
Monday, July 8, 2019

Not a Place That Ain't Sore Weekend Recap

Happy Monday, everyone!  I hope you had a good weekend full of relaxation in whatever form that means to you.

We spent the holiday starting our workout room redo.  So much for "chillin' with my honey!"  He pulled most of the stuff from the wall, and I emptied a set of shelves and moved that out of the way.  He did trim while I rolled.  Three hours later, between breaks for coats to dry, we were too pooped to pop.  The dueling douchebags of our neighborhood weren't though because they were poppin' well past noise ordinance hours, which had me Googling "when to call police for firework noise violation."  Yes, I'm that person.  Thankfully, I didn't have to do it but was more than willing to complete with pics and time stamps because get off my lawn.

Friday, I was unable to get out of bed until I used my shiatsu machine on my legs from hammies to ankles.  I always forget until it's too late that I can't stand in those flip flops for long periods and end up paying the next day thanks to my screwed up leg muscles.  The Mr had a flaming headache all day, and I kept putting off getting downstairs because I didn't know how long I'd last.  Finally, I went down and put on the 3rd coat on the main wall and a full coat on the wall that already had professional sealant on it.  We didn't know that it dried flat so we were going to have to use one of the gallons of satin finish we bought for the ceiling on it the next day.  Yay.

That didn't mean we were derailed completely though because we still had a lot of prep work that needed to be done.  I knew we'd need goggles and paint respirators because the smell was overwhelming down there, so the Mr went back to Home Depot.  OH!  On a good news front, they took back that sh*tty sealer that dried cloudy on our pavers with no fight.  We were even willing to get back a pro-rated return since we did use two gallons, but they refunded us the whole $97...which half went right back into masks and goggles.  We got to painting more on the walls and knew we'd have to put on some of the latex we bought for the ceiling if we wanted a coat that wouldn't suck in our scuzz as we did wall push ups.  We were SO tired.  I took two ibuprofen and wore compression pants hoping for the best for the next day's weigh in.

Welp, we were both up a pound and am not surprised given how sore and broken we both felt from all of the painting.  So I let the scale know what I thought if it's shenanigans in our reno dust...

 It kind of pales in comparison to the crapfest of news that came at me that day.  My aunt passed away after a 20 year battle on and off with cancer.  She did it her way and went holistic all the way.  I have good memories of her as a kid, and she was the one who taught me how to put your hair up in a towel after a shower.  She was always so lovely, bubbly, and always laughing.  64 is too young.   A few hours later, I got the news my second mother (one of my best friend's mom) isn't going to make it more than a few months if not a few weeks.  Her only daughter is getting married the middle of Fall and won't likely be here for it.  My friend is buying a new dress to wear to come up and do a small ceremony with her mom here.  So needless to say, Saturday had me feeling rather unfocused as my thoughts wandered all day.  We did manage to leave the house to get rid of our Water Rower.

It was good to us, but honestly, we didn't use it anymore, and it was a space suck.  Then we got into painting the rafters.  This bit the big one and I don't blame the Mr for secretly harboring resentment.  I resent myself.  This is going to suck Rocky Mountain oysters, big time.  We thought the paint and primer combo would be enough for it, but it was clear by the way it was drying, which coincidentally, was almost clear, we'd need reinforcement.  We bought the right primer for the job, and it made a world of difference.  He put a coat of the paint on before we called it a night and checked again in an hour to see how it was drying and it looks like we might be able to get away with one coat of primer and one coat of paint.  I say that like it sounds's not.

Sunday, I was a mess.  My hands were sore from holding the roller and brush for 3 hours.  The outside of my calves were stretched like a tight rubber band ready to snap.  I got the laundry in around 9:30am and dreaded the day ahead of us.  We're donating some stuff that we don't use enough to justify the space it takes up.  A family member is taking one of our Total Trainers, and we loaded up the other one, a weight rack that pinches us every time we take a weight from it and an old weight bench that's seen better days and off to Goodwill.

It freed up a ton of space, so we didn't have as much to scoot around while we painted.  It made things so much easier.  We got down to business and painted most of the day, putting a fork in it by 6pm when we were toast.

By 8pm, we were in our jammies watching Homestead Rescue reruns and twitching when Home Depot commercials came on.  I think the Mr will be very happy to go to work today and get the hell away from this place!

How was your weekend?  Hopefully more relaxing than ours!

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  1. Painting a ceiling used to be my most hated activity. But painting a ceiling that is not flat, but has rafters and pipes and nooks and crannies? Ugh! I think it will be worth it eventually. Can't wait to see the after pics!

  2. Wow, you got a lot accomplished! Didn't it feel great to get rid of some of that clutter? I always feel better when I drop a load off at Savers. Zinsser is my go-to product, I always have a can on hand because I paint often. Love the artwork on the scale LOL! I turn myself into toast on the my first day off buy scrubbing my my pavers with a wire brush. I get so much moss on them and I can't seem to keep it away. The weekend was a comno of hard work and hard play. The surprise birthday party came off as a surprise so I was so excited for my friend. She was a nervous wreck up until he walk through the door. I'm delighted that I'm now off duty for my phone support for that. Have a great week!

    1. I am so sorry for the loss of your aunt and your impending loss. It's so very difficult, hugs.

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of your aunt. 64 is way too young, and having lived the battle for over 20 years is both remarkable and devastating. And I'm sorry about your friend's mom. How heartbreaking for everyone. I'm glad they will do a ceremony with mom there so she can see her daughter get married.
    My weekend was good. The hubs had to work on Saturday so I went to the burbs to go celebrate the holiday with my uncle. Then I came home and got started on the lawn and the hubs only had about 15 minutes of it left to do as I finished up the section I was working on. Sunday we grocery shopped, walked the dogs, and did the laundry. I also am gathering numerous misc scraps of paper where I have tips from magazines, recipes, websites, etc., that have taken over my work space. Today I'll be entering those on my computer and making categories so it will be far easier to reference and organize going forward. I'm also going to be emptying out my corner unit in the kitchen because I'm pretty sure the window guys are going to need the room when the sliding door gets replaced, so I want to be ahead of the game for when they call to schedule.
    Hope your week isn't nearly as sore as the weekend was! Painting is my nemesis!!


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