Monday, March 10, 2025

She's Gone Mad Weekend Recap

Yawn... Monday again eh?  And the one after we spring forward, no less.  I was never one of those people bothered by the time changes but when you wake up at 6:30am and think "by the light in the room I've got about an hour" then grab your phone and see "nope" then the internal groan happens.  

Lots happened over the past week so let me catch you up.  I finally got all of the Christmas stuff down last week!  😂  I know, it sounds appalling but with the daily prospect of financial insecurity in the world's worst job market and the bathroom handing you a new problem with each step of progress you're trying to make, taking down the Christmas crap doth not rank high on the list.  I had a stack of boxes I'd been saving in case we have to start selling crap and I finally broke those down because I was pretty sure they were going to just eat me at some point.  So that stuff all made a difference in space obviously.   I got the parts I needed Thursday for the last "us" project in the bathroom but some parts needed super glued together and rub n buffed (a verb in DIY world) so I got on that.  Of course the part I got from le Depot didn't thread through despite it being the size it needed to be so those had to go back and order the next size down from Michael's and I got the first coat of wax on that. 

But what did I come up with in the meantime?  Well, y'all know I was talking about getting a little garden going and that was going to be essentially the only 4' swath available on our townhome patio.  You can get a lot out of a space like that and this video will convince you.  But as I thought about that little spot and the four food grade 5 gallon buckets I'd be using, I looked at the arbor/couch area.  We have another 6' potentially available to us in the only sunny section IF I could turn the couch the other way.  I mulled it, scared to mention it to the Mr because in addition to the stuff we're already dealing with, he has to study for a test he needs to complete early summer.  His anxiety level is through the roof.  I'd already talked him into building the small planter because it would save us money from buying a prefab one we had to put together even with the squirrel cage we have to build.  (Seriously, they are rat bastard squatters constantly trying to take over even our 3 year empty patio.)  If I add another one to the mix, he's going to wig out.  I figured screw it and mentioned the idea.  He blankly stared then grabbed the measuring tape.  We measured where I wanted the arbor to go and it looked like it would fit where needed.  We measured how we could flip our monster grill, the space needed, where we could flip flop stuff, etc.  Would it be tight?  Yes.  Could we invest all of this time and money for it to tank?  Yep.  But in the end, the cost of building these pieces as well as the squirrel cages needed would be the same as if I bought the small planter and had it shipped.  My brain has been flooded with all things gardening ever since.  Friday night's workout was going to Lowe's and picking through 5,228 boards to find ones that weren't warped, split or had chonky knots.  I think we got the last ones.  We loaded everything into the car and got it into the house.  It was 8pm before we ate and we were both exhausted and sore for some reason.  We said we'd play the road trip by ear if we still felt as bad.

Saturday, I heard him showering so I assumed the road trip was on.  Probably not a good one involving Portillo's and a three hour drive but still.  I got a shower, actually ironed an outfit so I didn't look like I walked out of the land fill for once and went down.  It was 10:30am by that time and road tripping time was slipping away.  It looked like he wanted to work on the bathroom and I started tearing up.  We'd worked on that friggin bathroom every single weekend for 8 weeks in a row and depending on how Friday goes, frivolous road trips may be out.  We drove to a spot about two hours away and honestly it was just a longer lunch run.  We went to a park and sat by the water and just listened to the silence.

Weird to see it without lily pads yet.

It was pretty windy but we turned off the car so not even the engine fan was going.  No cars, no planes, no people just peace for once.  The last time I had complete quiet like that was listening to the fire going in Vermont and it felt amazing.  It's really sad when our world is so noisy on every level (cue neighbors dog barking as I typed that) that noticing something like no noise feels foreign.  

