
Friday, November 15, 2013

Happiest of Fridays to you and what I'm reading this week

Friday happy dance commences in 3...2...1...

I think this is the first time we don't have anything concrete planned.  Well, the Mr has an afternoon date with college football so that puts any damper on getting out of the house in the daylight.  This week went well.  Sunday was the first Sunday in like two months that we didn't go over our calories by a hefty meal's worth.  Water was better than the previous week but can improve.  I still had trouble chugging it down over the weekend but I think some of that had to do with being out of town so I don't have excuses.  But enough of that schtuff, let's get to

20 Times the Cast of Sleepy Hollow Proved They Are Utterly Adorable  (If you aren't watching this show, you are missing out.  Tom Mison is SO great and the writing is extraordinary!  But it's great to see the whole cast is so funny off screen)

Cut Sugar and Fat From Your Diet  (If I must)

Eat Your Way to a Fast Metabolism  (I hope so.  I think mine turned off)

Jennifer Lawrence Walks Off Red Carpet to Comfort Crying Fan  (Video has no sound but you don't need it to see the compassion this woman has.  She is a class act)

Stay Healthy This Winter  (Back off, germs!)

How to Make the Airport Less Crappy and More Fun  (Thankfully we seem to do all of these!)

6 Unexpected Ways Writing Can Transform Your Health  (I'm SO down with this!)

Should Students Learn Cursive?  Some States Say Yes   (And so do I.)

5 Reasons Running May Not Help You Lose Weight  (For the runners.  No idea if this applies or not since I only run when chased by a lumbering bear or hockey masked man)

Jennifer Lawrence Reminds Everyone It's Dumb to "Be Hungry to Make Other People Happy"  (Yes, another Jennifer story...I can't help it if the girl is awesome!)

Car-a-mel or Car-mel?  3 Reasons for Syllabically Ambiguous Words  (Everyone knows it's car-mel.  LOL (I'm kidding for all of you car-a-mel weirdos.  HA!))

Get out the tissues  (Video)

3 Pretentious, Foodie Thanksgiving Recipes Revised So That Your Family Will Actually Eat Them  (No disrespect to the original recipe authors since I do recipes myself but this is funny)

35 Obsessively Specific Gifts for Every Person on Your List  (Pretty funny, interesting stuff)

56 Delightful Victorian Slang Terms You Should Be Using  (I hope you chuckaboos don't have any collie shangles this weekend and have one helluva benjo!)

Hypnotic Video of Molten Lava Cooking Then Consuming a Can of Ravioli  (We can attest it's 100% more hypnotic in person.  There is nothing like watching lava a few feet from your hair singed face)

15 Lame Outdated Pop Culture Tattoos  (HA!  That's what you get!  Maybe in 20 years it'll be cool again)

19 Wonderfully Silly Items Stocked at Hooper's Store on Sesame Street

What's on tap for your weekend?

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  1. I just don't know how you do it. All of these links look great and will keep me busy reading today!

    1. I see you're reading them now! :-) I like to read some interesting stuff and bookmark it for mah peeps!

  2. Pay bills, grade papers, clean house. BOOOOOO! I'll have to work in something fun too, just don't know what yet.

  3. Thanks for the links....

    Love JLaw...hehhe and metabolism I need u...

    1. She is awesome! Lurve her!

      If you find my metabolism hanging out with yours, send it over!

  4. Ugh. I have issues chugging down water too. Usually I just carry a giant water bottle with me everywhere. It's not fun.

  5. Just a comment on the cursive writing thing. My kids' schools have decided to do away with it. They really did away with it earlier it seems. Sure my kids learned it in the third grade, but as soon as they learn it and "master" it, they stop using it. I just don't understand it. How will they sign a signature?

    We went to DC over the summer and visited the Holocaust museum. There was a child-focused section. The signs at each display were entries into a fictional boy's diary. They were in cursive. I literally had to read them to my kids (16 and 12) because they couldn't read it all. They got some of it, maybe even most, but the fact that they couldn't read it all really shocked me! It just makes me shake my head. They will need cursive interpreters someday. It'll be "an ancient language".

    1. I don't understand why the, I don't know, it's it considered Gen Z now, is all anti-cursive. (The teens and early 20s) They act like teaching kids cursive is akin to asking them to hunt for their food or do their laundry on a washboard. Many historical documents are in cursive. What happens in 40-60 years when those of us who grew up with cursive have kicked it? They'll create a new job where they have a Cursive Expert and will regard it as a cryptic code old timey's used. *rolling eyes* I guess I won't have to worry about people being able to read the Mr and I's love letters!

  6. Yes to cursive and yes to Jennifer Lawrence being a class act!

    I'm planning on a whole lotta housework this weekend...yay. :-|

    1. Word up girl!

      When you're done with your house, come hit mine! :D

  7. I'm going to read some of those (sadly, I can't picture who Jennifer Lawrence is so I have to click on the links). And of course Mr Hooper! Loved him! I grinned when I saw Snoopy and Chuck---you thought of me, I just know it! I kid. For my weekend I have an eye doctor apt at 8am tomorrow and then meeting former co-workers for lunch. This is the 2nd time in less than 2 months that I've been sick with a cold. Working in health clinics every day is the reason why I have no doubt because it's rare for me to get more than the sniffles. In the afternoon it's Notre Dame football and grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Sunday is the apple orchard to pick up dressings for mom for Christmas (they close the weekend after Thanksgiving for the season). Then Monday (my schedule changed 3 times since yesterday) after work I'll meet up with the Bible Babes for dinner. Oh yes, and a couple of naps are being penciled in.... =o)


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