
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Christmas Hump Day Survey

Two weeks from today, it'll all be over.  You read that and wanted to cry...whether it's tears of sadness or joy is totally yours.  If you're like me, mid-December makes me twitchy.  Realizing you only have two-ish weeks to cram in holiday merriment can make you break out into a cold sweat and overload your brain.  That's why you need a survey to get your mind off of that stuff!  For those of you who celebrate another holiday, please feel free to answer the questions that apply and tell us all about how you celebrate!

Eggnog or hot chocolate?  Hot chocolate for sure.  I can only handle about a sip of egg nog, it's too thick for me.  But give me some egg nog cookies to dunk in hot chocolate and I'm down!

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?  Uh, wrapped.  He's not an animal!

Colored lights on tree/house or white?  It's funny because I prefer white lights but we have red, white and green lights on our tree.  I just love those colors together because I'm super traditional like that.

Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?  Waking up Christmas morning, looking at the Mr to see who will be the first to say

What is your favorite tradition overall?  Well, before dementia, I would've said going to Grandma's and hanging out with everyone eating her noodles.  Now I feel a little "traditionless."

When do you hang your decorations up?  It was always the day after Thanksgiving but I must say there is an advantage to doing it the weekend before Thanksgiving because then it can just be DONE.

What’s your favorite holiday dish?  Grandma's noodles, of course!  (And my stuffing!)

Favorite holiday memory as a child?  Just that feeling of waking out of a dead sleep to see what Santa brought.  Magic.

What is on your Christmas wishlist this year?  I don't even remember to be honest.

Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?  We did when I was a kid but when we got married, we decided to do Christmas with my mom so that took the place of that tradition.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?  Very traditional.  Red, white and green.  We also have a small tree that all of our travel ornaments go on.

Snow. Love it or dread it?  Love it.  LOVE.  I want to move to New England for it.  (But don't make me drive in it.)

Real tree or fake tree?  Fake tree only because the only spot we have to put it is right by the register and fireplace so a real one would be toast in a week.

Do you remember your favorite gift?  I do and you'll find out what it is in a fun poll soon.

Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall?  Most of my shopping online but a few things in store.

What’s your favorite holiday dessert?  Is it wrong to say my Christmas cookies and/or spice cake?  I'm the one that usually does desserts for the holidays.

Christmas letter or card?  Both.  I stopped doing the letter 2 years ago and I heard about it from a few people because I started hearing them referred to as "brag and gags."  I must be one of the few people who love getting those.  I love to know what people are up to especially if I don't see them regularly.

Do you hang mistletoe?  I tried that one year and someone didn't get the hint.

What tops your tree?  A star.  Told ya...traditional.

Do you prefer giving or receiving?  I'd be lying if I didn't say both but giving makes me smile more.

What is your favorite Christmas song?  It's not Christmas until I hear this.

Candy Canes, yuck or yum?  Yum!

Favorite Christmas movie?  Probably Home Alone 2 and Scrooged but I love a lot of them.

What do you leave for Santa?  We always leave a cookie or two and one of us (typically me) will take a bite or eat them and leave crumbs.

What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you?  Keeping traditions alive as much as I can while being open to new holiday adventures.

Now it's your turn!  I've included the questions below copy and paste style because I'm cool like dat.

Eggnog or hot chocolate?
Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Colored lights on tree/house or white?
What is your favorite tradition?
Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?
When do you hang your decorations up?
What’s your favorite holiday dish?
Favorite holiday memory as a child?
What is on your Christmas wishlist this year?
Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?
How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
Snow. Love it or dread it?
Real tree or fake tree?
Do you remember your favorite gift?
Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall?
What’s your favorite holiday dessert?
Christmas letter or card?
Do you hang mistletoe?
What tops your tree?
Do you prefer giving or receiving?
What is your favorite Christmas song?
Candy Canes, yuck or yum?
Favorite Christmas movie?
What do you leave for Santa?
What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you?

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  1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Both!

    Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped, never bagged either!

    Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored

    What is your favorite tradition? Looking at Christmas lights with a cup of hot chocolate to enjoy.

    Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? Same as above "It's Christmas Mornin' man!

    When do you hang your decorations up? I like hanging the outside lights on the warmest day in November that I can get before Thanksgiving. Don't light them up until Thanksgiving though.

    What’s your favorite holiday dish? Everything you make!

    Favorite holiday memory as a child? My brother waking me up xmas morning and trying to conspire with me to wake up our parents. Also being part of the church choir on xmas eve (but I hated being part of it xmas morning when I would have to leave by 9 am so no playing with toys!)

    What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? I can't say or it won't come true!

    Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? When I was a kid yes. Now we use that day to do xmas gifts with Mom.

    How do you decorate your Christmas tree? The Mrs does a great job. I cannot even imagine how mine would turn out.