We enjoyed that for a little bit and then my brain started firing up again and I realized I may have forgotten something in my calculations for the planter boxes.  I grabbed the phone and looked at what we bought Friday night and whoops, perhaps buying enough wood for, you know, bottoms would be good.  As much as I'd like it to levitate in mid-air, probably not gonna happen.  I felt the Mr's mood toward the project shift.  I know why.  I know it sucks but these were inexpensive pieces so we didn't have a choice or else we'd have to just trim it down to the one big planter.  We stopped at a different location and picked up the rest of what we needed and got it unloaded into the garage.  Then we essentially zoned into our own stuff the rest of the night.  Him watching Dark Matter and me furiously watching gardening videos and asking questions about stuff needed that he didn't want to hear on that project.  Noted.  While he was grabbing dinner, I made the homestyle equivalent of those bags of "roasters" from the frozen section.  Essentially just red potatoes and onions that you chuck into the oven but they're way oversalted.  For the price I paid for one bag of red potatoes, I got four sides out of it.  The price you pay for convenience - no more.  So I half roasted them, pulled them out to cool and got them divided up into the fridge then later the freezer.  After they're set, pop 'em out and Food Saved so I can throw them into the oven the rest of the way on whatever night they're needed and boom.  

Sunday we knew would be our work day of the weekend.  We chatted in bed for a bit and got up and around.  I pre-marked some stuff on trim boards then made ground turkey breast burgers and baked fries.  We made holes where needed and then touch up paint which we had to let dry so out to the patio for some final measurements.  We're doing a 5 1/2' planter on the right and using untreated cedar planks.  So each 6' picket needed to be cut down to 66", three high for a total of 6 pickets needed for the long sides.  We'd be going 18" deep meaning we could make three cuts on one picket for our height on the sides- meaning we'd need 2 pickets total for the sides.  We also got untreated 1x4x8's to cut in half for the legs but they needed to be stained to be protected from the weather.  We got the minimal amount of stain possible in black for some contrast.  The Mr cut the boards.  We also had to look at the Aerogarden we've had sitting around since 2020 and see if the seed tray was going to be an option for me or not.  The whack ass seed starter tray they sent me seems to be for a different model or something so we had to sacrifice 4 pod holders so the pump would fit.  Did the pump work?  Didn't seem to so I had to order a new one with filters for $15 so I can get these babies rolling today.

We started work on the planter boxes and the SWAT neighbor decided he was going to come out because it's what he does.  Cue Italian rock music on my cute little bluetooth speaker to turn him 180 and back into the house.  In typical fashion we had every screw available except the one we needed and do you think it could be available 1/2 mile up the road?  Of course not.  So the Mr made a screw run for 1 3/4" screws.  We got those installed and I suggested a brace for the middle since we had extra of a 2x2 and it felt much more stable.  The Mr noticed an oopsie and screws had to be removed so I figured now was the perfect time to try ye olde sawdust/wood glue wood filler trick I'd read of for many years.  It seemed to plug it fine and I think it'll be covered by the legs but still.  I popped in some turkey meatloaf from the freezer, whipped up some mashed potatoes and nuked some frozen carrots for dinner.  I went down and flipped the legs over and painted the other sides.  I'm really sweating it though on the amount of stain we went with.  I know it was to save us money but it's gonna be close.  I'm hoping we don't need one more.  Then it was time to install the final major bathroom crown jewel and I was sweating it a little but it went on fine.  I have many touch ups, caulking and a bit of repainting ahead of me but I'm hoping maybe a day or two.  I got the next four legs going so we could hopefully have the legs ready to assemble today and maybe get the rest of the box part assembled.  It was a productive Sunday and thoust art beat.  I have some sweet peas I need to get in a seed starter situation because apparently they like it cooler and not under a bunch of lamps and stuff.  They are finicky so it'll be a miracle if they do well but the place I want to put them is in the shade anyway with residual light so we'll see.

How was your weekend?

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Friday, March 7, 2025

What I'm Reading This Week #10

Howdy do all and Happy Friday to you!  I hope you had a good week and are ready to cut loose.   We've walked all over this week and my legs are a bit miffed as they can't predict what terrain I'm throwing at them next.  One in the historic district, one in the riverside district, one at the one park and one at the other.  It is apparent I need to work on getting my glute PT in...woof.   I've been diving hard into the world of gardening this week.  Thanks to my bestie for her response and I see Paula just weighed in last night as well so thanks guys, I've got them all on my list.  Since the price of well, everything, is going to go up, I figured might as well buy the materials needed to make our own tall raised bed (cuz I'm not bending low to weed...I guess I'm old now.  LOL)  I've been looking at some container gardening videos as well as scrap gardening and man there is just so much info out there it's a little overwhelming.  I've been watching this guy because I've got 4 new food grade buckets looking at me saying 'lez do dis beeotch" and he seems to have a lot of knowledge about it all.    I wish I thought about all of this like 2-3 weeks ago but pfft.

