
Friday, January 25, 2013

Injury progress and Food Journal 1/20-1/24

I know you might've tuned in for the food but you're gonna have to sit through an injury update first!  HA!  Hey!  How dare you try to scroll!  Sheesh.  ;-)

I am on level 4 of 5 of my arch builder inserts and I should be able to switch over by Sunday which will enable my feet to be receptive to their final "molding" to correct my pronation.  Upon my visit last week, he asked what my workouts were and I kind of got the feeling he wanted to tell me to work in light impact but he stopped short from clearing me.  So I decided after I was able to do the new kettlebell workout I got that I would progress from standing during cardio workouts to lightly putting my foot down.  (This was something I couldn't do two weeks ago.)  My light re-intro?  KenpoX from P90X.  I know.  A lot of it is upper body and I took out any jumps and during "breaks" I would squat and do speedbags.  I would get crampy in my arches and a few sore spots on top of my foot but honestly...I had the same feeling walking over the weekend.   I assessed the next day and I was fine.  No new aches or pains.  I did strength the next day and I got on my balance board since I did so well balancing on that foot with kicks.  Wow...I was wobbly.  I felt so dejected at how my balance had suffered and then Right Now from Van Halen came on and it was just what I needed to bring my determination back.  I have already made strides, more are needed and I will make them, it's that simple.  So watch out balance, I'm comin' for ya.  Then Wednesday, I broke out Turbo Fire 45 EZ, one of my old faves.  It was so good to hear the music and mouth the dialogue.  There were some moves my feet didn't like and some high impact stuff I knew was out of the question but I got through the workout at about 70% of my former intensity where I would not have been able to even stand up to modify 2 weeks ago.  When it was over, I bawled like a baby.  It was so good to do it with relatively little consequence in the moment other than a few crampy parts.  I will say afterward my feet and legs were like "what!?  WTH are you doing lady!?!?" and were twitchy the rest of the night and the next morning my ankles and feet were tight.

I went to the chiro Thursday and he worked on my feet commenting on their tightness and worked out some "grain" in my calf which he said all active people have.  I asked about the balance board and told him about my workouts.  He said the balance board is the best thing for me right now so do it everyday if I want to.  He also cleared me for light impact as long as I ease back into it like I have been this past week.  I'm so happy I have the green light so long as my foot is cooperating.  I will definitely incorporate the balance board at the end of workouts to help build the muscles of the foot and legs.  I have 1-2 more visits before he sends me off on my own.

Okay, it's food time!  Let's eat!

Sunday night was Pacific Crab Stuffed Flounder over thai lime rice.  Calories:  520

Monday was Mahi Mahi Fish Tacos with arugula and broccoli slaw and brussels sprouts with asiago and 1/2 slice bacon.  Calories: 497

Wednesday was pink salmon with lemon garlic sauce and asparagus.  Calories: 444

Wednesday was BBQ salmon burger, russet wedges (w/ 1 tbsp ketchup) and a buttload of green beans.  Calories:  420

Thursday was garlic and herb tilapia and brussels sprouts with asiago and 1/2 slice bacon.  Calories:  395

Whatcha got going on this weekend?  Anything fun?

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  1. I am so happy that things have improved so much since the beginning of the year. Going to that chiropractor was the right choice indeed!

    Thanks for another week of wonderful healthy meals too!

    1. It definitely was!

      Don't worry, I'll make you pasta tonight, I can tell you're burnt on fish.

  2. So glad to hear things are progressing nicely!

  3. Wow - it really was a week of fish.

    I'm glad you're seeing such great results. Being cleared for light impact must be a huge load off your shoulders. Now you'll be able build up to a sustainable intensity.

    1. Told ya! :)

      Yes, it is. It will take a lot to not want to bust back into it but I don't want to re-injure myself so I need to take it slow but I might add an extra cardio with a strength to bump things up a bit.

  4. So happy to see things are improving for you. Its a PIA to get injured when youre making such great strides.

    You werent kidding when you said fish all week! Great menu though. This week we had, chicken marsala with roasted potato and veggies, Burgers wrapped in lettuce, Tilapia, and chicken meatball subs. Pretty decent week for us as well.

