
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Truth bomb, lil bastards and the lottery you don't want to win

(Am I the only one that giggles at the phrase "morning dew?")

Happy Tuesday!

Yesterday morning was quite lovely weather-wise for my morning walk.  It was a little chilly but not enough for a jacket, the grass was covered in dew and I met a new friend, Finnegan the black mutt who promptly jumped up on me with his wet, furry 10-year-old paws.  Then he whizzed on the neighbor's flowers as he walked away.  There was also a weird vibe in the hood as I saw many men walking around I'd never seen before with an air of shady about them.  I'm assuming they were with the landscapers but it was just enough unease to keep me on my toes for the rest of the time.  I came home and did my TENS unit on my arm like the chiro suggested.  On the last visit after complaining that I tried a higher weight for one strength workout, I was still to the point of almost dropping the weight 4x, he dropped a truth bomb.  He said he's pretty sure the scar tissue is pressing on my medial nerve which is where the weakness is likely coming from.  He asked if I'd seen anyone else about it and I said no and was surprised he asked.  I asked him if I should and he said what we're doing is relatively conservative in the scheme of things with the laser and weekly lengthening of the flexor muscles.  He said it is going to be slow to heal and the only things another doc might do is either a cortisone shot or pain meds.   Well, neither of those appeal to me.  I would much rather try to continue to break down the scar tissue with my jade tool, do the myofascial release a few times a day as things tighten up and get the laser to aid in breaking up the tissue.  (affiliate link)  He said he doesn't think there's any nerve entrapment involved yet which is good but can be a precursor to carpal tunnel syndrome and I have no desire to go down that road.

The only bane of Fall existence are stink bugs and they've made themselves known recently.  So we're going to caulk up some spots to keep them outside.  It makes it almost impossible to want to rent a cabin anywhere now because of them.  When we were in Shenandoah a few years ago, we couldn't even go outside without them swarming and they were everywhere.  Then in the morning, they'd be laying belly up taking a nap in the frosty morning and we'd send them to the big cabin in the sky but a new armada would be activated from the woods as soon as it warmed up.  Lil bastards. 

I wanted to put up our vintage Halloween decorations so I got those in the windows.  With all of the crap going on in this world, it's one small way to feel cocooned in my childhood.  The Mr came home, we chatted a bit then did our workout which handed us both our booties.  We had beef roast naan pizza and Brussels for dinner and watched this old TV movie we both loved called The Lottery. (affiliate link)  It stars a very young Keri Russell back when she had her full mane of curly hair before becoming Felicity two years later.  Some of the acting is a real poo bomb from supporting cast but the last 20 minutes is worth hanging in there for.  You're all like "what happens on that date on all of the tombstones" and then you see it and it's so much worse than you thought.  (It was a TV movie from 1996 so there's no actual gore like they can show now.)    Then we watched 9-1-1 and called it a night.

Do you remember a plot to a really good TV movie from the good ol' days?

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  1. That is a truth bomb but sounds like the conservative strategy might be the best approach still. As for the lil bastards, yes those things are so annoying and have ruined this time of year. Every time I have gotten the patio ready for us to sit out I have had to kill or fend off more than I care to even see. Only good thing is when it's cold out they tend to move really slow so are easy to take out. They say birds are eating them now. Thank you birds!

    Everyone should watch The Lottery at least once. It holds up pretty well too but still has that nice made for TV movie feel - until the ending. Wow!

  2. I've read the Shirley Jackson story it's based on, but haven't ever watched the movie. I'm sure the basics are the same, but I'd guess there is a more modern spin on it that could be interesting.

    The little black ants that I've been battling for what seems like forever have finally disappeared. Thank goodnesss! We have bugs this time of year, but not the stink bugs.

    My brain feels like sludge so while I'm sure a tv movie will pop into my head later this morning, right now I can't think of one that I really enjoyed.

  3. We get those Asian beetles like crazy this time of year. They swarm in the house and freak one of the dogs out. And you can't splat them because they smear orange if you do. I've had them in my hair in the shower before! They'll last into the winter where they huddle in corners to keep warm but get very slow so they are at least easier to pick up. Can't stand those things.

    I can't say I remember any tv movies that have stuck with me. Although now that I think about it, I really liked the Hatfields and McCoys with Kevin Costner from several years ago, but that was more of a series I suppose. Nothing else wiggles into my brain.


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