
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Frustrated Incorporated/Weekend workout - Weigh In

The Mr would've liked the title of that one if he read this on the weekends, which he doesn't.  Anyway, back to the scale.

Nothing.  Zero.

Which means I'll end the month the same place I started it weight wise.  This is where Pollyanna types would be tempted to tell me that I was/am working through an injury and I should be proud I didn't gain.  Well I would be if I hadn't adjusted my calories to compensate for less calories burned for 6 weeks.  I was right in the limits of my new calorie range, drank a goodly amount of water and hit my calorie burn goal for the week.  It's not Aunt Flo week or any of that crap either.  I'm thinking maybe I cut calories back too far.  It was all very doable but my strengths are more prevalent now so maybe there's something to that.  I hate it when I have to make that decision to up calories.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but obviously cutting the calories back hasn't and I'm going to be adding more cardio back in gently so it's time to move 'em back up anyway.  Sigh.  I would like a print out straight from my body that says "you need to eat X, move X and drink X for me to reward you with 2 lb losses per week."  I'd be afraid where it would print out from but at this point I would risk a rectal paper cut if I had to. snowed overnight!!  So much so that I'm thinking snowshoeing is on the agenda today!  We won't do our usual trail, I'll do the flat dog trail so I can get my feet used to being in them.  This may be my only chance to get it in this season since we don't get snow like we used to.  So I will actually be getting in an honest to goodness weekend workout.  Woot!  Time to spiky ball my feet and maybe do a little massage to loosen things up and strap on the gear!  I'm excited!

Hope you have fun doing whatever you've got brewin' for the day!

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  1. That sounds like so much fun! We got a couple inches on Christmas (and really, if that's all we get all year when else should it be?) but that's it. No snowshoeing, sledding, or even sledding for us.

    I won't Pollyanna you about your weigh-in, but I will remind you that a month ago, even a week ago maybe, you wouldn't have been able to even contemplate snowshoeing.

    1. Yeah we literally had the minimum amount for shoeing but we did it. My legs are feelin' it too. My feet are not going to like me tomorrow! LOL

      Oh I know I've made great strides healing wise, no question. But when everything on paper says I should've lost weight during this time, it's very frustrating.

  2. oops - I meant sledding or even shoveling.

  3. rectal paper cut, gaaaaaaaaaa, good one! Know how you feel, been doing everything "right" and no budge on the scale. Sometimes I wonder if there is any rhyme or reason to the mysterious ways our bodies react. Welp, enjoy snoeshoeing, sounds fun and I'm jelly!

    1. Yeah that whole "calories in vs calories out" thing is pure crap. Don't worry, I enjoyed the shoeing for both of us! :)

  4. I'm glad you get to do some snowshoeing today! We got a bit of snow yesterday so the grass is covered, but you guys were supposed to get more with the lake effect coming your way. Be careful and enjoy yourselves!

    It's been a crappy week on the home and work fronts, but I accomplished my goals and feel good about that. Today is doing a bunch of errands because it's supposed to be icy rain tomorrow, so I want no part of that. And tonight we're going to a hockey game, which I'm looking forward to...I can use the guys on the ice to take out my frustrations. =o)

    1. I'm sorry you had a bad week. I'm glad you accomplished your goals and you need to take this weekend to recharge so you can tackle next week!

  5. Dude! I'm right there with you only I have NO injury to deal with. My weight this month has been all sorts of stagnant and in fact, I am up a pound today despite being within my calorie range. Methinks I ate more sodium than I realized and I know for a fact that I sucked on my water intake 3 days this week. So, I am hoping for a shift by Wednesday. *fingers crossed* I know what you mean about upping or reducing calorie intake...makes me nervous, but I typically rely on this calculator to help me with my decision making. So far, it's not steered me wrong, although my weight loss at times has been slower than I want, I realize that for me personally, that might serve me better because I am learning how to eat properly without feeling like I'm cramming for the SATs.

    I've always wanted to snowshoe! Enjoy! ~Krista

    1. I hate that some people can just follow their calorie range, burn the calories suggested and it all just melts off. I mean that's how it was for my first 100, the 2nd 100 has been much slower and anything past that is laughing at me.

      You should totally snowshoe, I burned 925 calories doing 2 miles.

  6. When you figure out that body print out thing, let me know--I too would be happy to risk the paper cuts. Have fun show shoeing!!! Yay!! We have ZIP-NADA snow here and have had very little all winter--very weird. Have a great weekend!

