
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Mr's Book Review: Born Giving Birth to a New You


At the end of October 2022, I recorded the E.T. movie reunion on the Drew Barrymore Show for the Mr and I to watch.  Toward the end the mom Dee Wallace mentioned she was an author and had a book that sounded up the Mr's alley to me.  I vetted it and scheduled to send the kindle version to him at the beginning of the year for some new year reads.  (I wasn't going to include it as a Christmas gift because he didn't ask for it.)   He's finished it so now, for your reading pleasure, he's going to give you his book review!


I was gifted this book so I wasn't sure what to expect at first because I hadn't researched it and had no idea what it was about but I can attest that a lot of times in my life certain things happen or certain pieces of information I need tend to come at the right time - and this was no exception.  Let me explain.  I started reading the book just at the beginning of January and, to be honest, I was in a rough place mentally.  I call them funks but let's face it, it was depression and I was in about as negative minded of a zone that I could have been in when I started reading the book. 

The general premise of the book is along the lines of having a more open mind and a positive attitude and setting an intention about what it is that you really want from life.  Some might be familiar with books like "The Secret" and the idea of setting intentions to have the universe give you what you want.  I have read similar books and, to be honest, have always thought of it as a neat concept but one that I never knew how to put into practice.  Oh and just let me get one thing out of the way right off the bat here - Dee goes to great lengths not to step on any toes of religious beliefs in the book.  In fact she actually shares quite a few bible quotes and does a good job explaining how a lot of all of this stuff binds together.  My point there is that, as a person with 12 years of Catholic schooling in me, nothing was too "out there" or offensive to the things I had been taught.  Of course, that is subjective but overall I felt like she did a great job handling the various forms of religion and how they can all support the basic premise of setting an intention and manifesting what you want out of life.

I am also a bit of a science geek and she did an awesome job of covering that too.  In fact, she cites a few studies that interested me enough to go out and learn more on my own and some very fascinating things have come out of that for me and I appreciate any book that can do that.  For example, one of the studies she describes was a study about how our DNA reacts to our moods.  I think we all know this is true for each of us on some level because when you're just in a bad mood you tend to lack energy too.  Or think about why the placebo effect works at all even when we are told we're taking a placebo.  But one thing I did NOT know was that a study had been done showing that even up to 50 miles outside of the human body, DNA still reacts to a persons changing moods.  This is mind-blowing and delves more into the quantum physics realm which I find completely fascinating even if I am by no means an expert on that stuff.

The book does an excellent job of explaining the process of developing your inner voice to that of a positive tone which was especially helpful for me since, as I mentioned, I was in a bit of a funk at the time.  It is from that positive place that you can develop a daily mantra that helps you to start each day from a positive, centered place and start to create the world you want for yourself and your loved ones. Even if you're skeptical, there is nothing wrong with starting your day with a 10 minute meditation where you think about the positive things you want in your life, right?  If one of them happens to be a lot of money and it just happens to start showing up then win-win!  But for me it's not just about that. It's more about reminding myself every day that I am actually creating the outcome of each day by setting my intention, and I found that lately I have been setting negative intentions without even realizing it.  Trust me when I say that this has not done much for my mental well-being.  I have only been setting a positive tone by doing the things she describes in the book for less than a week and, while a pile of money hasn't shown up yet, I can say for sure that my mental health is definitely improved and I have already noticed the positive change in my attitude throughout the day.  I also have more energy and find it easier to get motivated at work than I have been in a very long time.  So if nothing else, the book really has changed major aspects of my life and was definitely worth the read.  I highly recommend it and hope you too will enjoy it and get something out of it too.

The Mr

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  1. I'm glad you seemed to like it. I always get nervous sending you something you didn't ask for but it sounded similar to some of your previous reads. I'm glad it was helpful and I'll have to read some parts you mentioned to me. I'm still hoping for the "I am living between quiet, considerate neighbors" to fully take hold. 🥴 Great review!!

  2. That is fantastic that you liked this book and gleaned a lot from it from different areas, and got a science lesson to boot which is always so interesting. My therapist is very much into the science of the brain and I've learned more about how the brain functions in regards to our experiences that have given me many "I get it now" moments. It's wonderful to hear that your first week of changing your mindset has become more positive and your don't feel that crushing weight on your shoulders like you had been under. Having more energy and optimism on the daily really helps to change perspective. Happy for you!


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