Now let's putz around into:

Nordic Walking Can Improve Your Heart Function. Here's How It Works  (We can vouch.  My upper back and shoulders were super sore when we threw ourselves into it in early January.  You can do it any time of year.)

This 1 Underrated Ingredient Lowers Cholesterol and Boosts Heart Health  (I asked my doctor about this instead of statins and she laughed in my face.  This was also the same dipshit who tested my hormones and charged me for it knowing full well I was on hormonal birth control so take her response with a grain of salt)

Surprising differences: How walking affects your body at 5, 10, 30, 40, 60 minutes  (Very interesting and not much needed to reap health benefits)

Chronic stress affects the way mice perceive loudness  (This makes a lot of sense for someone like me but I still want to move onto 6 acres in Vermont backing up to conservation land with no neighbors for 20 miles each way.)

Five Retirement Myths vs the Reality  (Good things to keep in mind!)

7 Things to Get Rid Of  (Many of these make sense and as far as inherited items, check with other family members to see if they want them, if not put a social media post out to your local friends.  You never know who may be looking for that very thing!)

Why Time Flies (Seems like you blink and it's July which sucks because then it's hot.)

I got some items in for the final bathroom project.  I'm pretty sure we should be able to knock that portion out this weekend even with the potential of a one day road trip.  This could be our last one for a while depending on what happens mid month so I want one day where we are doing something fun or mentally beneficial because it is desperately needed since we've been at this since January 5th and mama (and papa) need a friggin' break.  

Whatchu got on tap for the weekend?

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hump Day Poll: For My Gardeners

Given the state of things around these parts, I'm considering gardening to help out a little.  Obviously, I need to be super frugal and I've only truly grown herbs and some stuff in hydroponic Aerogardens which have sadly gone out of business this year so in about 6 months their parts/pods will be sparse.  (Though I'm sure I can use coconut coir for pods)  I've been looking stuff up as much as I can but I thought I'd check with my peeps and see if anyone has any tips for a new frugal gardener with zero room for much more than maybe a raised bed and a few containers.  I'm thinking some spinach, hopefully arugula, peppers and anything else you think would be helpful.  (I know for sure I'll need to make some nets because we have bastard squirrels and munks like we breed them.)

Any tips? Tricks?

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Monday, March 3, 2025

Tuckered Pups Weekend Recap


Happy Monday everyone.  I hope you guys had a good weekend and are well rested for the new week.  (And if so, please remind me what that feels like! 😜)

We were so close y'all.  I thought this weekend was the one we were going to be "done-ish" with the bathroom to be able to hand off the final step of measurements to contractors for the sink install.  (It's an undermount that has to be made into the countertop we order.)  Well, that was the end goal if the painting of the door didn't crap the bed which obviously, it did.  I know we should've sprayed it but I've seen about as many horror stories about clogging, splotched wasteful paint sprayers as I have about horribly rolled doors.  I had to choose the one that didn't cost us more money.  The Mr took the door up two flights only to see when you close the door, the interior door surface looked like little rolled paint shavings everywhere.  We don't know how it happened.  I don't know if when it was flipped over any remaining moisture in the paint made it chafe for lack of a better word as the other side got painted or what.  Back down to the basement, uninstall the hinges then two sands, a wipe down, a blow off with canned air, and a repaint with the foam brush.  

The medicine cabinet door that threw every friggin' obstacle it could both by circumstance and us, was finally hung.  

It is one of those deals that I would never give a tutorial on because I would never want anyone to go through it and I stopped taking pics early on as it gave me issues.  I threatened to burn that thing more times than I can count and the only reason I didn't was because 1) we didn't have the money to replace the canvas and 2) it can't remain open because you don't want to see all of your products out on display.  It's so annoying.  It doesn't even really work functionally because of the light we got.  The light hangs down too close and doesn't let it open all of the way.  We don't think it'll impede our ability to get what we need out of there but haven't tested it yet because we're too scared to.  (Plus still need to be brushing teeth in the kitchen for now which is a treat...not.). If that's not enough, the bracket hangs just far enough on the bottom that it scrapes at the point we wouldn't be able to open it.  Almost like a pre-danger zone warning we'll be close to the bulb so slow down partner.  It's mind effingly comical.  So  remember all of that some year when we're finally able to do the reveal.

