRUSTRATING. Like you, my husband is like clockwork and it just ticks me off.

    1. Mine has a hard time recovering from the weekend because my sodium is higher and fiber is lower. I'm looking forward to put this stuff to the test this weekend! What is it with dudes? LOL

    2. They read while on the throne, just like my honey! Twice a day, sometimes 3x a day. But he is also celiac so we keep him filled up with fiber and lots of water. Oo, maybe thats what we need?

  7. Once I changed my diet (stopped eating tons of processed stuff and junky stuff) I started having more regular movements. Now I'm pretty much an every day kind of gal (sometimes more than once). I have more veggies to thank for that.

    I do like yogurt but it took me a while to come to like it. For the longest time I couldn't understand what it was that I didn't like about it then I realized it made my mouth feel the same way it used to when I used to eat a ton of rolaids (when I had the less healthy diet, I had a lot of heartburn issues). Once I realized that, I came around to yogurt and now like it.

    I also LOVE Kefir. It's fermented milk, kind of like really runny yogurt that you can drink. I prefer my yogurt runny to think (can't stand greek yogurt).

    1. I wish my veggies did that for me (and I eat a TON of them) but I also need to couple it with water. I'm doing better this week.

      I was going to try kefir but the fact everyone says it's runny yogurt basically puts the stopper on that one! Yeah, the Mr, who loves yogurt, has a low tolerance for greek yogurt but eats it for the protein.

  8. When I got pregnant with my second urchin :) I stopped being regular. I would go a week or more without going, so I started taking a thing called magnesium citrate. Tha's the only thing that helped me go. Dr. told me to stop cause it wasn't good for me. So now I do fiber one chocolate cereal in the morning, metamucil in the afternoon and disgusting 4oz of prune juice at night. Have to make sure I get in enough water and now I'm regular. I also love greek yogurt. I can eat the regular kind if I don't think too hard about it.

    1. Sounds like you're taking all the proper steps to be a regular kinda gal. I hope this stuff helps me the same way!

  9. Aw man, lost my whole comment. Oh well. It said: I'm not sure i understand ProBiotics. Fad? Real thing? Marketing? Glad it's working for you, though! One question: do you still do weigh-ins? I LOVE them. Good, bad, other... I find them encouraging and I love your voice in them since you are so raw and honest. Makes me feel like we can do this, even if it gets frustrating. My Mr. has taken to longboarding and has shed a few stubborn lbs. I however, am preggissimo, so I don't give a flip. Haha!

    1. Oh and I meant to say, I couldn't find any recent weigh--ins by clicking on the weigh-in category on the right. Could just be a dumb mistake on my part though.

    2. No weigh in's because there's nothing to report. It's been the year of maintenance. :-( I got tired of seeing the same thing so writing it down to remind myself we're not actively losing weight is just not something I can mentally tolerate slapping in the face every week right now. I realize it's a big turn off to people who follow this blog for the weight loss aspect but I guess I just have to be glad I have kept the 200+ off for as long as we have and come up with another plan of attack or find the motivation to do so. Wish I had a better answer than that but it's an honest one. :-)

    3. I think a year of maintenance is awesome (take it from one who lost and then gained most of it back). I think your current plan is a good one.

    4. " a year of maintenance"--wow! you followed that phrase up with a frowny face emoticon but you should have put an awesome face emoticon! Congratulations on a year of maintaining all of your hard work!

  10. LOATHE yogurt here too. I have given it numerous chances, trying some of those fancy fruit varieties, etc. out there and don't like any of them. Probably has something to do with my distaste of milk and cheese (unless it's melted--like on nachos or pizza--don't ask?!) my entire life. Ice cream is just okay, and I never drink the cereal milk from the bowl when I'm done, it gets dumped. I only use enough skim milk to wetten the cereal a little bit. But I could use some help in the "going" area too. When I was heavy, I had diarrhea all the time. Probably from my diet--which was food, constant food, ALL THE TIME! Now, my bowel is not so regular, and I might just give this juice a try. Hubby was drinking PomWonderful's Pomegranate juice for a while. They said it is helpful in fighting prostate cancer's growth, so we tried it. He drank three 8 oz. bottles every day. He is a trooper, cause I don't think it is very tasty. I never tried a single drop of it. Then Cancer Treatment Center told us the juice comes in capsule form, which is about 1/3 the price (the juice was costing $10 every two days), and way less calories. This Good Belly stuff sounds intriguing though....especially in that pomegranate flavor!

    1. Yay another yogurt hater! Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wagon alone since everyone and their mothers seem to love it. :-) Yeah if you go to their website, they give you coupons to print out too so it's even cheaper. I got mine on sale for $2.49 (reg $2.99) so I'd get a buck off with one of their coupons or $2 off if I bought two. Might be worth a go! ( pun intended!)

  11. My DH is like yours. Men! And it doesn't matter what he eats (or doesn't eat). I take Metamucil in capsule form every day and I still don't go with that same regularity. Plus I am usually on one side of the spectrum or the other - not so much with middle ground.

    1. What is it with men!? It's not fair. We get periods, pushing humans out of our hoo-ha's should we choose to and get jowls as we age. Dudes get regularity, no humans coming out of anywhere (well, not developed ones anyway) and they get "distinguished" as they age. NOT FAIR! I wish I had a middle ground as well. I'm hoping this stuff helps with that.

  12. Hilariously awkward post. LOL I am one of the uh..."lucky people" but my BFF is woefully unfortunate when it comes to "routine evacuations". I'll definitely hip her to this product. Thanks!

    1. I aim to please! :-) You're lucky. Every time you enjoy some regularity, think of us bunged up folks!

  13. Like clockwork!!! :-) I have been taking a probiotic though - started to take it during my knee disaster earlier this year since the doc suggested it to counteract the antibiotics killing off the good bacteria with the bad, and it helped so I just kept taking them! So far, so good!

  14. When I was younger, things did not move well or often. When I got pregnant the first time...oh my...NOT GOOD. Some major stoppage. Then my mom told me about this: every morning drink 1 Tbsp lemon juice mixed in 3 Tbsp hot water. TA DA! Fixed it. Now, if there's a slow down (which doesn't happen often), hot water with lemon juice it is!

    1. Those pregnancies seem to be a theme. How curious!

      I tried the lemon and water thing. I think I might've done too much water so I'll give that a try as well or if I'm out of the juice. It worked some times but not others so I'll try your formula.

  15. I've never eaten yogurt ... but I'm uber picky with what I drink too (I did a post about it, and that drink would not make the list). I know I don't get enough fiber, I'm not "regular" in any way but I also rarely have problems. So ... I'll just keep on keeping on.

  16. I didn't like yogurt when I was young, but really like it now...although I can't stand any type of greek yogurt. Tried it and do not like the texture at all. As for regularity...yeah, I have it in spades. I'm a multi day a girl actually. It's actually a bit too much because stress can bring it on as well. Not quite the IBS stage, but enough that I need to know where the bathrooms are wherever I am. Social anxiety brings it on as well....the best probiotic in the world! lol Unfortunately not what you need in social settings!

  17. I'm pretty much like clockwork, but hubby not so much. He has the opposite problem though, so I'm not sure probiotics is the answer. However, thanks to the handy store locator you included, I've discovered the stuff is at my local favorite store, so I'm going to get some and have him try it.

    Yogurt, ew.


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