    1. I will certainly let you know! We enjoyed it a lot. My legs/feet aren't happy with me but knowing that could be my only chance this winter, I'll put up with whatever soreness my body is going to throw my way. You have a great weekend too!

  7. Not going to sprinkle you with sunshine and glitter, but just add that I know how frustrating it is. Of course, our human bodies do all kinds of sciency-thing-a-ma-jigs and when it's injured there's inflammation going on and our body kinda rounds up the troops and circles the wagons and concentrates on healing. It's not to be bothered with silly things like weight loss when it's in survival mode. I didn't read about what happened to your feet yet, but know that since you're treating your body right with the proper fuel and hydration and movement that of course you will continue on with your success. Patience, young Padawan, LOL. Yeah, I know, forget THAT and we want to see that scale MOVE! I hear ya. BTW, I'm NewMoon from the Land of Spark. :D

    1. Well hopefully it'll remember there are other missions than healing. I want some more weight off before our summer vacation and I feel like it's not gonna happen. Good to see you over here!

    2. I know it FEELS like that right now but you're doing everything right so you will continue to become healthier (and lose weight). I know it bites to not see progress on the scale but that's not the only indicator of success. Unfortunately, I let the scale get into my head back in 2003 when I "only" needed to lose 50 pounds. I was 10 pounds from goal and got stuck. Switched it up, raised calories, lowered calories, increased exercise, changed activities, drank more water, less water, and had 2 months of being stuck and packed it in. IDIOT!!! I know you'll never do that. Try to Remember that everything is temporary. Stay in the moment. Maybe find some other hobby to focus on right now...your photography, maybe, or something new. The important thing is to not stress about it because stress activates hormones and guess what those hormones do? Yeah. You WILL get past this. What other choice is there? ;-)

  8. I'm a perennial Pollyanna about most things, so we'll just fast forward and pretend I said all the things you said before offering to come up there and kick your scale's ass. I'm suffering a bit of sciatica this weekend, but I'm pretty sure I could give it a good stomping.

    Hang in there, Anele! And I know it seems like an empty reward, but you really did do an awesome job of keeping to the program when many others (self included) would have folded.

    1. I'll allow you to kick the scale's ass, no problem! Sorry to hear your sciatica is giving you issue. BOO!!

      I hear ya and I am very proud I stuck with it. I know others have used injury as an excuse to completely slack and I'm very glad that wasn't me.

  9. Ok, so you can pretend I didn't say this because I'm not sure if it is going to sound condescending (which is totally NOT my intention) but if you measured your body (arms, chest, waist, hips, thighs etc) every week you would see progress regardless of what the scale tells you. I would be super duper bummed right now that I have only lost what I've lost in 4 weeks, but then I have my measurements to fall back on and really THAT is what it is all about. LOOKING IN THE MIRROR AND LIKING WHAT YOU SEE. The number on the scale could be whatever as long as you feel and look smaller, right? Just my two cents. Measuring definitely helps me out of the 'no change on the scale' slumps.

    1. I have lost 1 INCH in 8 months. Shoots the measuring thing the butt. ;-)

  10. Oh, I'm sorry girl, that really does stink :(

    However, look at this in perspective. Did you lose THIS month? No. Does that mean your never gonna lose again? Absolutely not! This is one month out of 12 in a year. Maybe this just wasn't your month. Next month will be!

  11. I'm really sorry. I won't Pollyanna you because I JUST went through this. The scale didn't move for three (three!) months and only just started to move again. I've "only" lost three pounds, but I felt like playing "Chariots of Fire" and running around my house like I'd hit goal weight. I was that excited. I'm also waiting for the other shoe to drop, though, and put me on a plateau just before I hit 299. My body is evil like that. ;)

    So, I'm sorry. I feel you. I'm actually going to my doctor in a couple weeks to get a referral to a podiatrist and knee-iatrist (whatever they're called), and I am scared to death they are going to tell me no weight-bearing exercises for 6-8 weeks. Or surgery. Ugh.

  12. No Pollyanna here, but I can't stop laughing and clinching just thinking about a rectal paper cut! Thanks for the laugh, I need more of those lately!

  13. Aw, I'm sorry you didn't lose this week. I can never figure out the rhyme or reason for gains and losses either. They say calories in/calories out, but if it was that easy, I think we'd all be a whole lot thinner right now!


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