
Friday, November 29, 2013

Carb coma, Thanksgiving bliss and what I'm reading this week

Yawn...I'm in a carb coma.  

It was quite possibly one of the BEST Thanksgivings we've had, oh, EVER.  Well, the only thing that would've made it the best is if Grandma was her old self but we take the blessings we have.  I know this is going to sound bad but none of my cousins on one side came and it's not because they weren't there that it was so good, it was because their SCREAMING kids weren't either.  It was calm, stress free, the dog was allowed to be up amongst the people, we did exactly what I suggested yesterday and reminisced, laughed, made memories, etc.  The food was all great (but I'm glad I made my own turkey because not to toot my own horn but dang no one else's compares to mine) and of course we stuffed ourselves into a food coma.  My light pumpkin pie was the preferred pie of the weight watchers and since two pieces equalled one normal one, we didn't have much by way of leftovers so I may start making two of them from now on!  SO yummy!  

Now on to...

The Worst Health Habits to Ditch ASAP  (As I sit here biting my nails)

Use a Shammy as a Washable, Reusable Swiffer Cloth  (They spelled it wrong, not me)

The Difference Between Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday  (Makes not a difference to me...I've been done for 3 weeks!  *ducking*)

Why You Really Get Sick on Planes and How to Prevent It

Why You're Doing It Wrong:  Pecan Pie  (I'm SO making this)

5 Obscure Looney Tunes Cartoons  (I VERY clearly remember 3 and 4.  I loved that they were a departure from the usual.  Though I did want to flick the owl)

Urbanites Go to Crazy Lengths for a Little Personal Space  (I don't need this but I would totally have this if I had to work at a cafe or library.)

A British Teacher's 30 Year Archive of Confiscated Toys  (Pretty cool!)

11 Iconic Perfumes of the 80's  (I saw the bottle for Poison and instantly got a headache!  My friend wore that and Exclamation! and stunk like a cheap jezebel.)

New Wave Artists Aging Gracefully  (Uh...most not so gracefully.  I wanted to cry after I read this)

What to Do with Turkey Leftovers  (In case you need some ideas!)

Animals Dressed as Pilgrims

30 Minute No Gym Bodyweight Workout  (In case you have a little extra stuffing than you had the day before)

Today I am SUPER busy!  We've got company coming for the big game tomorrow and I have so much cleaning and food prep to do today I should be a twitching heap of stress by day's end.  I'm hoping the Mr will pitch in and help where he can so maybe we can relax a bit tonight before a full day's entertaining tomorrow.  Entertaining puts me in my bliss.  Let's hope all of the recipes I'm trying all turn out or it'll be pizza from the shop up the street!

How was your Thanksgiving?  Are you a Black Friday nut?  Anything on tap for the weekend?

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  1. Ugh, it was a rough night sleeping full like that. Carb coma indeed. Thanks for the links. It will be a good way to ease into the day as I know we have a lot to do.

  2. No time to check out your links, but I will be coming back when I can. I still have company, and later today my very first mammogram. WooHoo for me! *rolling my eyes but you can't see that*.

    We're doing the "big feed" today so hopefully everything will turn out ok.

  3. No need for black Friday stuff for me either as I'm all done and wrapped, aside from some stocking stuffers. I was smart this year as I shopped and came home and wrapped right away...I took pictures of the item and have it tucked under the ribbons on each present so I could remember what each thing was and cross it off the list. I've screwed myself in the past by not doing this, so this year I can walk into my office and peep it all out. Lucky for me, the hubs doesn't nose around at all, so his stuff is in the closet with pictures and I know he won't go digging around.

    I had to work today so as I drove down towards the highway I had to pass the mall (crowded at 7:25am), but it was even worse across the street at Menards of all places! That place was packed to the gills, with cars parking on the shoulder of the road! What on earth could that store have on sale that would drive people in droves like that? Luckily where I worked today was out in the boondocks, and I saw maybe 20 cars the whole way in.

  4. We had some people over on Thursday and more on Friday. Nice visiting with family, no fuss, no stress (the worst offenders were not in town!). I have not been out and about since Wednesday but I need to go out today for dog food. I never go out on Black Friday! This weekend I'll get the tree up and the house decorated.


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