A project I thought I had to scrap was really making me angry about being forced into cutting it.  It was to be the finishing piece of the whole project.  Then I remembered stuff I already bought for some of it and it was like if I scrapped the project then that not cheap purchase would've been for nothing and we're past the return window thanks to the buffoon bathroom contractors.  So I did a lot of internet searching for cheap ways to do this project and found one.  I could do it for just over $100 which is about $400 less than most people spend for the real thing.  I also know with certain changes that go into effect tomorrow, a lot of us are about to get some new sticker shock on items and I don't want the price to go up so I waited until Saturday to order all of the parts needed.  Let me tell you I already know this project has 20 different ways it could crap itself.  I know I'll be cursing it but the idea of cutting the main thing for circumstances out of our control pissed. me. off.  I have birthday money I've been squirreling from my mom and his over the years so screw it.  

If you read yesterday's post, you know of the overwhelm I've been dealing with and being stuck in functional freeze.  I discussed still having the tree up.  We've just been doing too much on the daily to block off time to make it a priority.  I thought maybe I'd do it yesterday but it turned into the food prep day of hell.  I made our actual lunch which was thrown together after discovering a bunch of crap Aldi was apparently out of that I didn't know about including our Brussels sprouts so chickpea mac and cheese with BBQ shredded chicken on top it is while I made a turkey meatloaf.  Then made 6 burritos with brown rice, fat free refried beans and chicken in protein tortillas for lunch over the next 3 weeks.  Six tomato basil protein+ penne with ground turkey bowls for the next 3 weeks.  We usually have meatless meatballs with our Wednesday night pasta but those aren't on sale and not a whole lotta protein in the scheme of things so I made meatballs from 93/7 ground beef and I'll get twice as much out of that for a dollar more than I'd get from the Gardein meatballs.  (I added an egg, 1/2 cup panko and some garlic powder and Italian seasoning.)  I used the leftover bits to sauté the yellow pepper for the four steak and potato bowls I already have made for the next two weeks.   I made four Asian pork bowls with a bag of Asian steamed veggies and a bag of cauli-rice with orange marmalade mixed in and the teriyaki pork tenderloin I had going in the crockpot with 1/2 cup of water to last the next two weeks.  Three friggin' hours of cooking and I swear the kitchen looked like I was cooking for a summer camp.  My back was killing me.  While I was doing all of that the Mr was swapping out the other door knobs and the hinges and cutting the trim for our final project.

I cleaned up the kitchen by about 65% and made dinner and I was totally pooped.  I stopped long enough to watch the "I Got Rhythm" number from An American in Paris and declared myself physically and mentally out for the night.  We got some hot cocoa and went up to watch the first three episodes of Extracted before conking out.

How was your weekend?  

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Sunday, March 2, 2025

(Hopefully) My Plan This Week (3/2)

I think I've been staring at this screen for 10 minutes trying to figure out what the heck to write.  Having a plan seems so laughable given how life has thrown so much at us this year like a silverback gorilla throwing poo at the zoo at unsuspecting passersby.  The last two weeks my plans have kind of gone rogue, well I guess the week before last more so and last week was veering back on track but then just so mentally through the wringer that I was frozen.  Every day trying to get closer to some semblance of done with this damn bathroom and having another 10 obstacles thrown in our faces was demoralizing.  One step forward, four steps back almost every. single. day.  As I type, the objects around me on our armoire are shaking with each tap the Mr makes on the HVAC below.  That water alarm I mentioned Friday?  A pipe from the HVAC cracked and while it looked like an easy fix, he's now in the position of having to be incredibly careful or one wrong move will cost us hundreds in a service call and repairs that we do not have to be doling out right now.  Another cortisol/adrenaline spike for the day?  Check.

Do you know that as I type, I'm also staring at my Christmas tree.  Still up.  The bin to do the ornaments has been upstairs for 2 weeks and I have good intentions and then the other stuff creeps in and I have zero motivation to move forward.  I know it would help us both but it is a state of overwhelm so far beyond what we already have that I can't take it.  We are being swallowed by clutter.  The dining room table?  It's been covered with our old temporary shower curtain liner as a drop cloth for painting trim and other stuff for weeks.  I don't remember a meal that I'm not moving wood shavings, painted this or that or Mod Podge all of February.  Just as I thought I was ready to put that stuff away, I found a way to make a project I had to scrap work so I've got another 7-10 days with the shower liner as our tablecloth.  The workout space?  There's a card table and drop cloth over it for painting the bathroom door which doesn't look great to me but I'm not doing it again.  

