
Friday, January 13, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #2

It's time to hop aboard the Friday train! 


Wow, that was embarrassing.

Well, at least I didn't remind the superstitious ones that



Enough of my tomfoolery, let's get into:

3 Simple Steps for Mindful Eating All Year Long (Excellent to remember year round.)

10 Simple Dinner Ideas for Healthy Eating  (In case you need some dinner ideas.)

14 Benefits of Strength Training  (You don't have to hulk up and it does a body good, yo!)

Winter Skincare Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs  (I always feel better when I remember to take care of my skin.)

14 DIY Hair Masks That Actually Work  (I'm down.  My hair is like hay.)

New study finds some natural hair loss supplements may actually work  (Good news for those of us getting a little thinner up on the housetop.)

These Stress-Relief Activities Actually Work, According to Therapists  (I need to work on this A LOT this year.  My new doctor actually said it needed to be a priority too.  Sigh.)

When texts suddenly stop: Study investigates why people “ghost” and it’s consequences  (Not just texting.  Those who don't return an email for a month and claim they were "busy" while blowing up social media during that time also takes it's toll...not that I know or anything.  A few days, maybe but more than that?  RUDE.)

The 50 Worst Decisions in Music History  (Yikes, some doozies.  I think I'm the only person on Earth who liked the song "Chris Gaines" released.)

Stop watching movie trailers  (THIS!  I never do if I can help it and if the Mr watches one, I'll tell him to turn it off because they give you the whole friggin' movie now!)

Lisa Marie Presley dies at 54 after hospitalization  (I am gutted.  I have loved Lisa's music since her first album.  She has been so completely in turmoil since her son died by suicide in 2020 and the only sliver of comfort is she is with him again.  I am praying for her whole family especially her teen twin daughters.  Thank you Lisa for the wonderful music.  I will miss you.)

If you missed any of our holiday recap posts, you can click the following text links on the adventure for part 1, part 2 and the final round up.

We're still enjoying our Christmas decorations since we were gone for 2 weeks of the season so I'm sure we'll blaze up the tree at some point this weekend.  I'll have to peruse and see if there's anything we can get into.  

What are you getting into this weekend?  

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  1. Is it just me or has it already been quite the year? I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend and I hope everyone else gets that too. TGIF!

    1. Nope, not just you. I've already had enough drama for the year thanks. LOL

  2. It's been a very busy week so I'm bushed. Two appointments today, then grocery shopping. Now I need to finish the laundry, do the meds, and a few other things. Tomorrow is a meeting then taking the pooch for swimming. Sunday is a lot of house stuff I need to work on. Was a bit lazy in my pursuit of that week with other stuff going on, so I'm a bit behind now.
    Enjoy your weekend!


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