    Snow. Love it or dread it? Used to dread it but once I picked up cross country skiing and snowshoeing I love it. Now that I have an AWD with snow rated tires I might not even mind driving in it, we'll see.

    Real tree or fake tree? Fake tree

    Do you remember your favorite gift? Hard to pick but one that comes to mind is my wife surprising me with a 900 watt surround sound system.

    Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? Online!

    What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Cookies! oh, and yule log!

    Christmas letter or card? letter in card

    Do you hang mistletoe? I hope we do!

    What tops your tree? A Star

    Do you prefer giving or receiving? Both!

    What is your favorite Christmas song? Baby please come home by U2.

    Candy Canes, yuck or yum? Will eat them

    Favorite Christmas movie? Home Alone 2

    What do you leave for Santa? Cookies and milk!

    What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? Seeing how happy it makes my wife!

  2. Eggnog or hot chocolate? I like both but hot chocolate more

    Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped

    Colored lights on tree/house or white? I've done it numerous ways. Colored, all white, white and blue, all blue. This year we did white going up the inside trunk to brighten it up so the colored lights really pop on the outer branches now.

    What is your favorite tradition? Reading Twas the Night Before Christmas to my dogs on Christmas Eve

    Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? No

    When do you hang your decorations up? This year we did it before Thanksgiving and was SO happy we did!

    What’s your favorite holiday dish? Roast beef (although I'm not making it this year) and bruschetta that I make every year

    Favorite holiday memory as a child? Uh...none

    What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? I didn't have one this year.

    Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? I think one year we each did one gift, but we didn't like it that way, so we stick to Christmas day.

    How do you decorate your Christmas tree? The past few years it's just been lights and any new ornaments we get. We get a new ornament every year and this year I had one done for the hubs as a gift so it will go on the tree after he opens it.

    Snow. Love it or dread it? Not a fan only because of driving

    Real tree or fake tree? Artificial... my dogs would love a real one though. lol

    Do you remember your favorite gift? No

    Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? Online as much as possible

    What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Hmmmm... my mom used to make really cool different desserts (her strawberry roll is the best), but I'd probably have to say gingerbread cookies

    Christmas letter or card? Cards to most people, letters those I don't talk to much throughout the year. Although this year I really cut back on that as well.

    Do you hang mistletoe? We did for a few years and I still have the fake 1970's mistletoe with the bell on it from when I was young in with the decorations. Cracks me up every time I see it.

    What tops your tree? Nothing the past few years. Before that it was an angel.

    Do you prefer giving or receiving? I really like giving. I have a lot of fun shopping this time of year for people and enjoy wrapping in fun paper or goofy boxes or bags. I always try to buy something that will give a giggle or two.

    What is your favorite Christmas song? Roger Whittaker's Ding Dong Merrily on High

    Candy Canes, yuck or yum? I like most of them, but I've had a few icky ones.

    Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Carol starring Alastar Sim in 1951

    What do you leave for Santa? I have a darling cookie plate and mug, but with two dogs, Santa wouldn't even have crumbs left. LOL

    What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? For me, it's a time to reflect on all the gifts God has given me on a daily basis.

  3. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate!
    Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Never
    Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored
    What is your favorite tradition? Christmas Eve dinner with my day of the year!
    Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? Cinnamon rolls hot out of the oven, open stockings first, then gifts.
    When do you hang your decorations up? Day after Thanksgiving
    What’s your favorite holiday dish? Prime rib
    Favorite holiday memory as a child? That it seemed to snow every Christmas - made it that much more magical....and going to see Santa.
    What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? Don't have one
    Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? NO
    How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Very traditional with ornaments we've collected over the past 58 years....I love putting up the really old ones and remembering where it came from.
    Snow. Love it or dread it? Love it, but also hate driving in it.
    Real tree or fake tree? Real
    Do you remember your favorite gift? I used to babysit when I was younger and I was saving my money to buy a bike....but Santa brought it for me!
    Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? Online
    What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Pecan Pie
    Christmas letter or card? Card
    Do you hang mistletoe? Yes - actually three of them
    What tops your tree? Used to be a star, now it's something my husband picked out for our first tree when we got married....
    Do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving!!
    What is your favorite Christmas song? The Christmas Song
    Candy Canes, yuck or yum? I can take them or leave them
    Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story
    What do you leave for Santa? Cookies
    What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? Family - being with the ones we have left and remembering those no longer with us.

