
Monday, January 28, 2013

Shoe in

Boy when the doc clears me for light impact, I waste no time getting out in the white stuff!

Yes, that is a black cat on my head...don't judge me.

We aren't able to rely on snow in our neck of the woods so when we had snow a few days after Christmas, I sent the Mr. cross country skiing with his cell at a nearby park.  I didn't want him to miss out in case that was our only snowfall this year.  I was super upset I had to miss out on it due to my injury but I was happy to see him so thrilled when he came home.

When we woke up to 4+ inches Saturday morning, he tested the snow shoes in the back yard and there was just enough to warrant a trip to the park!  I chose the flattest trail they had because I wasn't going to push it and set my injury back.  I took it easy, stopped when I needed to and enjoyed being cozy warm in our winter gear.  Just the night before we took a trip to the local sporting goods store because the North Face and Columbia gloves we bought were in a word...crap.  Gordini to the rescue!  We got the goose down, sherpa lined gloves labeled "warmest" and indeed our fingers were nice and toasty in 20 degree weather!   Pair those with Under Armour ColdGear Compression Leggings (affiliate link) to keep him toasty and WICKERS Wicking Thermal Pants under my jeans and we could've gone all day!  (Too bad my hips couldn't...yeee-ouch!)  But 925 calories later, we called it a day.

I enjoyed every slow falling snowflake, every babble of the wintry brook, every crunch of snow beneath my shoes, every chirp or pecking of birds, I smiled at the few people we passed and knew even if this was the only time we got out this year, that I would be more grateful for this outing than ever.  Because even though my foot was giving me the what for the next day, it wasn't bad enough that I needed to be off of it all day.  Matter of fact, it let me get a big project done that I wanted to have done before Christmas but couldn't stand for more than 10-20 minutes at that time to do it.  I gave it a few massages and turns on the spiky ball as a reward as well as flipping our traditional workout to Friday while we did our project which took all day.  (It burned calories so it's not like we slacked)  Poor Mr.  He didn't know what hit him when we woke up Sunday morning to my determination to get the project done and in one day.  But I'll tell you about that another day.

Did you get out and enjoy the weather this weekend?

There are a few affiliate links in this post but if you're a snowbird, you'll appreciate keeping warm with these babies!

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  1. Oh!! Looks like such fun! My husband was been wanting snowshoes. I almost got him a "his and hers" Christmas present, because who want's to snowshoe alone, right ;) I thought maybe I'd pick up a pair for each of us at a discount store and if we liked it, then we could think about 'real' snowshoes.
    You look great, BTW!! Wow, girl. Glad you too had a fun weekend. Kudos to getting stuff done, fun and projects alike!


    1. Hey girl! My cousin bought his from here: for $45 and he loves them. A good cheap pair to intro with and you've got everything you need. I hope you guys take it up, it's a nice way to enjoy the outdoors this time of year!

  2. I am sooo glad we got to finally try out the snow shoes. I had a great time and it was a nice way to get out and enjoy a snowy day instead of complaining about it like a lot of people tend to do.

    1. Me too!! I can't believe I got you a pair last year and we didn't get a single flake! Stupid weather! Absolutely! If I hear one more person gripe about winter, I'm going to scream. There are people that are no longer with us who would give anything for one more snowy drive, snow storm or any other winter "irritant." People need to learn to appreciate the beauty around them all year.

  3. Love your comment to The Mr.!! Last week, everyone was whining about the 3 (count 'em, 3) cold days we had. (Tomorrow it's going to be 40.) Now I'm a little older than you but I recall winters where it went below zero (25 below comes to my mind right now, brrrr) and it didn't come back for a couple of WEEKS! The day it went above zero was a day for celebration!

    I did get out yesterday; I thought of you and snowshoeing. I went with a couple of my friends and walked to an small Island on a frozen lake, I've always wanted to go check it out and everything fell into place yesterday afternoon. We were supposed to get a snow/rain/sleet storm yesterday afternoon but I decided to go anyway. I had a great time and 10 minutes after I got back, it started snowing!

    1. Thanks! :) Oh my Lord, I can't stand it when people gripe about the weather of the season. It's live in Montana (insert any cold weather state)...if you hate winter that bad, MOVE!!!

      Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I hope you played in the snow a little bit!

