Monday, October 7, 2024

Unmotivated Weekend Recap

Top o the Monday to you, my lovelies!  I hope you had a fantabulous weekend and are recharged for the week ahead.  


Friday was a batch of chaos.  Well, let me back up a little.  Last week, the Mr tried to get the plumbers who put in our hot water tank and re-piped the house last year to call us back about the mysterious noise that's been plaguing us going on two months.  When it was clear after emails and calls no one was going to do that, he had someone else come out.  Well that was a waste of time because they couldn't find their ass with both hands, said they've never heard such a thing and since it's still under warranty, the original plumbers would have to do it.  No, you just don't want to do your job.  I was so mad I grabbed my phone and left a pissy message on the original plumbers voicemail that my husband has emailed and called, no one has called back, we had another plumber here that said since it's under warranty they had to be the ones to take care of it and someone needs to call one of us back and get this taken care of.  Well, I must've sounded pretty pissed because within two minutes they called back and said they'd be out Friday.  We both laughed at how fast a man calls back when he's getting politely reamed by a woman.  I told you that to tell you this.

Friday was my appointment with the new therapist.  I chose 1pm because I like having it over with and had been forced into night appointments for the last month because the other one is a professor and had class during the day.  Of course that was the window for the plumber so I'd have to go upstairs in bed and do it with two pillows stacked under my laptop.  I had made clear in my initial note that I was changing therapists because I'd asked for tools for ADHD, was essentially given excuses and I don't have time for that.  So she knew my expectations going in.  So I get on with her and talk about going from one end of the spectrum to the other!  I'm used to what equates to having a laid back chat with your friend and this woman was like a Greyhound being released to chase a motorized rabbit around a track.  


Very fast paced and her mouth going a million miles a minute and in my head all I can think is "close the lid."  I tell you I have a hard time focusing so her yammering and me not getting a word in edgewise felt like I'd made the wrong choice.  She goes on and on for 10 minutes and just when I'm able to talk, the sound of three fire trucks at full blast whizz by and this happens about four more times.  When that finally settles down, I hear what I thought was the multi tool so I figured the neighbor picked the worst time to work on a project or the plumber was here.  Now any of you DIYers know the multi tool used anywhere in your house sounds like your house is going to vibrate apart.  So imagine trying to take notes and pay attention to someone with that going on.  I started laughing and said what was going on and it's just the universal zing of me trying to get help for focus and the world is throwing the loudest possible distractions in my face.  I don't think she's someone I could necessarily hash out familial stuff with unless she brings it way down because I need to be able to, you know, talk.  While she was a bit much for me to listen to and talked so fast that I was exhausted by the end, she did give me some really great tips, visuals, and homework to do.  If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll do a post on it.  

It turns out that noise I thought was the multi tool, was not.  The Mr checked outside and one of the neighbors said someone said it was a gas leak.  (It wasn't)  So he came in, turned off the gas and when he did, the hot water tank was what started making that God awful noise!!  After the shock wore off, he recorded it for the plumber.  That whole process took a while and because it's under warranty and Rheem would rather replace crap part by part instead of replacing the whole tank, we have to start with the gas valve, then the burner and by that time its a new tank and THEN they'll replace the tank if it still makes the noise. 🙄

As the day went on and I thought of all I have to try to implement now that I have homework, my brain waved the white flag.  I felt overwhelmed and we went for a walk.  I had plans for Saturday between maybe doing something and then working on our home punch list.  Well, neither happened.  I woke up for what is apparently my new tradition of an early morning wee at 6am and couldn't get back to sleep.  I tried the grounding/visuals she gave me and I kid you not, I couldn't focus on them for a solid five seconds!!  I told myself I wasn't going to get on the phone but by 6:20am I was so frustrated, I grabbed it to start my scroll.  4 1/2 hours of sleep it is.  (Which she was horrified by when I told her my normal amount of sleep.)  The Mr bought pumpkin donuts and coffee up and we had that in bed and chatted until noon which honestly was better than going anywhere.  I looked up stuff to do around town and there was just nothing appealing.  We're not going to go to an orchard and pay $30 for what I could pay $6 for at the store.  People are everywhere and swimming through the masses didn't sound like fun.  I got financials together for a consultation we're having with my friend's recommended firm.  That led to not fun conversations, my lack of sleep caught up with me and I napped while the Mr watched football.  Later we put together a baby charcuterie plate to take upstairs and watch the Hawaii game which was really good.  So on the home front stuff, we did not do anything Saturday.