    1. Thanks Kerry!

      Nope, I meant it and thankfully the flavors were all different so I didn't get burnt on it. Though I think the Mr did! HA! Your menu sounds pretty good! YUM!

  5. Great news! I was just imagining the Mr standing nearby as you snap pics of your meals licking his chops, waiting to dive into that fab food you make:)
    Enjoy your day

  6. Great news for you!

    I have had a mysterious sharp pain in my right foot this week and I've thought of you frequently and your ordeal. I'm tracking my tiny improvements every day and can see that this won't last long!! (It may be as simple as changing my shoes!!) I wouldn't have been paying so much attention to it (and watching for good signs) if you hadn't been going through all that you have. Your pain has been my gain.

    Enjoy light impact!

    1. Thanks!

      Definitely take care of those feet! One thing I'll never do again is take them for granted. I'm not healed yet but with each strike under the "good day" column, I feel more confident in a full recovery. I'm glad my pain could be your gain which was the point of my sharing even if it bored some people. HA!

  7. So proud of the way you have battled through this injury!! You are awesome. You'll be back to full strength in no time. Can I just hire you to cook for me...

    1. Thanks so much Kim! I hope so, I can't wait to get back to some of the old routine. Sure, I'll cook for ya! ;)

  8. Wonderful news and I'm glad you're feeling better too. Good job on the fish this week. We are headed to southern Utah for a weekend get away to warm temps (in the 50's...oooooh) Only issue is getting there- nasty weather/roads between here and fingers crossed! Have a good one.

    1. Thanks Diane! Be careful on the roads and have a great time!

  9. That's it! I'm making fish tacos this weekend. Everytime I see them on your blog, I remember how great they are. I like them with the coleslaw-y type stuff and sauce. I also need to get some salmon burgers from Costco.

    I'm so happy for you in regards to your foot! You take this very seriously and do everything he says (something I'm not sure I'd do). I know you were upset about this when it first happened but I think it might turn out to be a good thing. Just think, moving forward to achieve your goal, there isn't anything that can stop you! Keep at it lady!

    1. You should totally make fish tacos. They are so yummy!

      Thanks! Yes, I wanted to make sure I did everything he asked because I knew if I didn't I'd only be hurting my chances at recovery. I'm just glad as each week progresses, I see more improvements!

  10. YUm!!everything looks so delis..

    ohk now thats out of the way..

    i am glad t hear about ur foot..its improving Yay...and good going on the workouts..
    take care

    1. LOL...thanks!

      I'm so glad to get the official green light to move forward cautiously with low impact workouts. I'm hoping we can find a place to snowshoe tomorrow before the little bit we got melts.

  11. I wish I liked fish - it looks good, but most of it is too "fishy" for me. I'll take crab though! :D

    Have a great weekend!

    1. The Mr won't eat fishy fish. Mahi mahi, the crab stuffed flounder and cod are good non-fishy choices. ;-)

  12. I love that The Mr. is always first to comment. :)

    The fish looks yummy!

  13. I'm glad that you're able to ease back into working out like you used to--yay! Before you know it, you'll be back to normal. :) Just don't go TOO crazy on the workouts, okay? ;)

    And daaaang that's a lot of fish!

    1. Absolutely not. I don't want to undo all of the progress I've made!

      Yep, I think we have gills now!

  14. Great progress, Anele!

    I ran into my chiro the other day at Schlotsky's, and it occurred to me after he left that I should have given him one of my business cards to see if we could barter some adjustments. :)

    1. HA! We stopped by Schlotsky's in Memphis b/c they went out of our area. So yummy! You should totally barter adjustments!

  15. I count FIVE (5!) delicious looking fish meals this week. Excellent. Now I've got to go buy some fish, cause I need to start eating more of it too. How did you fix those yummy looking green beans? I LOVE me some green beans and especially LOVE that you can have so many for so few calories!!!

    1. Yes! All tasted different so I wasn't bored with them. The green beans were frozen and I microwaved them for 3 minutes then grilled them with some black pepper and garlic powder. YUM!

  16. That's good news that you are able to add back in light impact work!!! Woohoo - keep at it girlie! You are giving me all kinds of hope for my future post-injury recovery! :-)


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