Friday, October 18, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Sup y'all.  The Mr thanks all of you for your birthday wishes here and on FB.  It really helps especially as the cards dwindle as you age but luckily I have a few really good friends who make sure to include him so shout out to them.  I wish his birthday went off without a hitch but as seems to be par for the course, the old school bakery we got his cake from was terrible.  When you can't identify what flavor the cake or icing are, tis not good.  One of his birthday presents I got within 4 minutes of him sending me the link a few months ago was baited and switched by a popular old school home video game company.  I'm in the process of a dispute with them but if they don't refund the money, I'm definitely outing them.  So that ticked me off.  Luckily he had a good steak and the pizza he wanted so that part at least seemed good.  We were able to go to a park he's wanted to check out for a few months and we lucked out with a rain storm that cooled everything down.  We chatted about life lessons and just enjoyed chilling by a pond after a walk.  Don't think I didn't look to see if that horse farm was open that weekend!  

We were dreading this week and it delivered.  We are currently without gas during a cold snap and had to evacuate the house yesterday.  Actually, let me just list stuff.

Monday- Mr's chiro appt

Tuesday- Mr's cardiologist appt

Wednesday- My vein follow up and touch up to what she's screwed up putting me back in the stockings, later that day eye appointments back to old doctor and the reason we left him is because his staff is always sick.  This was no exception and why we're still masking indoors.  Really don't want to go back there.

Thursday- My annual with gyne and a cloud of 3 people's creeping crud in a hail of mucus around me in the waiting room.  There had been a 4 month threat of "removal" of something down below which has had me pukey for that length of time all for her to say "it fell off."  Serious??  Then she called in the wrong prescription so now I have to deal with that.  We've been waiting all damn week for this plumber to get out to replace our gas regulator because we have a gas leak and had to evacuate.   The knocking noises we've been hearing for 2 months?  Oh, just loose flashing on the roof flapping all day and night and it only took one sump pump replacement, 4 plumber visits, two HVAC visits, one water heater replacement and a partridge in a pear tree to figure that out so now we have to wait for an HOA to get off of their asses.

So yeah...eff this week.

Now let's eff around with:

A Guide to the Muscles You Forget to Exercise  (This is a great reminder and I need to get on it as well.)

What Foods Can Boost Your Metabolism? (I'll take what I can get!)

Aging Gracefully Can Be Scary, But Psychologists Reveal How To Shift Your Narrative  (Put on your Ramones tee with a blazer over it, slip on your Chucks and get your finger ready for gesturing should anyone question you.)

3 Ways To Support Your Skin During Hormonal Shifts  (Does anyone take collagen supps and if so have you noticed any improvement?  I tried this before but don't know if I gave it long enough to do anything.)

What Were We Thinking? The Top 10 Most Dangerous Ads  (Be right back, I'm going down some sugar and douche with...)

I have no capacity to form final thoughts so byyeeeeee!

What are you getting into this weekend?

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  1. This was the week we'd been dreading just from balancing the appointments along with the ongoing Reno stuff and of course my boss adding in a quarterly review. Last thing we needed was the gas leak but at least we found it safely so we got that going for us, which is nice. I'll consider the whole week a win if we pull off getting the gas line and the roof thing fixed today but I know that's pushing it. Enjoy your weekend everyone and thanks again for the birthday wishes - I really did enjoy that day regardless of the cake and t-shirt stuff.

  2. Man oh man you guys had a week!! I so hope the gas leak issue and the flashing get fixed this weekend so you can have that behind you. And have some hot water and heat!!
    This was a tough week emotionally and kind of stressful with work, so I'm glad it'll be suited the next couple of days. I still have to work, but don't have to deal with phones or emails until Monday. Its going to be 80 degrees so fighting off all the bugs and beetles getting into the house...grrrrrr. I hope you guys have a good weekend and can have a nice bit of Halloween movies on the tube.📺


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