
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Hump Day Poll: Pumpkins

It's October y'all!  You deniers are gonna have to get on board!  ;-)

Let's talk pumpkins!  As kids, many of us spent October like these dedicated lads...

(Homeboy on the right looks like he's about to toss his cookies into the pumpkin)

Digging guts out of pumpkins then hacking up their outside so we could light 'em up with a candle.

I know I did.  I never roasted the pumpkin seeds because my mom never showed me how and it seemed like a lot of work for a kid.  I think we did it at school once in second grade, but I did make some last year that were quite tasty when I roasted some pie pumpkins.  I couldn't tell you the last time I carved a pumpkin now.  Hmm, we might have to get some and stick them out back on the patio, so they are safe from those wanting to cause mayhem!

Your turn! 

Did you carve jack o lanterns as a kid?  Do you still carve them or leave them out whole?  Real candle or LED one?  Roast the seeds or "I'm not touching that gooshy crap!"

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  1. Yeah I can't remember when the last time I did a pumpkin carving was. Wish I had the carving skills like some of these people on those Halloween wars shows but I just stick to the basics.

  2. I love carving pumpkins! It helps that I have a kiddo to carve with, but it's one of my favorite things about my favorite holiday. I like the look of real candles better, but have gone to battery ones for safety. Pumpkin guts are gooshy and gross, but I sort out and toast the seeds anyway.

  3. I love carving pumpkins. I think the only time I stopped was when I was in university and I thought I was too cool for that kid stuff. Since I got over myself I've carved at least one every year and will leave some whole on my step.

    I like trying new patterns/designs to see if I can replicate some of what I see online. So far the drilling a pattern into the pumpkin has worked out the best for me. I'll also light them up with an LED flashlight from the dollar store. That way I don't have to worry about them and they light up better than a candle anyway. About 50% of the time someone will steal my pumpkin or the flashlight, so I don't want to do too much.

    I don't roast the seeds. Not that the innards are too gross, but I'm too lazy to separate them and I don't love the taste. It is too much work for something I don't love just because it is supposed to be healthy.

  4. Love pumpkin carving but since I don't have kids I've only done it a couple times since high school. I did the roast seed thing long before they became really popular. It's gross but worth it. I figured out that soaking them in warm water makes it easier to separate the muck from the seeds.

    I bought one this year, then the temperature popped up 10 degrees so I can't set it out yet. I added a bench to my front bed and am curious how long it will last there before someone goes after it. If it makes it to Halloween, I'll carve it and put an anchor in it to keep someone from easily grabbing it. I don't want to carve into it yet so that it will last.

  5. I did not carve pumpkins as a kid, but I had some boyfriends who got into it when I was older. My husband used to carve them every year and dress up for the kids who came to the door. Now there's no kids left on our block so the only thing we do now is I put out a fall display of pumpkins and other gourds on a little hay bail on my front porch. I vaguely remember my mom doing pumpkin seeds one year, but I'm not a fan of seeds in general, so I can't say if I ate any or not.


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