
Monday, September 24, 2018

First Weekend of Fall recap

Happy Monday everyone!

The first day of Fall did not disappoint.

Matter of fact, it was probably one of the better ways we've spent the first day of fall in a long time.  Some friends of ours were going to come over in the evening but he ended up getting wrangled into work.  I told her we were going to a craft fair she mentioned she was interested in so we went there.  It was a balmy 62 degrees down 30 degrees from the previous day.  Glorious.

There were some cute things but nothing I couldn't live without.

I did almost buy two white and gray buffalo check pillows for the couch but at $39 a piece and more than the ones I bought from Crate and Barrel that I waited for a YEAR to go on sale for 20% off, I passed them up.  Besides, I saw some similar ones online at Kirkland's.  We did see some friends of ours who closed their brick and mortar store but still do occasional shows.  It was so fun to watch them light up as they saw us coming over.  We grabbed some lunch there from one of the food trucks (meh) then decided to hit a nearby park.

We got in a little exercise (mostly vertical) so the phone never came out since I felt like I was dying on the way up.  HIIT ain't got nothing on 45-degree hills.  We enjoyed a deep conversation so it was nice taking the time to both laugh and empathize with each other about the things we were all going through.

When we got back, we sat out on the patio for a bit.  There was an occasional breeze so I got out our portable campfire for a bit of warmth and also because we were planning to do s'mores.   Let me tell you, mama knows how to do s'mores.

One of me and the Mr's favorites was the Biscoff cookies, with a Hershey's Gold fun size bar and half a marshmallow.  Soooo good.  The flat ice cream cone thingies are also awesome.  It was nice to chit chat by the fire, eat childhood favorites and see how many times I could reach for something without my boobs catching fire.

Unfortunately, I woke up with a pretty bad headache Sunday.  They claimed it was supposed to be sunny but it wasn't for a good part of the day.  I had zero motivation to do anything even though I planned on going to a clothing store and to check out those pillows.  I decided I didn't need either of them and with no umph to do anything with a headache hanging on, we sat out back on the patio.  Then the sun started peeking out and I figured I'd better get some work in while I had light and I resented having to do it.  I don't know if it was the headache or something else but I got it done despite myself.  The Mr was kind enough to do a produce run so I didn't have to get my raggedy butt dressed.  Then it was workout time  (you can imagine how happy I was for that) and dinner time. 

We had vegan Italian sausage over pumpkin risotto with mixed veggies then boom...weekend over.  Oh, we did watch this to round out the night. 

How was your weekend?

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  1. Sounds like just what was needed! I without to watch my friend's son's band. Off to breakfast on Saturday, then a lazing Saturday afternoon. Yesterday we went to visit a friend we only see a few times a year. Got the grass cut then a nice hot bath. Have a great week lady!

  2. What a great day to jump into Fall weather and goodies. I had a wonderful time and am glad we got to use the patio on a perfect day too. Now we just need more days like that this Fall and it will be perfect.

  3. Sounds like a fantastic weekend!! The temps were gorgeous and you got some serious hiking in. Awesome! I'm so glad you enjoyed time with your friend and could relax on the patio and soak in all that smore goodness! Always happen when weekends are fun like that.

    Mine was half good, half not so good. My friend who was just diagnosed with breast cancer found out her son has also been diagnosed with cancer (small intestine...stage 4, and some of his one lung). He thought he had a stomach ulcer, but it was much, much worse. So that was some heartbreaking news. On the positive side, I enjoyed some exquisite weather with much-needed forays into the country, which both I and the dogs loved. The hubs took 1/2 a vacation day on Friday to take care of some stuff so he didn't have to work on Saturday, which was great for him. Too many days of starting at 5am and he needed the break. Yesterday is kind of a blur other than grocery shopping and laundry. Today I went to the apple orchard for the first time this year and had a lot of fun just perusing the goods, tasting some of them, and honing in on the doggie stuff. =o) I found some Christmas gifts and, of course, bought the fabulous apple donuts that are crispy and light. Yum! Then I ran a bunch of errands and can now rest at home for the day.

  4. I just had a chance to watch the video you linked... now that is ten kinds of CUTE!! I love that the witch's voice is the same one from Tom & Jerry, along with her magic broom. I was cracking up outside watching it. Donald was a meanie to those boys! LOL


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