Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Do I O-ffend? Hormone Edition

This is friggin embarrassing but when has that ever stopped me?  So like, your aging pits... do they get like some stank ass power at 45 to laugh at all deodorant?  Because y'all... I can get about 3 hours out of a natural deodorant and I would say 5 hours out of a regular antiperspirant that before would last me all day!  Now this also coincides with the beginning of the pandemic when 1) my stress level went through and have stayed through the roof and 2) when all companies decided they were going to screw us all and give less for more.

Is this an age thing?  I don't want to be the Baroness of B.O., Lady Chicken Broth Pits and the like.  

If you've encountered this as you've aged/gone through perimenopause, please share even if by message if you don't want your stinky secret out there and what, if anything has worked for you.  Dove was always my go-to for serious protection and now it laughs at me and no natural deodorant has ever worked.  Too many people in reviews have stated that Lume "smells like ass" so I don't want to replace one nasty smell with another.  Even Dove Clinical isn't working which always worked so I'm up for suggestions.

Pepe Le Pits

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  1. Wish I had an answer but I did notice that I can't seem to get good deodorant coverage anymore either. I can lather up the pits with soap in the shower and think there's no way they will stink and yet it surprises me how much deodorant I still need to put on to get an acceptable level of protection.

  2. I have a few that I use, but they have to be unscented. Anything scented smells terrible on me. Must be how my sweat glands react to the scented stuff. For regular stick, nothing beats Unscented Arrid XX Extra Dry for me. For spray I used Unscented Dove and that does a pretty good job. I do have Lume actually and I agree that even the unscented does have a strong smell to it. However, I notice the smell goes away once it's dried on my skin so then I don't smell anything, and I like that a lot. The "stick" is not a solid like Arrid, and is almost like a lotion so you have to work it in for a bit. I've used the tube Lume on the bottom of my feet and that's helped a lot with foot odor issues since I'm in socks and shoes all day. The order I wrote them above is my picks for #1, 2, and 3.


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