
Monday, March 19, 2018

Crossed off, cracked up and plumb peeved

Another weekend went by too quickly.  How does that always happen?

Friday the Mr took my car in for service and then test drove the Rav4 home to pack it up to see if it passed the cargo test, which it did.

Then it was time to see if it passed the Mrs test and it failed miserably.

This car is not made for anyone over 5'8".  It immediately came off the list.

We hung out with some friends Saturday and went out for lunch instead of our usual dinner gathering time.  We checked out a seafood place since she's somewhat newly pescetarian and since I wanted to try this place anyway, I figured it would be perfect.

It was a cool place, something different than our usual. Might be something we go to again but I'd probably need a side or something because you know how it is when you're working so hard for seafood and you don't get a lot by the time you're done.  (I love how you get charged by the pound and it's like "yeah but I'm not eating the heaviest parts sooooo....")

Before we knew it, Saturday was over.  Sunday, the Mr was engrossed in fixing our sink.  You know the one we had installed in July?  So I'm more engrossed in having them call us back and get the original plumber to come out and do his friggin' job!  Two different plumbers have looked at it and said while the guy did it to code, he did it wrong and vessel sinks are different.  So yeah, they WILL fix it because we're under warranty for a year and if two dudes can look right at it and say it needed X then he should've too.  This was the same dipwad that had to come back because he didn't put plumbers putty under the faucet like the DIRECTIONS said.  So color me not surprised that we're having issues.

We went to Toys R Us for the last time.  I know he was all into it when he was a late teen and started buying video games from there but as I walked around I felt like "yeah, not gonna miss it."  I thought it would be more nostalgic for me from our dating years but it wasn't.  Not sure how he felt about it.  Then we walked for our workout with the Gallimimus.

"You got dino-feed, beeotch?"

Then we grabbed some fruit for the week and headed home for dinner and relaxing for the night.

Just like that, a whole weekend sucked down the drain!  Pffft!

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. Yeah the weekend definitely went by too fast as usual. I was surprised by how much I did actually enjoy the king crab legs because I always thought those were something that would just creep me out too much. Don't get me wrong, I am still glad we had shrimp and other stuff in there too but everything together was really good.

    Glad we got a good walk in yesterday. It was nice to get out on a decent day but I did feel like the walk was tougher than normal and I am glad I used "The Stick" to work out some of the kinks in my legs or else I would probably be a lot more uncomfortable this morning.

    1. Those weren't even the king crabs that we got! She got the king version and it was like a spider from a 50's horror movie though it would've given a lot more meat. We'd have dropped $60. LOL I forgot to do the back of my legs after that walk so I'm payin' a little but not as much as I feared given how I felt immediately after!

  2. We bought a Honda CR-V in December. Have you tried out one of those? I was pleasantly surprised with how comfortable it is but I'm not as tall as you are so it may fit my stubby legs better than it would yours.

    1. That was unfortunately crossed off the list early in the research process which has been a year so far. Can't wait until it's done! LOL

  3. Had a Rav4. Built for petite folks. Hate the tiny back window. Seems the smaller suvs all have the tiny window now. Getting a keep next time up

    1. I thought the back window was abnormally small as well! Weird!

  4. Saturday I had a meeting then off to the immediate care for a UTI (luck of the Irish, my arse), then took the dogs out for a romp. Sunday did grocery shopping, laundry, and got some doggie insurance claims copied and ready to mail for today (big project, procrastinated way too long). I had a low blood sugar episode in the grocery store so I was extremely foggy and out of it for a good part of the day. The hubs could see that so he took the dogs for a drive then for a walk around the neighborhood so I could take a nap. Felt much better afterwards. Then it was getting the garbage and recycling ready for today, and off to bed.

    1. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better. That is always a scary feeling. :-\

  5. Basketball, basketball, basketball, spring cold. That pretty much sums up my weekend. Also, was inspired by your recent car shopping posts to go ahead and sink more money into the old girl to bring her back up to safety standards so I can procrastinate a little longer on buying a new one.

    1. Boo to the cold. Glad our car shopping could make you feel like "yeah, don't want to go through that crap yet!" LOL

    2. I'm long overdue. The old girl is a 2003 model and though the mileage is low, the insides are showing age and she doesn't have quite the pick-up she used to. The problem is I want a commuter car (EV) but need to be able to take the occasional road trip. Hubby wants a stick and that's not my idea of a fun road trip so I can't use his car as backup. I either need to give up my idea of an EV (something hubby talked me into considering by the way), or prepare to rent a vehicle for every road trip longer than 200 miles. I'm not considering just leasing something cheap and hoping that batteries get better in a year or two.


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