
Thursday, March 15, 2018

March Mid-Month Progress Report

How are we at mid-month already!?!  Yeesh!

Here's a recap of my goals for March and how it's going:

Food:  Continue with cutting out "extra" snacks/popcorn.  Play around with cutting one thing out of my typical breakfast to see if there is scale movement since exercise will be limited.

How it's going:  We're doing good on the cutting out extra snacks and I think that demon is pretty much slain.  I have also been cutting out one item for breakfast.  (Typical breakfast would be a banana, 1/2 yogurt, serving of cottage cheese and then either a serving of cereal, English Muffin, eggs, or something along those lines. Any combo basically equaling 400-500 cals)  I've been cutting either the yogurt or cottage cheese depending on the day.  It didn't help for last week's weigh-in so who knows.


Exercise:  Inner thighs are STILL tender so be good to them as they heal.  No kicking workouts for the first part of the month.  Continue with stretching making sure to include the front of the ankle to see if I can exorcise the ankle demon.  Will not up walks to 3 miles until I can do a 2 miler without inner thigh tenderness the next day!  Focus on upper body and one lower body in strength sessions until mid-month when I re-evaluate progress.  NO BAND for PT exercises for now-breaking up scar tissue is more important.  Stand up and stretch with each water reminder.

How it's going:  This has been frustrating.  I can really only do walking workouts so if we don't want to walk, I'll take his laptop down and do WATP while he does something harder.  I've told him I'm not going to let my injuries continue to derail his progress.  I can walk 3 miles around the neighborhood on flat surfaces but a walk around what I considered a flat lake loop, my legs disagreed.  Too uneven for now.  One more week of flat and then I'll test uneven again.  I think IT band scar tissue may be playing a role in this.  Trying to incorporate different stretches in there and remember to scrape it out with my jade tool (affiliate link) 


Water:  Keep up with current water intake and see if I can push it to another 1/2 bottle.  I'm bad about getting up to refill so I MUST work on that.

How it's going:  This week I moved my water reminder from every 30 minutes (and I would stop at one bottle (43 oz)) to every 15 minutes.  I am usually able to get in 130 oz by workout time in the evening this week and I must keep this up.  In reading old posts where weight loss was at least more, I don't know the word...possible(?) was when I was drinking that much.  It's still a struggle to get it in on the weekend but I need to get better at matching that amount then as well.


Sleep:  Get to bed by 12:30am.

How it's going:  I hit it most nights but with the time change it's been close to 1am.  I'll adjust.  Sleep has been really good lately which I need to help my legs get good restorative time.


Mental Health:  When legs show true signs of bouncing back, make the plans you wanted to make with friends.  The Mr needs a night to let go...his work blows so make sure he's taking time to unplug for even 5 minutes.  Mute more and open the back door as weather allows.

How it's going:  We're getting together with our friends for lunch Saturday and it sounds like we have a lot to catch up on.  I called my "work mom" from my old job and we have a ladies lunch planned for the day after Easter.  I'm hoping to do this more regularly with them like we used to.  They're in their 70's and I know I can't take time for granted.

It has been really difficult for me not to just jump back into doing Turbo Fire and stuff like that.  I actually need to see if I can find some new to us workouts because while they are tried and true, we've been doing them for years and we need some new blood.  The Mr has been doing this RIPPED Total Body Challenge  (affiliate link) about once a week and it kicks his okole.  We've had it for a while but it seemed a little extreme at first and we forgot about it.

So I would say I'm pleased with how on track I am with my my goals.  It is challenging to pull back but that has been the name of the game for me for 6 months and now that I've had almost a month of making sure I stretch like my life depends on it, this will hopefully propel me in the right direction.

How are you doing on your goals for the month?  It's not too late to finish out March strong!

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  1. our improvement on water intake and getting up more often are inspirational to me. I have always done okay on water but I know I can improve there a lot. As for getting up, I still have a long way to go before I can say that I don't spend more time sitting for long periods than one should. I get caught up a lot in things at work and then it's laser focus on the problem at hand instead of just standing there for a bit to relieve the muscless, but I have got to do better on that.

  2. Sounds like you guys are doing great to me! Something that helped me with water intake is I bought myself a water bottle that I just LOVED (quirky/fun/pretty one) ... I know it sounds dumb, but it actually makes me want to use it more. (I'm such a GIRL!) Keep up the good work you two!

  3. Do you just track calories?

    or macros within calories?

    I have found those ratios are what make the difference.

    1. I use the free version of My Fitness Pal. I put in my own numbers (which save easily) or only use their verified listings. Very quick.

  4. Food has been better than last week by far, so I'm about 50/50 for the month. Water has been good, but needs to be better daily. Exercise has been nil and I REALLY need to get back to the pool (have lost a lot of courage in that dept). Sleep has been considerably better even though it's broken up throughout the night on several occasions, so I'm very pleased about that. Mentally is also at about 50/50. Really bad week last week, but better this week while practicing some visualizations which have made a HUGE difference in how I'm responding to things in the moment.


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