
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Let's Do This

Happy almost Friday everyone!

I wanted to name this post "Eff you, Home Depot" because they are hitting all of the channels hard.  Just the first few bars of their annoying instrumental song makes me want to buy the store and do EVERYTHING. 

This usually starts in March when being shuttered in over the winter gives you more than enough time to look around your home and start picking it apart.  "Maybe just a little project," you think to yourself and then that damn commercial comes on and before you know it, you're drooling like Pavlov's dogs just like their marketing department wanted and you're talking crazy.  "We're going to remodel the basement!"  "Let's rip down all of the drywall in the garage and soundproof it from our a-hole neighbor and his wife's garlic heavy cooking.  We don't know how to drywall, tape and mud but that's why there's YouTube!"  Oh yeah, that's year.  We tried putting insulation on the one bare wall and it made ZERO difference in temperature or sound control.  We are thinking of getting an estimate of how much it would be to get it spray foamed out there if we tore down the drywall.  About 15 years ago over the course of several years, we had several roof issues that resulted in water damage so something will need to be done regardless but yeah, next March's twitch.  I did order a sample pack of some glue up ceiling tiles we're looking at but not to install the way you might think.  You'll see them if we determine the process won't drive us 20 shades of insane.

I've been making slow but sure progress on the basement.  I can only handle being down there for an hour at a time when I'm cleaning due to my dust allergy.  You'd think a dust allergy would make me a neat freak but nay.  I finally slid on those shelf liners for our wire storage shelves in the basement in place.  It's not like they've been sitting on the floor waiting for one of us to slip on them for four months or anything.  🙄  I broke down three boxes and got some homeless items where they needed to go.  I said goodbye to some stuff including the little sticker for firemen to know there was a dog to save here once.  Sigh. 

I've been working really hard the past week on putting that food challenge from last week's Friday links into practice.  (You still with me, Laura?)  Can I tell you how hard that was on Taco Tuesday after LEG DAY!?!  We were both sooooo hungry and we put the fork down between bites and I think it took us 20ish minutes to eat dinner when it usually takes 10-15 minutes.  That was a real test given how famished we were after two hard workouts in a row.  I'm especially proud of the Mr because that has always been his Achilles heel and he did awesomely.  We just need to keep it up so that we can enjoy the benefits.  It was nice seeing Joel on KTLA and I knew that dude couldn't do the swimmers with that sized weight because I could barely do them with 8's since he saves them for the end.  Jerk.  #saidwithlove

Thankfully our hard workouts are done for the week and I can work on undoing some knots that are being idiots.  I'll probably get into the basement today at some point.

Do you get the DIY itch or do you stay as far away from home improvement stores as possible?

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  1. This explains the minor anxiety I feel when I hear that little home depot song bassline. Bum bum bum bum. I do think as my confidence has grown over the years I am not as twitchy with it as I used to be but knowing that everytime you hear that song you go into project mode does instill fear in me.

  2. Yes I've got my list ready for when my boys come home. They are into DIY and learning

    1. That's awesome you've got people who will get that stuff done!

  3. I do not get the DIY itch very much. Probably because there's too much stuff in this house to make any project easy to do, and time constraints too. But I may feel differently once we get more clutter out of here. The hubs said he wants to check into the Bagster Bags and having Waste Management come pick it up. We could get a whole bunch of things thrown out of this house in short order. So that's on the agenda to look in to.

    1. I just checked and they're not in your area yet. >:-( When we did it, it was $150 total for the bag and the pickup. I'm wondering if you guys could either rent a regular dumpster or one of those junk places could take care of it?

    2. Huh, when I put in my zip code it wanted me to schedule. We do have Waste Management here, but use a different service. We could definitely have a small dumpster brought in from our current service that would do the trick too. I think the hubs is enamored with the bag concept because it's "fun." LOL

    3. Oh good! I don't know why it told me that when I checked. I will say this, make sure you put something with wheels under at least half of it if you're going heavy because they expect it to be out a certain distance. We didn't do that and had to lift it halfway up to be able to drag it out. Whoops!

  4. My daughter and I both have asthma. We have small masks we wear when around allergy inducing things. Amazon. Works really well.

  5. I wear a painter's mask when I mow. I don't know that it's the best tool for the job, but I will say that since I've started using it I've had less "up all night due to allergies after I mow" nights. Fortunately dust doesn't cause me too much trouble - good thing since I'm not a duster.

    My problem is that I watch YouTube videos and then think I can do stuff. Then I realize that nope, still no DIY gene. I look at all these cool things to do with small spaces and realize that A. I have no free wall space for those cool hanging ideas and B. anything more complicated than that takes actual skill which I do not have.

    1. That's awesome the masks help you with grass kicking up! I know, I watch YT DIY's and it's like "that looks easy enough" then you get into the throes of it and you're like "we didn't hire out why??" LOL


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