Since nothing in our lives is in our control, I think of things I can control... then internally giggle like someone about to go mad in an old movie just before they lock someone up.  

I already pre-made two steak and potato bowls for lunches over the next 2 weeks.  (Shaved steak from Aldi and a 24 oz bag of little yellow potatoes tossed in olive oil and baked cut side down in the oven for 30 minutes and divided by 4 bowls.)  I have chicken thawed and protein wraps for the chicken burritos which I'll probably make today but mix the ingredients together first for the next 3 weeks.  I got organic tomato basil pasta sauce from Aldi to split between some chickpea pasta bowls with ground turkey.  I have a $5 teriyaki pork tenderloin I'll probably chuck in the crockpot to get to shred consistency for some Hawaiian caulirice bowls.  Not when I want to be doing food prep but ohzee wellsy.  

Water has suffered and I've gone back to not drinking it before getting out of bed so I need to restart that practice today.  

We've been keeping up our walking last week and I got in 10K steps almost every day.  I'd like to get back to 12K if possible.  

Lymph works went into the shitter so literally one session would be better than the week or two before.

I want the Christmas tree down this week.  Not that I don't enjoy it all but I want space to move back.  So I'll sit here with the lights off and enjoy it another day and hope the spirit moves me to hele on as they say in Hawaii.

I wish I had a little more rah rah to offer but it's all I can muster right now.

How about you?  Any goals for the week?

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Friday, February 28, 2025

What I'm Reading This Week #9

Hey all.  I hope everyone had a good week.  

Sorry I was absent this week.  I feel like just re-read last weeks stuff regarding the bathroom but apply it to painting the door and the medicine cabinet door fighting us and the work front, the horror continues and you've got the posts I would've posted this week.  

I've never identified with a meme more in my life:


I can't believe February is over in some ways but in others it feels way longer than January because of everything going on, the constant panic, the constant having to reevaluate everything and every move you make.  The residual financial trauma that comes up from childhood days of "gee, will Dad be an asshole and decide to not send child support this week?" Is kicked up hard, the endless budgets of working and re-working every expense like my mom did was basically my life this week so the Mr wouldn't have to think about it.  Working out how we can take a little time off after having cancelled our trip this year because we are mentally f**king TAPPED and need a few days away.  So I worked out something that won't cripple us monetarily but get us the hell out of here in a few months because this year is running second to the year I lost Mom and we're only beginning month three.  I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to puke all day, every day.  Sleep isn't really restful because even if I happen to get 5-6 hours, I wake up with lock jaw and/or sore teeth.  

For an extra spike of cortisol yesterday morning, the estrogen cream that I got filled 2 years ago and needed a refill on went up by 10X the price.  TEN.  Let's see...keep cancer at bay or pay $100 for no apparent reason which sent me into a 20 minute tailspin.  Thank God after talking with the pharmacy tech, she was able to run it through their savings system which is a few dollars better than GoodRx and got me down to just under $26.  My therapist got hacked by another country which I won't name but it wasn't until I'd already given my password to log into her system and thankfully got the prompt to 'save password' and saw the .com was dot something else that I immediately asked the Mr and said I should change my password.  He agreed.  I contacted her and she said yes she was hacked and had secured it now.  Oh, I guess I should catch you up...I can't do therapy anymore.  I blew through the money from my MIL from Christmas in 3 sessions so I had to cut her loose in January because she was going to be $150 per session.  Nope.  I sent her a few books that I could get for $15 (the previous cost of the session)  and she agreed with both.  Do you think I've had time to crack either one open after this shitshow despite saying "I'm going to take the hour I would've spent in therapy once a week to read a chapter?"  Nope.  The only thing I'm consistent on is my inconsistency.    So now you see why I didn't bother posting this week.  It's not fun over here.  Not an uplifting place to be and I don't know how to share any of it without people being like "unfollow."  