  4. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate. Never liked the other stuff, even with rum
    Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped, but that was a compromise. In my childhood he just left them under the tree, and that is how you knew they were from Santa.
    Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored
    What is your favorite tradition? Selecting the Christmas tree
    Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? No
    When do you hang your decorations up? Some time after Remembrance Day (November 11th)
    What’s your favorite holiday dish? mashed potatoes and gravy
    Favorite holiday memory as a child? Searching for the Christmas tree on our property, my dad cutting it down, and dragging it home.
    What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? Google Home
    Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? No.
    How do you decorate your Christmas tree? With all the ornaments I and my partner have collected over the years
    Snow. Love it or dread it? Both?
    Real tree or fake tree? REAL!!!!!
    Do you remember your favorite gift? No.
    Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? A combination of both. Big box stuff online and from local shops
    What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Cheesecake
    Christmas letter or card? Card
    Do you hang mistletoe? No
    What tops your tree? Nothing. We take the tree all the way to the ceiling
    Do you prefer giving or receiving? Both. Giving gets me in the Christmas spirit
    What is your favorite Christmas song? The Pogues Fairytale of New York
    Candy Canes, yuck or yum? Neutral
    Favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually
    What do you leave for Santa? Cookies, rum, and carrots for the reindeer.
    What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? Being together as a family

  5. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate year round but eggnog is Christmas. And it must be loaded and garnished with fresh ground nutmeg.
    Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? wrapped!
    Colored lights on tree/house or white? One tree with white, one small one with color, outdoor lights are white
    What is your favorite tradition? Just spending time with family doing nothing.
    Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? Baby sis is much younger and she would dictate when we unwrapped presents and make sure the rest of us were up. My new niece and nephew will be with us this year so I expect they will dictate when we start.
    When do you hang your decorations up? I try to start after Tday but it usually lingers a couple weeks.
    What’s your favorite holiday dish? The traditional family turkey and chestnut stuffing
    Favorite holiday memory as a child? Sneaking out for a drink of water and catching Santa's helpers assembling my gift.
    What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? It's been years since I've coveted anything for Xmas other than time with family.
    Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? When we were kids we were allowed to open one, so we had something to play with and the adults could relax. But we don't do that any more.
    How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I pick a color, usually white/silver or gold.
    Snow. Love it or dread it? LOVE!!!
    Real tree or fake tree? Fake.
    Do you remember your favorite gift? Barbie dream house. I really didn't think I'd get it. It was HUGE!
    Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? I'm not a big fan of shopping in general but feel better about humanity if I stick with the web.
    What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Love it all. Too much.
    Christmas letter or card? I appreciate them but don't require them.
    Do you hang mistletoe? No. I get plenty of kisses.
    What tops your tree? A ribbon and some sort of ornament. Right now I'm using a leaping reindeer.
    Do you prefer giving or receiving? Giving. Definitely.
    What is your favorite Christmas song? So many. As a kid it was "All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth."
    Candy Canes, yuck or yum? YUM!
    Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story. Love Actually is a close 2nd.
    What do you leave for Santa? Cookies and milk.
    What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? Family.

  6. I'm breaking my permanent lurker status to answer your questions! Love this post!

    Eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate
    Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped, of course!
    Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored
    What is your favorite tradition? I'm a little short on traditions nowadays
    Do you have a Christmas morning tradition? Not really. My husband and I just open our gifts and the dogs' presents.
    When do you hang your decorations up? Oh geez. Whenever I get around to it. I presently have a naked tree surrounded by 3 Rubbermaid bins of decorations.
    What’s your favorite holiday dish? Cookies (yeah, I know it's not technically a dish, but what can I say?)
    Favorite holiday memory as a child? Well, more as a teenager, but my mom and I played in the church handbell choir and I loved playing Christmas Eve midnight Mass.
    What is on your Christmas wishlist this year? A bluetooth speaker for the kitchen and a tea kettle.
    Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? So we'd open gifts from other family members on Christmas Eve, but gifts from Santa and members of the same household were not opened until Christmas day.
    How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I guess it's pretty eclectic, with lots of ornaments from all different times. I can tell you where/who almost every one of them came from.
    Snow. Love it or dread it? I love fresh snow, but I hate cold and I hate days'/weeks' old filthy unmelted snow/ice piles.
    Real tree or fake tree? Real
    Do you remember your favorite gift? I remember getting a beanbag chair when I was a kid. I was so excited! LOL!
    Do you prefer to shop online or at the mall? A little bit of both
    What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Cookies. I'm not sure that we even really had any other desserts. None that I remember.
    Christmas letter or card? I send out both - I call it my corny Christmas newsletter. Love to receive both/either.
    Do you hang mistletoe? No
    What tops your tree? An angel
    Do you prefer giving or receiving? Neither, really. So much anxiety, expectations (will they like it? why did they get me this ugly thing?)
    What is your favorite Christmas song? The country song "Merry Christmas from the Family" covered by Montgomery Gentry
    Candy Canes, yuck or yum? Eh. Not my favorite.
    Favorite Christmas movie? The musical "Scrooge" with Albert Finney.
    What do you leave for Santa? Nothing
    What’s the most important thing about Christmas to you? Remembering my mom who has passed


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