I knew we'd have to buckle down for Sunday.  I threw together a quick but filling breakfast and we watched the only segment on Sunday Morning that wasn't a downer and boy are we glad we did.  Watch this video and go to the 4 minute mark if you're short on time (though I'd suggest watching all of it).  Watch her talk about her Oscar speech and see the weight of 34 years of guilt and shame instantly lift from her shoulders when the interviewer gave her an unexpected gift.  The Mr and I were both in tears and that man doesn't mist up much.  It was one of the single most transformative examples of how we completely beat the shit out of ourselves for decades only to find we didn't need to.  Seriously, I'd rather you watch that to start your day and come back to this tonight.  

I got to painting the trim for the newel post and the Mr tried wet sanding the absolute atrocity that was two coats of joint compound on the bathroom walls.  It looked so bad that it completely demotivated me to touch it in there for almost a week.  I don't know how it turned out the way it did, it didn't look the way it dried when I put it on so I am definitely not someone who can do anything drywall wise.  (Or not without a serious bootcamp class that would have to be led by a woman because a man telling me how to do it with that pissy attitude they get when they're like "ya just have to do it like this" because they've been doing it every day for 10-30 years ain't gonna fly with me.)  The wet sanding didn't warrant much improvement, which sucked so it falls on me to make it right with the last coat of Plus 3 for the top coat before having to sand and prime it which is laughable given the initial two coats.  I'm not sure how I'm the one that apparently is better at this between the two of us.  

I finally pumped myself up to scrape the vanity and we couldn't find the scraper for 20 minutes which was deflating my motivation by the minute.  He found it hiding at I got started while he ran out and grabbed some stuff.  I quickly realized that scraping it was going to be a task designated to those in purgatory and I'm not down with that.  There was no getting around making a sandy mess.  I grabbed this little sander I got for just such the occasion and got to it.  It had to take off 2 coats of wax, 2 or 3 coats of chalk paint and the original factory finish.  Well, for my purposes, it needed to get off the wax for me to be able to be primed.  It was a good hour of sanding to not even be fully done with both doors much less any other part of it.  I had to take a break because my lungs were filled with dust and my eyes were getting dry.  I got in about 5 minutes of attempted relief after looking at new vanities (which I'd have to paint anyway) before the Mr came in and announced he was going to work on the closet door.  Welp, guess no relief for me so back to it I went.  I twisted my back in fantastic fashion and no chiro appointment in sight.  It really doesn't even look like I did much other than scuff it up but the vacuum dust container says otherwise. 

Before we knew it, it was after 5pm and not much else got done.  I don't know how I'm going to properly prime and paint this vanity on the floor given all of the trouble I have being in certain positions.  I don't trust it's not going to look like a hot mess but I guess I don't have choice in the matter.  Ram board is going to need to be put under it for me to paint because Lord knows all that drop cloth did was make things worse when I sanded. I'm feeling defeated and even if I did order a new vanity, they all look basic or over the top modern which isn't really what I want.  Today we get our sump pump replaced, tomorrow we have a virtual meeting with a financial advisor so I suppose we should think about questions.  I'm dreading next week because there are a bazillion appointments between us and that takes us into what is supposed to the week the shower crap potentially starts  and I don't feel ready at all.

What did you get into this weekend?

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  1. I too am feeling the crunch of appointments and the looming bathroom shower install that is actually coming up faster than it felt like it would when we signed. Looks like the water tank part will be here Tomorrow so we get to fit in another plumber visit as well. Oh and somehow I am supposed to feel festive about a birthday in there somewhere as well. I feel like we're both about to crack.

  2. It seems like house stuff all hits at the same time, whether it be renovations, things needing to be replaced, or things falling apart that you don't have the money to fix all at once. I'm more and more convinced that renting is the way to go sometimes. Even with a mortgage paid off what you pay for taxes and insurance is a mortgage payment in itself. Drives me crazy. Sounds like you'll have a very busy week, indeed. Weekend was okay here. Got a lot accomplished on Friday and Saturday, did not have a good day on Sunday, and here we are back to Monday. One thing that has been nice is a few days in the 60s for weather which has been enjoyable. The bees and bugs trying to get in the house, not so much, but to see that sun lower in the sky has been nice.


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