Let's get to:

I'm a Coach and These 11 Walking Tricks Actually Burn More Fat  (Good to know and I think we time ours pretty close to this.)

Can Cleaning the House Count as Daily Exercise? We Asked the Experts  (I need to remember to set my watch if, err, when I do big cleanings.)

What Is A 'SIT' Workout?  (Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with sitting.)

Why Women in Pain Are Still Begging Doctors to Listen  (Doctors no longer care.  They don't, especially about women.  Why?  Money.  (Just like everything else on this effing planet.)  They may have gotten into it for the right reasons but corporate greed with time limits on how long they can spend with a patient and the amount of paperwork per patient is longer than our appointments.  I clearly have no opinion on this subject.)

Social Media’s 10 Worst Pieces of Mental Health Advice  (It has normalized some serious consequential actions for people.)

Radon: Unseen Risk  (I can't stress this enough TEST YOUR HOME!!!  It's cheap!  It can be in an old home, newer home, apartment, townhome.  Radon doesn't discriminate and is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer.  We bought this to monitor our levels.)

A new Android feature is scanning your photos for 'sensitive content' - how to stop it  (Oh HELL NO!!  Uninstalled and don't worry it's coming to the other system as well.  Uninstall it if you don't want AI thumbing through your personal pics!)

When I Was 9, Lara Flynn Boyle Was My Father’s Sweetheart—and My Best Friend  (A really interesting perspective and so heartbreaking for her.)

If I have to spend one more weekend on this stupid ass bathroom, I'm going to lose it but not like we can just drive around with no destination or get crap out to eat without going into a cold sweat over money wasted doing so.  I guess at this point the plan is nothing and whatever happens happens.

Edit:  Right on schedule the water alarm for the HVAC went off at 11pm last night.  

FML  🤬

Tell me you have something fun planned for the weekend.

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Friday, February 21, 2025

What I'm Reading This Week #8

Hey y'all.  Happy Friday to you and yours.

We got some progress done on the bathroom.  A lot of hurry up and wait with painting and such because of our limited space.  A lot of fixing, cutting, repainting and the like.  The 'upgraded' model of the brad nailer went back because it cannot be counted on.  As far as the plan I had for the week?  Completely out the window on basically all fronts.  We had to cancel our anniversary vacation because the constant threat of financial chaos on the daily has forced us to come up with contingency plans.  Lots of tears, lots of anxiety and terror and some serious budgeting that hasn't been needed since we were first married.  So at this point, I just want to get the bathroom done.  It'll have to be sans what I considered the crown jewel of the project but we can't justify it right now so maybe in the future.  It's not hard but a part of it is a little pricey so swirling down our new toilet it goes.  

Now let's swirl into:

You Should Be Doing Hamstring Stretches Every Day—Here’s Why  (I agree.  It sure as heck doesn't take much for mine to get tight AF anymore.)

Study Finds Some Protein Powders Contain Cancer-Causing Toxins  (The worst offenders were a shock.  Guess we'll be gaining some space under the sink... not like we use it anyway.)

How to Keep Your Bones Strong—and Even Make Them Stronger  (Get to steppin' or pumpin' a little iron)

Vibration Plates: Do They Actually Help You Lose Weight?  (I need to use mine more for lymphatic drainage and bone strength.  Plus my legs just feel refreshed after.)

Why Tiredness of Life Has Become a Phenomenon   (This article broke my heart but I also get it.)

The Death of Patience  (This is so true.  I can't sit through credits at the beginning of a show and don't get me started on the fabricated BS at the beginning of House Hunters.  Fast forward until they're in the car because no one is allowed to want the same things in a house and I don't care how you met or why you're moving.)

Why do we enjoy listening to sad music?  (I wouldn't have gotten through high school without The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees and Depeche Mode!  If you haven't checked out the new Cure album, you totally should.)

The goal is to get everything spackled, caulked and painted.   Then hopefully installing the medicine cabinet door and maybe the mirror.  If we happen to get that done, we might see if we can gently remove the countertop from the....shit...nevermind.  I'll need to see how much paint is left on the satin quart because I may need to slap a coat over the urethane coat due to the crap chipping that happens with it.  So we'll see what we get done.  I know I'm getting to the point of being SO mentally done and I can imagine the Mr got there about a week or so ago between that and everything else.

Whatchu got going on this weekend?

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