  4. That seems like fun..925 calories is awesome...we enjoyed the crispy cold air by the inner harbor in Baltimore, MD. next weekend parents want to go see the Chesapeak duck park where thousands of ducks and geese migrate...should be a fun drive and scenic spot to enjoy...

    take care

    1. Definitely!

      Sounds like you had a good one and the duck park should be interesting! (We always seem to get attacked at bird parks!)

  5. Love the pics. Looks like you had a great time in a beautiful setting!

  6. First of all, you look tiny in that top picture! Even if the scale isn't your BFF, you look amazing.

    Glad you got out and enjoyed the snow. We only had freezing rain this weekend, and now today it's going to be 70 degrees. Go figure...

    1. BWAAAHAHAHA! I'll say thank you and remind you that clothes hide a multitude of sins. ;)

      I can't take the up and down weather of the past few years. I want all snow all winter, occasional rain and sun in the spring instead of skipping it altogether, a summer that doesn't consist of triple digits in a region that wasn't intended and a Fall that doesn't have the leaves blow off the trees 1 week after the colors change. Basically I want the weather of my youth.

  7. So proud of you for getting out there. This weekend for me ended up in grumpiness. I need to be outside but below 30 degrees I can't do. So inside I was. I already told my husband that next weekend we are going out no matter what. I need to hike!!!

    1. Thanks! Sorry you had a grumpy weekend. Make it a priority for that hike this weekend! Nothing better than being out in nature!

  8. Sounds like you had a great time! I wish it would snow here. It was over 70 one day last week, and over the weekend was nearly that. I shouldn't complain since I don't really like to be cold, but I sure do miss the snow and it has to be cold for that.

  9. Sounds like an amazing weekend! The snow-shoeing trek alone made it fun, and then you finished an ENTIRE project on Sunday!? Can't wait to read all about it. Glad the injury is improving and you can get out to do the things you love again!

    1. Yep, it was quite the weekend. I don't think the Mr appreciated having his Sunday taken away but now that the project is done, he sees the value in it.

  10. Wow ~ it's gorgeous where you live! I'd be outside if it looked like that here too. I get excited if there's a light dusting or hard frost. Meh, but I'm not complaining. I have to say, you look fantastic! You truly inspire me to do more everyday. I know that all of your hard work isn't easy. It wouldn't be called work now would it? Thank you for keeping it real everyday.

    1. We're lucky to have a park about 4 minutes away (but just far enough we can't walk there due to no sidewalks. BOO!)

      Aww, thanks so much! I appreciate it!

  11. Yay for fighting through injuries! Exercise definitely comes with loads of physical & mental benefits, but the downside is injuries, which are almost inevitable from time to time. But, now you'll know how to listen to your body so that they don't get too bad. My friends and I all had to go through this painful learning process, and nothing makes you feel old in your 20s like deep discussions about the best shoes for your knees and hips!

    On another note, I made your spicy Mexican stuffed shells last night. I didn't have ricotta or Neufchatel on hand, so I made it without, and it was still so delicious!

    1. Yes, it does. I'll be glad when this injury is in my rear view mirror.

      YAY, so glad you liked the stuffed shells. They're highly adaptable yet still delish!

  12. How wonderful! Generally, we just get the cold without the snow down here. :)

    1. Aww man, you need a little snow to go with that cold. They made some when we went to the Graceland Christmas lighting. It was pretty cool!

  13. That looks like SO MUCH FUN!! We haven't gotten any snow here this winter and I'm just dying to go take a walk in it. I love being outside in the snow!

    You both look FABULOUS, btw! ~Krista

  14. How fun! It looks like such a tranquil way to workout. :) I'm glad your foot didn't give you too much trouble afterwards too! I don't miss midwestern winters, but a little bit of snow on the ground once in a while would be most welcome. :)

    1. It definitely is. There's no better way to spend a morning than shoeing in nature with your honey!

  15. I know how much you missed it last year so I'm THRILLED you got to get out finally! YAY!!!

    1. Thanks girl! I hope I get to do it a few more times. If not here, we might do a road trip to where there is snow.

  16. Congratulations on such an awesome day! And can I just say that your legs look FABULOUS!!!! Seriously girl, you look fantastic in those jeans!!!

    1. Thanks girl. I'm going to accept the compliment though my knee jerk reaction is to reveal my calves are the size of a teenaged girl's waist.


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