
Monday, December 7, 2015

I showed you mine... it's time to show me yours!

I asked my Facebook peeps if anyone would be interested in sharing their Christmas tree/decor in a blog post and I got good feedback.  I'd love to see how you guys share the holiday spirit!

So if you follow me on Facebook and would like to share a picture of your tree or favorite holiday display in your home, you can message it to me there and give me a line or two of info you'd like people to know, send me a message.

If you don't have Facebook, you can always drop me an email at mrs{at}successalongtheweigh{dot}com with the same info and the name you want me to list.  (Like your Blogger/Gmail handle you may comment with here.)

I'd like to post them either by the end of the week or beginning of next week so let's make Thursday, December 10th, the cut off so I have time to go through them and get them all in order.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure Pottery Barn used Justin Timberlake as inspiration for their Santa on my mugs...

"And as long as I got my suit and pie...cookies and milk they are my life...magic is fueling my sleigh tonight, let me leave you a few thaaaangs."

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. It's rather uncanny how much that mug (both the actual mug and the face) looks like JT. Too funny!

  2. Justin Claus huh?

    I got caught up on chores, and finally got my tree up. It's a mess, but I like it.


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